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Thread: Urine Therapy

  1. #1
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    Default Urine Therapy

    Has anyone tried this

    before? Drinking and applying own's urine on the skin (urine contains antibodies, enzymes, hormones, pheromones

    etc). One of my Indian friends swears on this therapy, it helped him cure his diabetes & gangrene. Opinions

    appreciated, thanks.


    Many people believe that urine is a toxic

    substance or dirty excretion of the body. If this belief was true, how could late Moraiji Desai survive for 100

    years who was drinking his urine since more than a quarter century? He had not only survived for 100 years but was

    healthier than any other person of his age. Governments of several countries recommend to their soldiers to drink

    their own urine in cases of liquid shortage. Would they really poison their own people'? My wife and myself are

    drinking urine since more than ten years and have acquired better health and grown younger.

    After innumerable

    clinical and laboratory tests carried out over several years in Japan, China, U.S.A. Switzerland, and many other

    European countries, it has been conclusively proved that over and above urea it contains enzymes (of different

    kinds), vitamins, antibodies, amino acids, valuable salts and minerals, carbonates, bicarbonates, pigments,

    carbohydrates and hormones.

    If we consider urine therapy from the allopathic point of view,' it must be

    accepted that human urine has close relation to the theory of bacterial infection. The bacteria in urine have proved

    to be effective in many diseases. Thus this theory can be evaluated vis-Ă-vis the allopathic bacteria theory. Thus

    U.T. has the backing of science as allopathic therapy has.

    Very recently two doctors, Dr. Alexander N. Glazer

    and Dr. Stocker, from University of California have discovered that the yellowing dye responsible for jaundice,

    present in urine long dismissed as valueless bodily waste appears to have a beneficial function that can lessen

    tissue damage in cancer, aging, inflammation and heart disease. "Instead of spending 95% of our time in developing

    means to get rid of bilirubin, we should spend time on possible beneficial roles of bilirubin", Dr. Stocker said.

    The above news had appeared in "Express" (U.S.A.) dated 1.3.87.

    We all are aware of the biggest drawback of

    allopathic that it does not consider human being as an integrated whole and the result is, need has arisen for spare

    parts like kidneys, hearts, limbs, etc. on a wholesale basis. Moreover antibiotic drugs do destroy disease causing

    bacteria and viruses, but together with it they also adversely affect the life force and the digestive flora of the

    patient which gives rise to further serious diseases. In turn the scientists have to find out more powerful

    antibiotics to suppress the aggravated disease, and the vicious circle continues.

    In this connection I am

    reminded of the remark of Dr. Allan Cantwell (AIDS researcher) who says: "Medical scientists may have unwittingly

    produced more virulent and more contagious cancer bacteria (or viruses) by the widespread use of chemotherapy,

    antibiotic therapy and radioactive therapy in the modern treatment of cancer."

    I am fully confident and hold

    firm belief that urine also must contain steroids. This is the secret of its fabulous medicinal qualities. Recently

    it has been discovered that urine contains several kinds of hormones.

    Friends, we all are fully aware that

    steroid is one of the most cursed drugs of our time. Its bad effects are now internationally known, but let me

    assure you that there won't be side effect of any kind even if one consumes urine in large quantities over a length

    of time; because steroids present in urine is not harmful like synthetic steroids.

    The day is not far off

    when the athletes taking part in Olympic games might drink their' own urine for better performance without fear of

    being disqualified for the consumption of steroids.

    Scientists of Holland have recently isolated a bailment

    from human urine, which ensures a long healthy life. They have not yet named that element. This discovery might

    revolutionize healing.

    Professor John W. Plesch, M.D. did a study on urine therapy in the 40s. In his paper

    he states; "Since I started auto urine therapy three years ago, I have not come across a single case where the

    patient suffered any harm. It is for this reason that I have decided to publish my findings at this early


    A study done by Lars A. Hanson and Eng M. Tan at the Rockefeller Institute, New York in 1965 showed

    antibodies for cholera, Salmonella typhus, diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and polio present in


    Unfortunately in pharmaceutical interests, a tincture free of cost and self-produced will not profit

    the health industry. For this reason a very limited amount of research has been done on this


    Friends, you must be aware of the fact that Japan, China and U.S.A. are extracting a very

    valuable substance called urokinase out of human urine collected from public urinals, and are earning valuable

    foreign exchange by exporting the same. This extract is useful for dissolving the blood clots in heart and lung

    disease. It worked as a powerful artery-dilating agent resembling nitroglycerine.

    Reference of urokinase is

    found on page 1354 of the book "Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics", which is published

    by Macmillan Publishing Co. New York and is prescribed for the students studying in M.B.B.S. Therein, inter alias,

    it is mentioned that urokinase is extracted from human urine and that the course of therapy with urokinase is very

    expensive. What a pity, the free tincture gifted by God becomes prohibitively costly when it is processed in the

    factory, which is classified as life saving drug! Instead of opting for costly treatment why not drink self-urine,

    which is provided freely by our Creator? (One injection of urokinase costs Rs.9000/-.)

    Scientists have so far

    succeeded in isolating only one enzyme, but urine contains several other unknown enzymes, which help in the recovery

    from even incurable and deadly diseases.

    Japanese people are known world over for their ingenuity, hardwork

    and originality, and that is the reason why they are the leaders in many fields like electronics, automobiles, ship

    building and many more. Very recently they have started extracting very precious hormonal ingredients from the urine

    of pregnant women during pregnancy the urine is full of Hormones estrogen and progesterone. One marketing company of

    Hyderabad is exporting it in bulk to Japan and Switzerland; this marketing company chalked out a very novel plan to

    get the urine from the pregnant women. They are carrying on some social work in the poor localities and slum areas

    of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and in return they ask for the urine from the pregnant women. They have engaged the

    services of lady nurses for the purpose of collection of the same.

    In scientific investigations

    carried out in U.S.A., Japan, Scandinavia etc., normal human urine has been found to contain marvelous healing

    property promising to cure deadly diseases as mentioned in medical journals, extracts from which are given


    1. Press Report: San Francisco, October 24, 1967

    "'An extract of human urine shows great

    promise for treatment of certain deadly diseases caused by formation of blood clots, research physicians said at the

    scientific sessions of the American Heart Association. The extract is called 'urokinase". It activates substances

    in the blood stream that dissolve the clots. Experience has been obtained with about 200 patients with pulmonary

    embolism, the most common of serious lung diseases, Dr. Sherry pointed out."

    2. Extract from the "Science

    Digest", July 1958:

    "Normal human urine has been found to contain a powerful artery-dilating agent resembling

    nitroglycerin in its ability to increase the coronary blood flow to the cardiac muscle, used for the relief of

    angina pectoris."

    3. Report presented at the annual meeting of the "Federation of American Society for

    Experimental Biology" in Atlanta City, U.S.A, in April 1966, under the heading "Bringing Cancer Cells into Line"

    gives the account of research showing the effect of human urine on cancer cells.... The two researchers found

    unexpectedly last year that the urine extract, which they call "directing", when added to the culture medium, caused

    all the cancer cells on which it had so far been tested, to align themselves end-to-end into straight


    More than three decades have passed since the above discovery and research was made, but hardly any

    further remarkable development or progress has been made in this field. I presume that reason for such slow pace and

    progress is that it is not a profitable venture.

    Urine also contains antibodies and hormones, which give

    immunity against different kinds of virus, bacteria and diseases. Scientists have so far isolated and specified

    around 200 as against the estimated figure of more than two thousand elements and compounds in human


    Urine basically consists of 95% water and 5% substances like minerals, vitamins, proteins, enzymes,

    hormones, antibodies and amino acids. Here are some of the well-known substances and their effects.

    Uric acid

    - helps to control the process of cancer causing molecules in the body and controls aging process too. H-11 - stops

    the growth of cancer cells and deer cancer tumors.

    Directin - aligns cancer cells in straight rows


    3-methylglyoxal - isolated from urine by Nobel laureate Albert S. Gyorgi, is said to be able to destroy

    cancer cells,

    Allantoin - promotes wound healing.

    DHEA - is a steroid found in large amounts in urine.

    It prevents obesity, extends the life-span and is a possible cure for plastic anemia, diabetes and breast cancer in

    women. DHEA also stimulates bone marrow and increases production of all bone marrow elements including red cells,

    platelets, monocots, lymphocytes etc. Friends, the list is unending. I will ' have to Factor S - safely and

    naturally induces sleep. Write another book to cover the full report on the up-to-date scientific research done on

    human urine.

    Oncology News (Vol. 16 No. 4) which is a publication of Academy Professional Information

    Services notes in its July-Aug. 1990 issue that "a completely new type of antitumour agent, that is non-toxic and

    seem to make malignant cells revert to normal, is capturing the interest of cancer clinical investigators stirring

    high expectations. The agents, known as antineoplastens, discovered by Dr. Burzynski of U.S.A., are naturally

    occurring peptides and amino acid derivatives. They were first isolated from human urine and are now undergoing

    trials in several parts of the world. Treatment with antineoplasten is so exorbitantly costly that even a

    multimillionaire can hardly afford it. Then why not drink your own free panacea? (One injection of Antineoplasten is

    costing Dollars 10,000 in U.S.A.).

    Modern scientists are aware of the fact that urine is not a waste product

    but valuable serum, which is a panacea for several major illnesses including aging. Urine is flesh, blood and vital

    tissues in living solution. Apart from urokinase several other injections like Profasi, Personal, Antineoplastens

    etc. are manufactured by different multinational pharmaceutical companies in advanced countries and are minting vast

    profits of millions of dollars every year, while we are helplessly unaware and ignorant about this precious gift of

    nature given to us for our well being. What an irony of fate!

    Few months back one revolutionary book has been

    published in U.S.A. in which mutual relation between shivambu and science has been thoroughly discussed. The name of

    the book is "Your Own Perfect Medicine" written by Martha Christie. By reading the very first sentence of this

    260-page book you shall know the secret of science and uropathy. She writes, "The incredible untold story of a

    proven natural miracle cure (U.T.) that medical science has never revealed. It's the astounding proven natural cure

    that medical science has ever discovered; and yet none of the incredible research findings on this incomparable

    natural medicine have ever been revealed to the public."

    Frien4s, this American lady Martha Christie had a

    painful history of 30 years of suffering from various incurable diseases before getting the knowledge of this

    therapy. She has given her history in the very beginning of the book, which I have read several times with

    hair-raising sensation I experienced. This lady from the age of 12 right up to the age of 42 (30 years) suffered

    from different incurable diseases and surgery was carried out six times on her body by which the worn out, useless

    parts of the body were removed. She had become a burden upon her family members because in 30 years lakhs of dollars

    were spent on her treatment by trying various medical systems. Thereafter she got the knowledge about urine therapy

    from the book written by my' friend in U.S.A., Margie Adel man, by practicing which she became free from all

    diseases and which brought about turning point in her life. She was acknowledged as a world famous writer. I had

    known more than hundred, people who after practicing U.T. have become poets or authors of repute. Such a masterpiece

    book containing detailed information about the research done by the scientists of the world on human urine has never

    been written by anybody else. So now you have known that many elements having the capability of curing various

    curable and incurable diseases are present in shivambu.

    All leading scientists including medical

    professionals agree that degenerative diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart diseases, renal failure etc. set in due

    to the accumulation of toxins in, the body. Various methods are suggested for removing those toxins. However, with

    my years of experience and the testimony of thousands of patients, I can confidently say that there is no greater

    harmless detoxifying agent in the world than urine. It not only purifies the system but also regenerates and builds

    up old worn out and even dead tissues.

    Scientists have discovered that patients suffering from degenerative

    diseases mentioned above suffer from lack of certain basic minerals and enzymes like copper, iodine and pancreatic

    enzymes etc. These very elements are passed out in adequate quantities in the urine of the patient in proportions

    that can be easily assimilated by the patient and help in the process of tissue building and fight

    Urine Therapy


    rl][/url] <br /> html<br /> ...gas/heart.html
    http://www.inner<br /> <br /> self...alth/urine.htm<br /> <br /.../u-remedy.html


    l]<br /... p?f=109&i=257
    Everything begins with an attitude.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wow... the thought is


    If it works, it works... but wow I don't know if I would ever be able to

    do something like that... But I have to admit there is some interesting reading there....

    But wow... If it really does work, its just amazing....I don't know if I would ever do it... Maybe

    if I’m 60 years old in my deathbed or something along that line...

    I have heard of people doing it... I

    remeber someone telling me once that doing such a thing would help with your eyesight and other thing..

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I had my GF pee on my face a few

    times and inadvertently drank some. Not great tasting but it was kinda exciting watching it rain down at ya. She

    made me take a shower before we did anything. I don't recall my eyesight improving but my dick got really hard

    (I'll try it again before my driver's license renewal). Probably cures erectile dysfunction too.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Found very little studies done

    on urine therapy at pubmed(actually only one which it could not be identified from the abstract wether or not UT is

    good), i did find this on the second website you listed


    No statements on this website have

    been evaluated by the U.S. FDA or any other state governmental agency. No products listed herein are intended to

    assess, assay, analyze, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or assist in the assessment of health of any human

    being or animal. This includes any hardware, equipment, software, or other tools shown or illustrated for any form

    of physical measurement or biofeedback, which sole purpose is for education and research in the health sciences and

    is intended solely for the use of private individuals engaged in their private activities, or strictly for education

    and research purposes by licensed health care professionals acting in their licensed capacity and respecting the

    laws, statutes, regulatory and contract provisions of their license, compliance to which is solely their

    responsibility. Any services and/or products we promote, sell, barter or trade is done so privately with the

    recipient's informed consent only. "

    Sorry if I sound critical but unless you have some links to controlled

    studies showing the benefits I will not even consider drinking urine or its derivatives.

  5. #5
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    "...My wife and myself are

    drinking urine since more
    than ten years"

    Sorry, they lost me there! Unless, of course, their English

    is a third language.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  6. #6
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    My post is not an attempt to

    derail common understanding of modern treatments, rather it is a collection of some interesting facts about things

    people have done for themselves.

    While there isn't any clinical trials to show the effects of urine

    therapy, many drugs from big pharmacies are made from human/animal urine. Maybe some pheromones as well.


    doctors apparently have tried urine/urea treatment and was shot down, literally.

    More anecdotes


    Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Dr. Burzynski isolated a peptide component in urine which has

    particularly powerful anti-cancer effects. His “antineoplaston therapy” has performed well in clinical studies in

    Japan, Great Britain, Italy, China, the former Soviet Union, and the U.S. Burzynski says,

    “They have very

    potent anticancer activity without causing any harm to the normal human tissues. In the last year we were able to

    treat successfully 14 different types of human cancers including bladder, colon, tongue, breast, lung, ovarian and

    uterine cancer – all of them with metastases to distant organs, even to the brain.”35

    For his pains, Dr.

    Burzynski has been blacklisted, labeled a quack by the FDA and ACS, restricted to practicing in Texas, and forbidden

    to ship his peptides out of that state. THE FDA SUED HIM, the Texas Board of Medical Examiners tried to revoke his

    medical license, and the U.S. Justice Department tried to sue him for mail fraud! Some insurance companies refuse to

    cover his

    http:<br /> <br /> //burzynskipati...rg/dustink.htm Testimonial from boy's uncle, who is an MD, requesting continued

    treatment to the court
    Take for instance the doctor who reported that "urine acts as an

    excellent and safe natural vaccine and has been shown to cure a wide variety of disorders including hepatitis,

    whooping-cough, asthma, hay fever, hives, migraines, intestinal dysfunctions, etc. It is completely safe and causes

    no side effects." (J. Plesch, M.D., The Medical Press, 1947); or the oncologist who reported that "a patient with

    intractable ovarian cancer was treated with Human Urine Derivative and is now completely well and enjoying the rest

    of her life." (Dr. M. Soeda, University of Tokyo, 1968).

    And what about the immunologist who, after extensive

    clinical and laboratory research stated: "It was rapidly appreciated that undiluted urine administered orally was

    therapeutically effective for Immune Therapy and was initiated when it became obvious that an allergic condition had

    become uncontrollable." (Dr. C.W. Wilson, 1983, Law Hospital, Scotland).

    Or the Harvard medical researchers

    who discovered that active "antibodies to cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, polio, leptospira and salmonella

    have been found in the unconcentrated urine of infected individuals." (Lerner, Remington & Finland, Harvard Medical

    School, 1962). What abut the Scandinavian researcher who, in 1951, conclusively proved that human urine can

    completely destroy tuberculosis? It's a deadly disease, and is now resistant to antibiotics. Isn't it time someone

    told us that our own urine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule?*

    Then there's the research into wounds

    and burns using urea (the primary solid component of urine). As only one research study among many reported: "In

    America, urea has been used for the treatment of various infected wounds and it has been found to be extremely

    efficient...even the deepest wound can be treated effectively.... Urea treatment has been successful where other

    treatments have failed. For external staph infections we found urea preferable to any other dressing...there are no

    contra-indications to its use." (Dr. L. Muldavis, 1938, Royal Free Hospital, London).

    Replacement Therapy drugs are made from the pregnant horse's urine.* If you don't believe it, dissolving a ERT

    tablet into a cup of hot water and smell it. Huh! it is urine!* Kids' urine contains a lot of hGH; Teenage boys'

    urine contains a lot of testosterone and DHT; Teenage girls' urine contains a lot of estrogen; a Human Chorionic

    Gonadotrophin (HCG), which action is almost identical to that of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) released by the pituitary

    and responsible for the final maturation and release of the egg in a natural cycle.,* is derived from pregnant

    women's urine which also contain an extremely high dose of progesterone and estrogen released by the placenta! So,

    Don't be afraid of drinking your partner's ejaculation or urine during lovemaking - making love and having Urine

    (Semen) Therapy!

    That is, if you need extra natural hormones from natural sources, drink

    It is true that urea, which constitutes 2 to 5 percent of human urine, has value as an

    antiseptic, diuretic, and other medical applications. For example, urine from pregnant mares is the urea source for

    Premarin, made by Ayerst Laboratories. It is used to replace estrogen in women who have passed menopause. No

    doctor, I hasten to add, recommends that women obtain urea by drinking horse urine.


    Remember a major component of urine is urea. Urea is commonly recognized

    as an effective antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agent. Its mechanism is simple. The presence of urea in the

    urine is the result of the body's chemical balancing of sodium chloride and water ratio. When used on a wound, urea

    causes an osmotic imbalance that kills bacteria and fungus. It is so effective it is used in many topical ointments

    and creams sold pharmaceutically, both prescription and over-the-counter. Urea is found in a broad range of

    medicines used to treat inflammation. It is a main ingredient in the medicine Herpigon, used to treat herpes


    Urine also can smooth and moisturize the skin. Your face cream or wrinkle remover most likely

    has urea or a derivative in it. Check out the ingredients. Each time you use it you are effectively smearing urine

    on your face.
    According to John Armstrong's 1971 book, The Water of Life, expensive and elegant European facial

    soaps often contain human, cow or pig urine.

    Historical anecdotes have said that drinking urine can prevent

    strokes and help break down blood clots and scabs. This lore was applied when investigators in the nineteenth

    century found that some component of urine could digest proteins, specifically fibrin, the key in clotting. In 1952,

    G.W. Sobel isolated the enzyme in urine that the folk lore claimed. He named it Urokinase and it is now used

    in preparations to break up clots in heart disease and stroke. Apparently folk lore was right. Did modern medicine

    make it better or just more expensive? Certainly it's easier to sell.

    urokinase (uro·ki·nase) (UK)

    (u”ro-ki´n?s) u-plasminogen activator; the term is used particularly to denote a pharmaceutical preparation of the

    enzyme, administered intravenously as a thrombolytic agent in the treatment of acute coronary arterial thrombosis

    and acute pulmonary embolism
    ; also used to restore patency to intravenous catheters.
    Everything begins with an attitude.

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Some years ago I happened upon a

    guy peeing on his friend's leg near Pipeline Beach on Oahu. I wasn't going to say anything but counldn't help but

    giggle and rubberneck. The pisser, embarassed by the new found audience, sheepishly announced "da shi-shi go cure

    jellyfish sting." That means, piss, applied directly to the wound, helps take the edge off jellyfish stings. He

    probably got a little extra 'none outta the deal as well!

    Sorry if I sound critical but unless you

    have some links to controlled studies showing the benefits I will not even consider drinking urine or its

    I bet you would if she was really hot.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    It's most likely the ureic acid

    that worked on the stings.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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