So, I got my package

yesterday and it had all my goodies in it. Unfortunately the bottle of NPA had busted open. So I spent a good 20

minutes trying to clean off the other bottles. Needless to say I had NPA all over my hands.

So last night me and

my room mate went to blockbuster to pick up a few movies. I hadn't showered yet as I usually shower before i hit

the sack but by no means was I that bad....but he definitely thought so. He rolled down the windows and demanded

that I take a shower as soon as I got home...sure whatever....anyway, we get to blockbuster and as I am walking

around looking at movies I start to get some pretty weird looks. Mainly from the guys. I few ppl start to walk by me

and realize that I am the source of the smell and speed up as they pass me.

Come to the check out there is a

cute girl working hte register. I let my room mate handle it and he walks up and starts the checkout process. I keep

my distance and I start getting some pretty cute smiles from this girl at the counter..mind you I was 10 feet away.

She is trying ot talk to me from a distance. Anyway, figure I would just go with it, and decided to get a lil

closer...and needless to say, the smiles stopped pretty quick.

Anyway...that was my first OD.... if you put too

much on you have to keep your distance so that the mones aren't very strong...and apparently they do wreak...I

didn't think it was that bad...but oh well...

On a second note...I tried a lil chikara today with some NPA

mixed with it...definitly not an OD...I really don't think much changed for me on it.