
I'm new to phermones and would like some advice from some of the vets in this forum. I'm a 28 year old male

college student.

I started wearing Perception about two months ago, I started with one spray on my chest for

the first two weeks, I cover with Fahrenheit. I didn't notice many "hits" and went to two sprays, one on my chest

and one shared between my wrists. With the two sprays I am getting plenty of "hits" but some I could do without.

I am getting noticed in school and getting more attention from my peers and teachers. I like this attention and

it is really helping my social/school life.

At my best friends house I am getting noticed by his fourteen

year old daughter (and friends). She is constantly wanting to hug me, sit in my lap and she comes over to my

apartment to talk with me on the weekends (we live in the same complex). Some of her friends are starting to also

make visits. She never did any of this before I started using mones. None of this has been sexual but just very

very friendly.

My wife has been in Iraq the last six months, she just came home on leave for two weeks and I

switched to AE to help spice things up. I also plan to put a small dab on my letters to her when she goes back to

help remind her of me. AE has really made things exciting with my wife, and starting to make things exciting/creepy

with my friends daughter (exciting for her but creepy for me).

I was at my best friends house with my wife

for dinner. My friend and his wife were in the kitchen and my wife went to help them. As soon as my wife was out

of sight my friends daughter lifted her shirt and gave me a "I want you" kind of look, later on when I went to use

the bathroom she followed and tried to sneek in behind me. I told her she needed to stay away from me, she said

"whatever" and continued to secretly flirt with me all night. I have never seen a female chase after a male so

agressivly before.

When my wife returns to Iraq I will stop wearing AE and go back to Perception. I love how

my wife is responding to me right now and I don't want to give up AE till she leaves. I'm also enjoying the extra

attention I'm getting in school.

Do you think that returning to Perception might help solve my problem with my

friends daughter? Will I have to go without them for a while?

I am too embarresed to tell my friend about his

daughters recent behavior around me. I don't want to get her in trouble or cause her grief if mones are the


For now I am just going to do my best to avoid her and make shure I am never alone with her if I

can't. All advice is welcome.