there are mental freakshows where the best decision is to walk away.... this Arab girl-woman

obviously has some serious psychological problems with intimacy. Unhook your brain from her mildly deranged behavior

while you still have your self respect and sanity intact. Rule #1 = where there's smoke, there's fire.

Translation: if someone acts strangely, unpredictably, their choices don't make emotional sense BEFORE you become

involved, you may be guaranteed that that person will become maddeningly, disgustingly weird AFTER you're in the

relationship... Rule #2 = when you see you're in a losing game, cut your losses as fast as you can. OR... when you

find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Rule #3 =
people who lack self respect don't respect other people either.

People with little self respect are capable of the most incredibly fucked up things. Therefor: if you sense that you

are being turned into an "emotional toy", she doesn't see you as an independent human being, she see you as an

extension of her own weird thought processes.
Summation: you go to the store and want to buy some food to cook.

You see a delicious chicken. You imagine it roasting in your oven. You pick it up and smell it, only to sense that

the meat is rotten.... you have an immediate visceral response that no way are you going to cook and eat that

chicken. For sure you will be sick all right. Think like that with people, if they smell like they'll make you

sick, they will make you sick.