last night at around

2am my girlfriend and I are hanging out in my appartment when my roommate comes stumbling home blind drunk.

Immediately on entering the appartment he does a face plant and passes out for 10mins then gets up and tries to

throw himself off the balcony. He is all depressed because he was shot down hard at the bars. He then tries to

destroy the TV with the exercise bike only to destroy the exercise bike. What a F*ck

I finally calm his a$$ down

and get him talking about why he is so pissed and pi$$ drunk. He starts rambling about how love isn't real and it

is all just chemicals, pheromones and fake tits. He knows about my pheromone use. As soon as he used the word

pheromone my new girlfriend (who doesn't know about my use) said "pheromones dont get me started on that". I am

glad my room mate shut up about pheromones after that.

It is really funny because even though she knows about

pheromones, she has no idea that might be one of the reasons she gets super freaky around me. Last night in bed she

said she couldn't understand why she loses control so badly around me. BS maybe, who knows.

we first met when

she picked me up by fake bumping me. I knew what was up and she was pretty so I let her pick me up.

I am

moderately attractive to attactive with a little gut. not the stud she acts like I am.

I will be a pheromone user

for life. SOE is the good stuff. I have been laying off the npa and I think I am having better results with SOE

stand alone. Not sure yet.