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  1. #1

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    TE eh? That is suprising. You must have the body chemistry for it. Good going. I might actually try to work with TE some more. I still have some.

  2. #2

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    It\'s funny these girls like rubbing their bumpers to us! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I had similar experience this morning at work. As some may already know, I am a computer tech, so my work is like i have to go to different offices to fix their pc\'s.
    So this morning, I went to a doctor\'s office then their checkout lady, kept touching me on my arms. I thought that was just an ordinary attitude for her but i almost laughed within when she said she was looking for something. I knew it! She\'s gonna make a move! I was sitting on a chair she was behind me, then she leaned forward and her boobies were lying on my shoulders, and her head was next to mine looking under the table. I think she was trying to sniff me too.
    But that\'s not it, there\'s another lady working there who i noticed to be checking me out too. She kept passing by me and staring at me. And when I turn my back, she just kept looking at me. How did I know? There\'s a picture frame in front of me and I can see her reflection so while she\'s spying on me, i\'m doing the same thing to her! Then probably she couldn\'t resist it anymore, she finally came to me and asked things about computers, how i learned to fix \'em, you know. I didn\'t get her number though. I didn\'t want to.
    Oh what am i wearing? 2 drops of PI behind my ears, covered with APC, then 2 dabs of APC on my wrists and 2 dabs again on my chest. This combo has always brought me results aside from the Jambat1. Probably because NPA and PI are almost the same concentration and the APC scent kicks in and kicks butt!
    (I\'m posting this on the Recent Hits too)

    [ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: Redcapp ]

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Went on overnighter Saturday up to my old stomping grounds just over the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. After a day of running around, shopping, etc, settled into my favorite music spot, the Sweetwater. Got a table in front of the band and planted myself with my date whom I\'ve known for years for a night of hot music and drinking. Good crowd of mixed ages, mostly late 20\'s and young 30\'s but maybe 21 to 60 overall range, nicely dressed but not overly so. As the night progressed, people started filling in until it became SRO with people crowded around the table. Everyone was in a good mood except my date who was rather quiet so I conversed with the other people around me.

    As the night wore on, I was amazed by the number and enthusiasm of the hits coming my way. First, one very cute Asian girl at the table behind me kept looking my way and when she passed by rubbed her breasts against my head, twice. One of the women at the table was married to the warmup band\'s leader and very friendly - she made a point of bending over her table so that her butt was square against me and looked back towards me - one of the strongest signals. I had to apologize to my date for all the flirtations coming my way but she said she didn\'t mind since I wasn\'t being more than friendly and social. Later, when the music started we all had to stand so there was lot\'s of dancing and wiggling in place. One little girl nearby (with a date) seemed to make a point of rubbing her tit against me while looking up at me and smiling. Another woman, also with a date, had spoken to me before the music. When the music started I wound up standing behind her and she behind and to the side of her date. She then started wiggling to the music and rubbing her butt against the front of my pants, unbidden by me. This went on for maybe half the first set until her date noticed and slipped his arm between us.

    And then there was the Party Girl, the boisterous blonde, a little older than the median, but a regular and serious about her clubbing, according to her clothes. She got my attention then reached over two other people to clasp my hand in greeting and kept coming back over the evening. Between sets she asked me to turn on the ceiling fan. I asked her why she thought I could do that and she said that I looked like I was in charge. After the first set of the main act, she came by the table behind me and leaned over a chair for a long time so that her whole back, butt and legs were stretched out in front of me to see and savor - she looked very nice. I don\'t think I acted any way out of the ordinary as my date seemed more impressed than non plussed with all the attention coming my way. I certainly didn\'t follow up on any of this (drat!) Afterward she did seem to go out of her way (for her) to please me.

    No hostility from the guys either. One girl insisted I move my table in someone else\'s lap and when I told her that wasn\'t possible she got huffy. The young guys nearby who had over heard the exchange slapped me on the back and congratulated me for standing up to the spoiled little blonde.

    So you ask, what pheromone(s) was I wearing and how? Surprisingly, just used the Edge (TE) with a nice covering cologne, Dolce and Gabbano. I had given my chest a spray at two to three hour intervals throughout the day and two before sitting down at the club. Before the music started, I had added two more to the armpits and a spray to the inside of my beret and refreshed these over the course of the night. This might be in OD territory but the crowded conditions seemed to warrant that level. No DIHL though.

    I\'ve warned others about the perils of wishful thinking before so I think I\'ve been duly self-critical in my assessments. What I\'m really self-critical of is taking a dull date. I was my usual charming self, nicely dress certainly but I was old enough (50) to be the father of most of these women. In similar circumstances without exogenous pheromones I would be pleased to get one of these female responses - that night I got 5 or 6 strong signals. I\'m convinced.

  4. #4

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Hmm... I just started trying TE three days ago. Nothing yet. I\'m using only one spray with cologne to start. From what I heard in the forum, one to two sprays is the ideal dose, and I don\'t want to smell.

    Sounds like White Hall put on a half dozen sprays in a 12 hour period. Sound like something I might try if I\'m going to a club where I won\'t meet anybody I know. :-).

    Should I go for two sprays tomorrow? :-).

  5. #5
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Yes, I was surprised about TE\'s effecacy too.

    A spray to each armpit is certainly not too much TE in my experience. I\'d treat that as a base then add a spray or even two to the hair (via a brush seems to work well.) Of course, I\'m probably older than most respondents here so have fewer intrinsic pheromones - in theory.

    We could expand our list of recognizable female body language response signals.

    1) DIHL - that seems a maximal mental response - I\'ve yet to get this one!
    2) Getting Boobed - a brush-up against a male (one of my favorites) with one or both of our favorite erogenous zones
    3) Hair twirling - a bit more distant but a good sign of interest
    4) Butt Presentation - another very powerful signal where the female bends over, butt pointing towards the male. If she looks back up at you and/or makes physical contact - extra points
    5) Eye Crinkle - a big smile with extra eye \"laughter\"
    5) The Finger - sign of an OD

    I\'d appreciate expansion of this list by others.

  6. #6

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Gotta admit when I was dancing with the second chick her big thing was grinding her butt against me. I know some people dance this way but this was her thing. It seems to work into what you guys are saying.

    [ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  7. #7

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    I\'d toss in the lean-forward or the back arch. I\'ve experienced the lean-forward (closing the distance between us) from my date, who was wearing something pretty revealing -- so the view improved dramatically [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . The back-arch is pretty well documented in body language circles -- it juts out the breasts, and is usually combined with the shoulders being pulled back slightly, to maximize the \"presentation.\"

    Any touching by the woman on the man -- not just the boob thing, is a pretty big body-language sign.

    A casual arm touch is a pretty common one.

    Much bigger deals are grooming activities -- brushing clothing, picking lint, and tie-straightening. These are signs of possession and territory-marking.

    That last one apparently is a biggie. While I was married, I was at a trade show and a women straigtened my tie as a group of us were waiting for a business dinner. When my wife found out, she turned into a jealous hellcat I\'d never seen before in my life! Apparently this is some sort of come-on only women know about -- until now. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    So...I\'d count any unnecessary touch as a hit, the level of touch being a measure of \"major-ness.\"

    There\'s one informative (but pretty low-quality and misogynistic) book called \"Body Language Secrets\" by Don R. Steele. A more clinical textbook would be Successful Non-Verbal Communication by Dale Leathers (also filled with lots and lots of other interesting cues, like proximity, clothing choice, etc.)

  8. #8

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    We need some female feedback here, is this come on etc. Hey where are all the females CJ01 where are you your needed right here right now. You can help us any other females. You know how do you respond to someone your interested in.

  9. #9

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Female reply!

    Well, it depends on how drunk I am how directly I respond.. generally a lean-in or any intentinal touching, no matter how innocent is a signal of interest. That tie thing? In more restrained circumstances, the tie is actually seen as an extention of your body, she might as well have been rubbing up your arm! Personal grooming is a sign of interest also (of course) she\'s saying \"I need to look my best around you\"

    Sounds so far like you guys pretty much have it all pretty well pegged, but keep in mind that some girls are professional teases and send all the signals whether or not they\'re actually interested! It\'s not hard to learn what guys look for and respond to if you\'re trying... The occasional negative signal (like shyness, or not wanting to look at you occasionally, or something like that) isn\'t necessarily bad. I\'ve noticed the teases are generally the girls who are obviously into clubbing and the scene.. Probably a good idea to keep away from them in any case- who knows what they\'re carrying!?!

  10. #10

    Default Re: And the Hits Just Kept Coming

    Thanks morsel you got it pretty right, but hey im a teaser sometimes to. But the body language thing is about right. Some of your sisters are real teases i give as good as i get if sometimes better without actually making a move, we may as well have equality now along with everything else.

    From a guys point of view we intentionally look away( hey we dont want to look like were drooling over you or come across to strong) we make the move ask for the time or make some comment to get a response.

    What else im thinking here, most guys even me from time to time get insecure must be that rush of hormones or media images or something get shy even though i can talk under water and get a hold of womens attention like that (pheros help here) but yeah it happens and i get over it and have a great time.

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