You ever see those commercials where some guy sprays on Axe deodorant and women virtually jump on his

face? I will present to you an inexpensive but probably worthwhile phero experiment. They sale 28 gram bottles of

Axe (1oz) for about $2.00. Do a 70/30 mix (the same ratio as JB1). 30% NPA and 70% Axe.

My theory is you can

hits within the JB1 scope. (Minus any actual face jumping) and you will actually get "The Axe Effect". Of course you

may have to pour out some of the Axe out and of course there's the problem of getting into a pressure sensitive

bottle but I know some of you will find a way. Also, in my experience the sprayer bottles (like the Axe bottle) that

spray a mist are much better for phero application than the cheap ones that just spray a straight line


-The Bat