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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
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    Default shipment came, suggestions needed...

    My chikara scented and my perception gels finally came. Since im still a high school student, juinor, 16 years, i

    was wondering how to start and for chikara, the length of time for the sprays life. I also want to try mixing the

    too, so i have a longer lasting chikara. I need suggestions that would be good for the wallet, seeing that im a

    student, part-time jobs dont give you that much money...

    stats- skinny, 120 lbs, 5ft7-8inch, ive started to

    lift weights to gain muscle, half hispanic/half white, quiet and reserved, i act very nice to people, im average

    looking, a bit geeky(but i hide it well!)

    anyway, i was also thinking about getting SOE, AE, A-1, NPA, and AE.

    Seeing that this is way too much, I was wondering what to try for the most cost worthy pruchase. I did order a

    sampler, but it didnt come . Also, would A-1 be a good or bad idea for high school? I here A-1 + NPA+SOE is a good

    combo, but i need more cash.

    suggestions for first time chikara and perception use will be helpful and future

    purchase ideas will be helpful as well. thanks in advance for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Rep Power


    Hmmm.... i don't know what to

    say lol. Try each product by itself first and see if you get any hits.

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