This acting method will beat the pants off any book or tape your money can buy.

In the hands of a good meisner teacher you will find out very quickly where your skill level is at, how to be

uncomfortable as hell and stay loose about it, how to keep a conversation moving... meisner training gives you no

place to hide, it forces you to work off the other player's energy and forget your own stupid gig... the massive,

grotesque, wildly fucked up mistake that these How-To courses make is they teach it like wretchedly bad acting

teachers teach people how to be wretchedly bad actors, like a simple formula that you memorize and then try to pull

off the formula, if you tried that on stage you'd be boo'd off in 10 minutes of making a total fool of yourself...

meisner is unique in that there is no formula, you have to be totally responsive and alive to the finest shifts in

energy from the other person and know how to track those shifts and work with them. it is a powerful skill that is

totally transparent, nobody sees or feels you doing meisner, it is absolutely invisible, there anre no lines, no

hooks, no moves, no pathetic NLP schticks (speaking as one who went through an extended NLP phase with the real

dudes a quarter century ago)... meisner is pure energetic attunement, it is hard and frustrating to learn, you'll

feel like an idiot for months as you study it, then when it starts to click in, you'll be thinking, what the F?

Where did that come from ? It was so effortless, so natural, like breathing, pure second nature... just do the

legwork and find a good (translation: relentless, intuitive, powerful ,respected in the industry, demanding, cuts

your bullshit no slack) meisner teacher... and beware of the legions of phonies that, heeeeock, "teach acting"...

it's the purest path there is...