I just

came across another -mone site and found this:

Turn Up The Heat Sexual Pheromone for Men - Sex attractent

Instant Shine Feel Good Pheromone for Men -confident
Instant Openness for Men -good

Instant Jerk For Men - Fantasy Fufillment -??
Instant Honesty (Communication Pheromone for Men)

-open chattiness
Instant Gentleman for Men -girls think your old and a good gentleman
Instant Female

Magic for Men
-female attactant
AMMUNITION In the Battle of the Sexes! for Men -???

These are all

different types of mones in atomizers that have certain effects. Man is this a fake?? This is

like a collection of "magic arsenal". I don't know about this company but this site is like a store to shop but I

don't know.

Anyways has anyone ever heard of this different bottles? They say it works from people.

To MODERATORS: Can I put the link in so any1 can check to see it out or
