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  1. #31
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    lol i thought my mom was

    scary...mabe if u go to court u can fool them with chikara or soe....makes me shiver when i think about it

  2. #32
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    hmm tat was a good idea! i

    never though of that but again i dun wanna land in court again! i had time in there for like a month for assualt and

    it was horrible... never wanted to be in the shithole again
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    Yoz chubby

    thanks! and yoz boss fox! thanks for offering to help me! heheeh i just bought ae and aa314 chikera and apc! all

    scented, heheh and currently i have te, soe, spmo and npa all unscented.

    wat voodoo i can do with them? :P

    i have no qualms on what kind of woman i am attracting as long as they are woman :P though i have a high

    preference over the taller, sexier and prettier kind.

    going out on a date with a young 17 year old? what good

    for young gals? chikera + soe ?
    Ok you have a good selection......go with one spray of Edge,SOE, and two

    drops of AE.Go to a library and sit at a table with a lady and make sure she can get a mone whiff.Look for the signs

    playing with the hair,fidgeting, etc. if you see it make conversation.Try this on all ages of women and even women

    you might not be attracted to but just to see how they react.Also if you take a bus or subway always find a woman to

    get near.Also "my young apprentice" "Boss Fox" says invest in A-1 and get some Axe Body Spray.Be patient try my plan

    for 5 days and promise me to post all the results.Write you results in a notebook if you have to promise me?You new

    motto will be "EVOBENNY GETS LADIES A PLENTY"Let me know how it goes bro.

  4. #34
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    but boss fox i dun have axe

    here over in singapore A1? sure but i have to wait till next month to get money for the bottle, it quite

    expensive though
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    Ok you have

    a good selection......go with one spray of Edge,SOE, and two drops of AE.Go to a library and sit at a table with a

    lady and make sure she can get a mone whiff.Look for the signs playing with the hair,fidgeting, etc. if you see it

    make conversation.Try this on all ages of women and even women you might not be attracted to but just to see how

    they react.Also if you take a bus or subway always find a woman to get near.Also "my young apprentice" "Boss Fox"

    says invest in A-1 and get some Axe Body Spray.Be patient try my plan for 5 days and promise me to post all the

    results.Write you results in a notebook if you have to promise me?You new motto will be "EVOBENNY GETS LADIES A

    PLENTY"Let me know how it goes bro.
    Boss fox! one thing i do on my way to work in the sub is i alway try

    to get near a gal and stand in the right wind direction so she can smell my mones and yeah boss fox i been taking

    look at gals to see their reactions, and i keep in mind to try it on any ladies just to see reaction. i often try it

    on only attractive gals to see reactions
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  6. #36
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    but boss fox

    i dun have axe here over in singapore A1? sure but i have to wait till next month to get money for the bottle, it

    quite expensive though
    Ok you dont need the Axe body spray its just a good cover.A-1 is expensive but well

    worth it.But if you cant afford it settle with WAGG then thats all the mones you will need.I have had success with a

    AE/WAGG combo on women who come from Asia who live in America.So since you are already there you should have great

    luck.Just experiment with the SOE,AE,Edge combo for now and let me know.Also do you work with ladies?

  7. #37
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    yeah i do work with ladies not

    a lot though anway how should i go about mixing ae soe and te?
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  8. #38
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    yeah i do

    work with ladies not a lot though anway how should i go about mixing ae soe and te?
    Put on SOE,then a dab of

    AE on each side of the neck,and a squirt of Edge on each side too.

  9. #39
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    roger boss fox! btw my te come

    in a glass bottle without the spray head is it the same as the te that come wiht the spray head?

    Btw i recently

    just contacted one of my fellow singaporean mone user and he is chinese but i do find it very funny, he say he od on

    1 dap of nap and wat ever guys here find norm. he used 1mm of the chikera gel and report hits all the time with tat

    tiny amount. as appose to the asian need more mone thingy.

    btw boss does ae smells? i though it come with a nice

    scent? i search the boards and i see ppl complaining about the smell of ae, i cant smell anything off it, maybe coz

    of my running nose
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  10. #40
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny


    boss does ae smells?
    AE smells great to me but everyone has their own opinion.I have seen complaints about

    the smell of Chikara but I love it.

  11. #41
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    today when to work with 1/2

    pack gel TE 1/2 pack chikera and 9 inches of soe + vera wang for men(nice smell but dun last long on me )

    hits my colleages was more chatty today, guess i am maybe 30-40 % of findiing the right dosage.

    still waiting for

    my npc, ae, chikera , aa314 and ordered A1, perception, wagg, soe /scented.

    btw boss axe wat type of axe body

    spray should i get? i saw quite a few online but i dun know which 1 to get.

    btw i manage to find some old unopen

    stock of monogram by ralph lauren, paid for it and waiting for it to come, she say it is flash version, meaning no

    atomizer u have to dap it on you, any one know if it true or i gotten the fake bottle. she still have 3 or 4 left

    and i know it kind of rare to find them now, if u guys are interested pm me i see wat i can do, btw the bottle she

    said it was like 10 years ago? does it even still have smell on? lol
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  12. #42
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    today when to

    work with 1/2 pack gel TE 1/2 pack chikera and 9 inches of soe + vera wang for men(nice smell but dun last long on

    me )
    mild hits my colleages was more chatty today, guess i am maybe 30-40 % of findiing the right


    still waiting for my npc, ae, chikera , aa314 and ordered A1, perception, wagg, soe /scented.

    btw boss axe wat type of axe body spray should i get? i saw quite a few online but i dun know which 1 to


    btw i manage to find some old unopen stock of monogram by ralph lauren, paid for it and waiting for it

    to come, she say it is flash version, meaning no atomizer u have to dap it on you, any one know if it true or i

    gotten the fake bottle. she still have 3 or 4 left and i know it kind of rare to find them now, if u guys are

    interested pm me i see wat i can do, btw the bottle she said it was like 10 years ago? does it even still have smell

    on? lol
    Get Axe Voodoo

  13. #43
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    i use old spice

    spray...they last longer and arent as irritating to nose if u spray a little to much unlike axe

  14. #44
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    today i tried to od myself and

    when to work in the morining at 9am, 6 dap of npa, 3 daps on the neck 1 behind the ears 2 on both wrist, with 12

    inches of soe with gucci envy

    on the sub sat beside a gal and she was playing with her hair a lot and no one else

    was near us, when at 10 am my colleages was generally more chatty and friendly with me. but i was kind of edgy and

    snappy with my male colleages. after lucnch the effect seem to fade and i seem to turn back into normal mood.


    i tat kind of person tat i need a lot of mones to have effects? should i up my doseage again tomorro?
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  15. #45
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    today i tried to

    od myself and when to work in the morining at 9am, 6 dap of npa, 3 daps on the neck 1 behind the ears 2 on both

    wrist, with 12 inches of soe with gucci envy

    on the sub sat beside a gal and she was playing with her hair a lot

    and no one else was near us, when at 10 am my colleages was generally more chatty and friendly with me. but i was

    kind of edgy and snappy with my male colleages. after lucnch the effect seem to fade and i seem to turn back into

    normal mood.

    Am i tat kind of person tat i need a lot of mones to have effects? should i up my doseage again

    Experimenting is not a ONE day event. If you think it did the trick for you ... see if it does

    the trick for you in a 7/14/21 day run. You can up the dosage if you want in the next 7/14/21 day run, yes? I'm

    beginning to worry about all these 6-12 dabs of NPA being worn by the younger crowd. I hope they haven't started

    diluting NPA, or NPA is not as strong as we THOUGHT it was in the beginning of its intro. But, like everything else

    ... there are exceptions ... you could be kin to Gegogi "Zee NPA Master."
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #46
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    i read about tat guy who used

    20 daps, he was asian too, i am asian too, gogegi zee NPA master is asian too, but i know a asian who od on even 1

    dap of npa

    thanks mobley for the tip and wat do u mean by 7/14/21? 7 days of the same doesage then upping it


    and wat about build up of mones? i bath twice a day with soap and shamphoo. will my skin absorb some of the

    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  17. #47
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    grats on ur good hits >_o

    ....well i always say to my self b4 i leave for school that i would OD myself on npa but ive been to scared lol that

    females will be bitchy to me and that i will waste my npa faster D:

  18. #48
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by evobenny
    i read about tat

    guy who used 20 daps, he was asian too, i am asian too, gogegi zee NPA master is asian too, but i know a asian who

    od on even 1 dap of npa

    thanks mobley for the tip and wat do u mean by 7/14/21? 7 days of the same doesage

    then upping it ?

    and wat about build up of mones? i bath twice a day with soap and shamphoo. will my skin

    absorb some of the mones?
    7 days, 14 days, or 21 days ... testing time before changing/switching up your


    I THINK that if you get mone build up, you'll know it, and it won't killya! I think people that

    work out don't have that problem. Anyone? Anyone?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  19. #49
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    Just recieve my second pack

    today, contain aa314, AE, NPC, and chikera scented.

    I find AE really yucky!! smelly! lol but the gel pack that i

    had has no smell.

    Smelled NPC hmm is it just me or my nose went bad? i dun really find it fantasic smelling, it

    was light, chemical scent. but of coz i try putting it on and let other smell it.
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  20. #50
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    NPA is going to smell bad, even

    if you can't detect it.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  21. #51
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    i was with a girl i have been

    dating last night. We were on the couch cuddling with her head on my chest. She sniffed me really quickly and gave a

    slight yuck face. I had my npa and soe combo on. I like its smell. I even like the npa smell. To me it smells

    nothing like BO.

    Regardless of the yuck face she was naked on my bed for the first time an hour later.

    If I

    have been reading her signals correctly she probably is 1-2 days past her period. She is not vulgar enough to make

    me aware of her time of month but I saw an increase in chocolate consumption 2-3 days ago and she didn't want to go

    back to my place eventhough it was early.

    eventhough I have been heavy on npa she was never bitchy to me. She may

    be on BC.
    24 year old, good looking, white guy SOE+NPA works like a charm
    Chikara no results nice scent
    Pherlure cant wear it; strong scent headache
    AA314 good stuff
    NPA girls get frisky, stinks
    A7 almost as good as NPA
    SOE legit

  22. #52
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    Today applyed 1 drop of AA314

    on my neck and another on the back of my neck then 1 drop of AE to the front and another drop of AE to the


    then i covered it up with 4 drop of APC all over neck and ears..

    on the sub to work nothing much happen,

    while at work gals are very chatty very nice and friendly, guys seem to treat me with more respect. 1 alpha male was

    quite helpful today, generally he likes being an assho!e but today he was nice and helpfull giving me suggestions

    and stuff like that.

    but the smell of APC was gone real quick lasted like 1 hr + on me so i had to cover with

    gucci envy else i tink i would smell stinky with aa314, how long does NPC last on u guys?

    and any comments? on

    the combo which i picked up from the board? aa314 applied 1st then ae then Apc.
    Last edited by evobenny; 03-02-2006 at 04:57 PM.
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  23. #53
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    What is NPC?

    I'm thinking

    either APC (androstenone pheromone concentrate) or NPA (new pheromone additive).

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    What is


    I'm thinking either APC (androstenone pheromone concentrate) or NPA (new pheromone


    Opps i am so sorry i should be APC
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  25. #55
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Ah I get it now, no problem.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  26. #56
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    today when out with 3 drop of

    aa314, 1 neck 1 back of neck and 1 drop forearms, then 1 drop on the same place each with ae and went out without a

    drop of APC

    then i used gucci pour homm to cover. nothing much to report in the sub, but at work as we are

    reciving product training the gal on my left was quite nice, twice i wrote a joke on my notes with a pencil and

    showed her and she lean over ( no body contact) and rubbed them off my notes for me twice. then later on while

    chatting, touched me 2 times once on the arm and once on the leg. then in the lift another gal we were together with

    was toking to me and flipped her hair 3-4 time in a row.

    then i went home and chatted with them on msn and both

    was toking about sexual stuff...

    my question is would the effect of mone stay so long with them and after i was

    not ard them and they would still be as i was wearing mones ard them?

    I was thinking did the mones turn them on

    when i was with them but they did not show it or controled them self but when they went home in their comfortable

    space was open about toking on sex?

    or would them smelling me with mones for 3 weeks and when we finally get to

    know each other better they start to open up?

    because the 1st few week of product training we did not knew each

    other well till the later part of the few weeks we was alway together having lunch and stuff. and i asked one of the

    gals about what they alway gossiping about in class and she told me they was always chatting about sex and their ex


    was my mones affecting htem in anyway or that totally normal for the gals ?

    i dun really have much

    experience with ladies so i would need help from you experts here :P.
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  27. #57
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    First of all, the fact that

    they touched you like that and then talked to you on msn "about sexual stuff" tells me that you DEFINATELY need to

    make a move. They are into you right now.

    Now to your questions:
    my question is would the effect of mone

    stay so long with them and after i was not ard them and they would still be as i was wearing mones ard

    Pheromones aren't like a drug, you will find that they will cause a sometimes quite obvious

    reactions, but the reality is that effect is like creating a powerful first impression. Whoever "gets" that

    impression will simply remember it as a part of your personality.

    I was thinking did the mones turn them

    on when i was with them but they did not show it or controled them self but when they went home in their comfortable

    space was open about toking on sex?
    Something like that, yeah. Its is possible that those feelings were

    illicited around you (in which case its a good thing that they didn't act on them), or they might have felt

    sufficient attraction and comfort with you to be thinking longer term than right there at work.

    or would

    them smelling me with mones for 3 weeks and when we finally get to know each other better they start to open

    I don't really understand what you are asking so I'll pass on this one

    was my mones

    affecting htem in anyway or that totally normal for the gals ?
    That would be a cultural thing I guess, but

    it also doesn't matter in this situation.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  28. #58
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    forgive me captain i tink i

    lost you out there and i lost myself too lol

    Captain i did make a move but well not much respond i guess from


    and thank you very much captain for the advice
    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  29. #59
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    Went suntanning today with 3

    spray of chikera on neck and chest and 1 spray of chikera on the hair,

    after applying suntan lotion and soaking

    in the water wading ard ppl, i found out that 1 of the ladies was looking at me quite a few times, kids was alway

    swimming near to me.

    does c7 has effects even after a suntan lotion applied over and some swimming and lot of

    sweat from the tanning.

    kids was swimming in a straight line and then slanted towards me as if i am a magnet

    before grinning at me and swimming away, their female swimming coach keep eyeing me though there are ton of handsome

    hunks ard .\

    and i left my chikera in my back and it was so hot!!! will it spoil? will the mones spoil? it

    wasent in direct sunlight but coverd inside my bag, after tanning i did 1 more spray and it still has the

    25 Chinese male living in Singapore, 1.75 m tall and 70kg. Average guy with average looks

  30. #60
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Your C7 should be fine, the

    fragrance being fine is a good indication of that.

    You had applied quite a lot of Chikara so it's entirely

    possible that it was still effective after suntan lotion and swimming (pheromones are not water soluble so they will

    not come off too easily in water - well no more easily than your natural body odor).

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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