Hi there,

I've experienced good success in the past with AE ( 2-3 drops ), so recently purchased some SOE and Edge to

try out combinations.

I combined three drops of AE ( neck, upper lip, and behind the ears ), with two strips

of SOE on each hand and neck, and a dab of Edge around the neck area covered with a cologne.

I bit the bullet

and headed out to drink on my own as my friends were out of town, and chatted to a few others at the first bar. They

were talkative and friendly as long as I kept engaging them, but the instant I eased back and passed control of the

conversation over then they disengaged and returned to their usual group dynamic - perhaps a sign that I was putting

out an alpha male phero and it didn't make sense when I didn't 'lead' the conversation, either that or they were

just being polite!

I headed onto a club and stood at the side of the dancefloor whilst checking my mobile, a

girl came over and grabbed me, said 'forget your phone!' and dragged me onto the dancefloor. She was very

aggressive, almost primal, grinding right up against me, biting my neck and my lips when we kissed ( which were the

exact applicaton points of the pheros! ), and trying to undo my shirt.

We broke off after the song, tbh I was

quite glad as the whole experience had shaken me up a bit! I've never been approached like that before, but it got

me thinking about how some girls will react very strongly even to an OD, and the aggression suggests that this may

have been the case.

All thoroughly enjoyable of course, just wondering if others have provoked similarly

strong reactions with this kind of combination?