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  1. #1
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    Default Sexual hits attributable to SOE by itself?

    I'm just beginning to test SOE by itself, and I haven't seen a whole lot of difference in how people

    respond. It does seem to make people happier and more talkative, but it's not really obvious for me because most f

    the people I know are hyper talkative to begin with.

    Anyway, I have been going back through and reading about SOE

    and I'm just curious, does anyone have any sexual hits or responses that they have had, which were directly

    attributable to SOE by itself? If you do, let's hear about them. What I have found on this seems to be a few

    years old.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    The chatty,scocial hits that I

    get from SoE realy depend on what I do with them as to turning sexual or remaining scocial.Once a woman begins to

    open up scocialy to you,its an indication that she likes you and is interested.After that,its up to you.I have often

    heard people say that SoE is meerly scocial and doesnt have asexual element to it but I am firmly of the oppinion

    that this is an incorrect assesment.Game becomes important at this point,the same as if you met a woman and started

    a conversation with her in the hopes of using personality alone to get her to like you.

    Saddly,as a result of

    budgetary constraints,I have only been able to experiment with the SoE gel packs and not the full product.That will

    soon be changing however.A-NONE hasnt done a whole lot for me in terms of hits.I have had a few sporadic hits with

    NPA,and got some realy nice hits from AE/m but AE includes RONE and NOL,and I suspect thats what I was getting the

    hits from...not the NONE.SoE on the other hand has produced consistent hits from people and also serves to elevate

    my mood and self perception as well.Yes,the hits with SoE are chatty and friendly...but thats what they should be

    anyway.And when a woman starts telling a perfect stranger things about themselves that they wouldnt usualy share

    with strangers,its a pretty good indication that she is interested in more than just idle chit chat.Take that and

    add some game and you have a date.

    In using A-314,I have managed to get a couple of women to take me home with

    them,RONE has produced results by itself and NONE hasnt.SoE gel packs got my

    ex-girlfriend very horny and NPA just pissed her off.This was unfortunatly AFTER we broke up,so the results may or

    may not be too terribly valid.But SoE did get me a couple of fairwell performances in a relationship that wasnt all

    that sexual in the first place.

    For me at least RONE = getting lucky. SoE = probably getting even luckier(more

    testing is needed) NONE = who knows what,but its too unpredictable.There is probably a racial/scocial element thrown

    in there too,as the serious hits that I got with NPA were from women other than caucasion.There could be something

    to that...

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I think of SOE as clay as it's

    to you to mold it into something useful. It enhances your social skills, appearance and persona to get what you

    want. If you give out a sexual vibe it makes you a little hotter. If you project brotherly love, well you get

    brotherly love. Being more friendly and conversational is the door to anything you want. If you sit there like a

    lump, nothing happens. I have tried all of the above and it really is 90% you and 10% 'mones.

    As for 'none,

    it has given me the strongest and most consistent hits from black women, followed by older women. Intially it repels

    or frightens Asians and younger women in general. However if there is attraction they seem to overcome their fears

    eventually and things often get unusually sexual fast.

    I'm waiting on a bottle of pure 'rone for a little

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
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    tim929, where are you getting

    your RONE from? SOE or CS or what?

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    tim.. people mistake you for a cop,

    right? makes sense why none isn't easy for you to work with and why soe is effective for you, and even draws sexual

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
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    I'm starting to become very

    confused... I am thinking I should avoid NONE, and embrace NOL and RONE, which is why I have been using SOE

    lately... but I see very little difference with SOE so far. Meanwhile, what actually DOES produce hits for me,

    everyone says can't work!

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    I get my RONE from A314.And

    yes...I have been mistaken for a cop...more I think because of the way I give directions than anything else.Most of

    the time Im very laid back and mellow.Sort of friendly and outgoing.

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, what actually

    DOES produce hits for me, everyone says can't work!
    We all produce different amounts and proportions of

    pheromones. These 'mones are subject to our personal chemistry, bacterial action, local climate and, of course,

    your persona and social customs. So if it works for you, and not Joe Blow, don't sweat it. Keep doing what works.

    Why fix it if it ain't broke?
    Last edited by Gegogi; 01-23-2006 at 12:00 PM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
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    I have seen some NONE bashing

    going on disguised as benign comments as of late, thats ok ~ Ill never be without it again.

  10. #10
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    Well today it wasn't SOE by

    itself... I was wearing Pherlure, too... and I was getting some very blatant responses, as I usually do from that


    First, I was in the campus library looking for someone to sit near and test my mones on, and I

    spotted a very hit young woman with a high powered chest that she was just begging to have noticed. So I sat down

    across from her and when she smiled at me, I smiled right back. I caught her giving me the eye a number of times,

    and each time I caught her, she smiled, and I smiled right back. Then I ignored her for a little while during which

    time I did some experiments I've been wanting to do concerning audio manipulation on my laptop. I noticed she had

    headphones on, so when I was almost finished, I stared at her for a moment to get her attention, and when she looked

    up, I silently mouthed what I wanted to say, but didn't speak it out loud. This had the immediate effect of

    getting her to remove her headphones, of course, and then I asked if she wouldn't mind telling me if this

    soundscape sounded three dimensional. This of course was not what she'd been expecting, and piqued her interest,

    and that began a conversation. I did not get finished with the manipulations before she had to go, but I got her

    talking and comfortable with me enough that she told me she'd come back another day and try to find me to take me

    up on that because she "owed me one". This after mentioning she had a boyfriend. I think my complete lack of

    response to that was a good thing in her eyes. So there goes Miss High Powered Chest. And dear God, if that blouse

    was an inch lower, I'd be staring right into the headlights.

    Then I went to Barnes & Nobles to study. Not

    smart. It was loud as hell. But I wandered around a bit and settled next to a nice looking blonde girl who was

    being tutored by Mister Math Geek. I realized that she was flipping her hair almost immediately, and began to pay

    closer attention. Hair flips almost every second for a little while. Caressing her thigh. I thought at first she

    was into Math Geek, but then I also noticed she was stealing glances at me. A lot.. . too much to be focusing on

    what she was supposed to be doing. The hair flips continue. The caressing continues. Then I realize she's

    mirroring me. Wow. Talk about your obvious signs of attraction... if he had gone to the bathroom, I could have had

    a date. But she didn't seem to want him to realize she was interested in me, and before I figured out how to move

    on the situation, he finished and they left.

    So then I read for a bit, waiting for my interview with a model

    candidate. She showed up ten minutes early, and immediately I am getting the feeling she's interested. Big

    smiles, and she never looks anywhere but into my eyes. I notice she's almost attached, and she's always turned

    towards me. She's giving off body language like crazy too... palms up, leaning forward, and mirroring me and she

    stares into my eyes and smiles. Then she started touching me... the woman was definitely interested.


    not sure what I was doing right... but whatever it was, it was spot on today. Say what you will about Pherlure, but

    SOE and Pherlure is a killer combination. And Pongo, I'm not bashing None, I'm just thinking it's not working

    for me.

  11. #11
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    thats cool bro find your combo. I

    have to lay low on the none myself but DAMN I gotta have it! sooooo much fun

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pongo
    thats cool bro

    find your combo. I have to lay low on the none myself but DAMN I gotta have it! sooooo much fun

    What kinda fun?

  13. #13
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    hella fun bro spaceland/TE

    combo! ring ring?

  14. #14
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    lol OK, Rico Suave, what the

    hell is spaceland?

  15. #15
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    I am concluding that it might

    be worth while to try a mixture of NOL and RONE at 1:1 and see what results that gets... that would be my best guess

    as to what Pherlure and SOE equates to. Anyone who has these two CS ingredients, could you test this for me and see

    what happens? I don't have the moola for that right now.

  16. #16
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    Oh, also forgot to mention the

    GUY who responded today to this combination... he walked over and greeted me and started talking about the book I

    was reading and was very obviously impressed and showing respect. He turned out to be a small business owner also,

    and it was partly networking, but not all of it. He was sitting about eight feet from me.

  17. #17
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    SOE has nol and rone in a 3:1 mix

    as I recall. I don't have any CS nol (maybe next order) but I plan to test my CS rone with SOE later this week. The

    CS stuff is pretty pricy to buy all at once.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    SOE has nol and

    rone in a 3:1 mix as I recall. I don't have any CS nol (maybe next order) but I plan to test my CS rone with SOE

    later this week. The CS stuff is pretty pricy to buy all at once.
    I thought SOE was 4:1 Nol:Rone.

    I'm just trying to see if anyone seems to get similar results with a 1:1 mix, since I don't know what's in

    Pherlure. I'm guessing Rone.

    Anyway, I'm starting to understand how SOE works, and how to take advantage

    of that. I like it... the "door opener". Add a little spice and you're off to the races.

  19. #19


    SOE (with a ratio of 4:1

    ANol:Rone) is probably my favourite product from Love-Scent but I think it has its limitations when used ALONE. I

    often got treated as a lightweight arouind the office and some people, even girls, treated me like a wimp. It is

    great with younger people (under 25s) and Asian people generally but I find for other groups it is necessary to add

    something else to it to give more respect. I mean first impressions are great with this product, but you try wearing

    it alone around the same people for a while and you will see what I mean. Even girls don't like a Beta and if you

    wear SOE ALONE day in day out you will come across as a supplicator - a cool, great listener, social, fun, and funny

    one - but a supplicator none-the-less.

    A mone that gives respect added to SOE, however, should work well in

    theory. I have tried CS -Rone with SOE and this definitely did not add much to the respect thing. I would think SOE

    with LOW doses of Chikara, a -None -heavy product like PI/m, or A314 would work much better. Since I don't do well

    with -None either, I am trying the A314 (-Rone with added ingredients to 'improve' its effects)...


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visionary7903
    I would

    think SOE with LOW doses of Chikara, a -None -heavy product like PI/m, or A314 would work much better. Since I

    don't do well with -None either, I am trying the A314 (-Rone with added ingredients to 'improve' its


    The Chikara part definitely seems true. Yesterday I wore some SOE (with the

    default roll-on bottle, I never actually know how much am I exactly applying, lol) on my neck, 2 drops of A1

    (full-strength) on my Adam's apple and covered it with about 2,5 sprays of Chikara. I have not got such hits since

    the early summer, when I first started using the pheromones (Chikara at that time)!!

    As I usually experiment at

    school, the difference was really huge. Several girls just seemed to NEED to touch me. And not only once! By the

    way, one of the girls that really enjoyed being around me yesterday and touching me numerous times was by far the

    hottest girl in the school, whom I have never talked to before! I actually thought she disliked me and well, I kind

    of dislike her too.

    So, today I applied the same, except I added a big drop of NPA and covered it with another

    spray of Chikara. So that made it about 3-3,5 total sprays of Chikara, which was obviously way too much. Anyway, I

    did not get any hits at all, was pretty dizzy all the day and it really made me very cocky. I just could not keep my

    mouth shut. Also, even though I applied it about 7 hours ago, I can still smell the scent of Chikara very


    So 3 sprays of Chikara is obviously an OD for me. I will try to reduce it to 1,5-2 sprays of Chikara, same

    amount of SOE and A1 and add a drop of A314 tomorrow. I would also like to add some -none (NPA), but I have not

    found a good dosage for NPA yet - I still need to experiment. But I would like to experience all the attention and

    touching again. We will see if it happens tomorrow!

  21. #21
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    >>> lol OK, Rico Suave, what the

    hell is spaceland?

    A phero company brewed up a small batch for "fun" its 50mcg/spray of


  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Even girls don't like a

    Beta and if you wear SOE ALONE day in day out you will come across as a supplicator - a cool, great listener,

    social, fun, and funny one - but a supplicator none-the-less.
    I think you give 'mones far too much

    credit. I did fine without them but enjoy the little edge they give. Nevertheless, it's 95% you and 5% 'mones that

    create your persona, not the other way around.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
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    supplicate: I had to go look that

    one up --> wear some -none with your SOE gents

  24. #24
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    I love the kino hits... what

    seems to cause them to initiate kino? The A1?

    I think maybe a singlespray of TE with my usual SOE is going to

    have to be my next experiment, although I'm liking the PH:SOE combo a lot.

    Pongo, I don't remember mcg dosages

    for these prodcts, so I am presuming Spaceland is extremely concentrated?

  25. #25
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    Premizen, may I suggest NOT

    changing something that is obviously working for you. Or, if you must change it, then proceed very slowly.


    most change one product at a time. If something works, why not stick with it for awhile? Then if people are getting

    used to it, and the reactions you want are falling off, then try boosting one product, and waitnig to see the

    effect. Then return to your base application, and boost another product. Eventually you can adjust it to the desired


    By boosting two or more at a time, you won't know what product is giving which effect. Adding a big

    drop of NPA, and one more sray of Chikara, is a significant None boost, and a significant boost in several

    Unidentified Ingredients (UI) in both the Chikara, and the NPA.

    Given your great results w/ SoE, 2 drops of A-1,

    and 2.5 sprays of Chikara, I would repeat that for quite awhile.

    Something that seems to work for me is to

    change the Pheromone signature that I'm wearing as the evening progresses to move the situation in the direction I

    want it to go.

    Let's say you are wearing your base application of mones, and you find yourself the center of

    attention with two, or more women, and you know there is no chance of getting your main target alone. In a social

    situation that has been developing for an hour or so, you may want to slip aside to boost the SoE, and return. To be

    seen as the life of the party, at least your small portion of the party is a good thing. Or you may want to boost

    the Chikara (one spray max) as an experiment.

    If you have your main target alone, and the evening has been

    progressing well, you may want to increase the sexual attraction. Do so by discretely adding a small amount of


    The idea is to let your base formula do the "fishing" for you, and then when you have a hit, taylor both

    your mones, and your persona to the end that you have in mind, as the evening unfolds.

    People's moods, and

    percptions change in short periods of time. Why not change our mones to help guide the process?

  26. #26
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    How effective is it really to

    shift your phero signature during interaction?

  27. #27
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    Catlord, I've found it to

    totally change the direction of the evening. Once, I was being shown the door, => on the way out, from a fairly

    tense evening of misunderstandings that was pretty emotionally stressful for both of us. Obviously this evening was

    shot, and perhaps the whole relationship, I figured "go for broke!" When she was looking away for just a moment (I

    had already slipped the little brown bottle - no label - into my hand within my pocket), I spread a couple drops of

    NPA onto my fingers, and quickly swiped them directly under my nose -where they would have the greatest affect on

    me, and be most quickly dispersed into the air by my breath to have an affect on her. I wound up leaving several

    hours later.

    The relationship did eventually collapse, so maybe the mones just dragged soemthing out that should

    have been allowed to die right then, but it did change that evening, and many more.

    As to your use of Pherlure

    and SoE, I find your results, and the results of several others on here intriguing. It seems to have effects far

    beyond it's phero content. I may add it to my arsenal, primarily as a cover scent, something like I use APC.

  28. #28
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    By the way, my advice just

    given above is totally contrary to reasonable use of mones. It was pure happenstance, along with heightened emotions

    that adding a massive dose of NPA changed the direction of that evening. Whether that was really a favorable

    direction is open to your interpertation, and subject to my expectations long term.

    I knew I was throwing

    gasoline onto a fire. It was either going to create an inferno, or work like an oil rig fire (that is create such an

    explosion that it blows the fire out). I really expected the later, as she had reacted with either DIHL, or extreme

    bitchiness to high None applications prior to this.

    And to clarify, it is the Pherlure, that I may add. I

    already have plenty of SoE, as it seems to help around work in conjunction w/ A-314 in getting cooperation from


  29. #29
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    SOE is good for making

    conversations easier, I have noticed, and makes people more open to the next step even before you open your mouth,

    if it's started taking effect. It does seem to help with cooperation. What sort of willingness to cooperate do

    you see when you add A314?

    I have to finish experimenting with single mixtures and pheromones before I'll feel

    comfortable tryingthe dynamic pheromonal signature thing... but it definitely sounds interesting to try. Maybe

    I'll try it anyway, slowly adding AOC as the course of some evening wears on.

    I'm sure you're aware that

    Pherlure doesn't seem to last very long. I have been told by my assistant that it does not seem effective after

    about 3 hours, and the scent is included in that.

    I don't follow you though when you say it seems to have

    results beyond it's phero content. As far as I can tell from the naysayers, it has no phero content!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shenandoah
    Premizen, may

    I suggest NOT changing something that is obviously working for you. Or, if you must change it, then proceed very

    What a perfect piece of advice. I applied 2.5 sprays of Chikara, 2 drops of A1 and quite a bit

    of SOE today (so, leaving out the NPA and extra Chikara). As there was quite a lot of SOE and A1 and I did not want

    to apply that much Chikara (to have it all covered), I covered some of it with APC. I also applied 2 small dabs of

    A314. I have to say it did not work very well. At least no such kino etc.

    On the other hand, people were very

    friendly (more than usual), but as I really want to experience all the touching again, I guess I will stay to the ~2

    sprays of Chikara, 2 drops of A1 and SOE mix for a while and try to tune it to the best dosage.

    Just as

    catlord17 I was wondering too, what could have made the girls touch me that much? Possibly the kind of perfect

    dosage of Chikara?

    I will post updates!

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