
I just received a email from PayPal

saying my account is in negative standing. The reason now being that I have two charges from


Feb. 13, 2006 Debit Card

Purchase To LS PRODUCTS 800-662-8633 NV Completed Details

-$129.86 USD

$0.00 USD -$129.86 USD

Feb. 12, 2006 Debit Card Purchase To LS

PRODUCTS 800-662-8633 NV Pending Details

-$129.86 USD $0.00 USD -$129.86


One of the charges is pending, but PayPal deducts the amount

from the total, even if it is pending.

Any help here? And no I didn't

click the order button twice.. Proof of this is that the two charges appeared on different days. Had I clicked twice

the date would be the 12th both times.

Thank You