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  1. #1
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    Default What firts attracted you to pheromones!!!!????

    Hello I awas just wondering what is it that attracted you to pheromones in the first place? What keeps

    you "hooked"?

    I know that for me it was the idea of attracting this one girl I had a crush on ........Did

    it work? NO!!! Not intially anyways i was using pherx(cheap no name brand )

    Now tough I like the fact

    that it has just become a part of my personality and who I am ....As for girls it seems to be working

    quite nicely on this one girl

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Pheromones give me an edge in

    anything I do involving people. They act as an auto enhancer for my words and actions. Thus the professional, social

    and sexual areas my life have all benefited. Women give me more attention and men are more respectful. I wouldn't

    say I'm hooked on pheronomes any more than I'm hooked on organic veggies, Jose Ramirez guitars or BMW cars. I

    merely want what goes on or in me to be the best and to make the most of what I do. Why waste time being half assed?

    Life is too short for that.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I'm in probably my

    third or fourth phase with pheromones. I first heard of them in the late 1970s - early 1980s when I saw a product

    called "Andros" sold in an Adam and Eve Catalog. I fell for the hype that it would put women in heat, begging for

    sex with little or no effort on my part. I used that for several years as I liked the smell, but I didn't

    understand the theory behind pheromone usage at the time so I can't really say I ever got a hit with it. Um, except

    for the time when my mom said that she really, really liked the cologne I had bought. Not quite the target

    audience I was going for. I still have some of it left but haven't worn it for years.

    Somewhere around the

    mid '80s, I saw an informercial for Realm. I was going through self-esteem issues at the time and the propaganda on

    Realm was that it was designed to enhance the wearer's well being. This was the first product that I really had any

    noticable results from. It did help my attitude and made me feel more attractive. I even had a couple of hits from

    women with it, but they were more masculine than I prefer.

    Still falling for the sex with no effort hype, I

    tried another product that I got a sales offer about through direct mail, its name escapes me and the liquid in the

    bottle took the ink off the label. It had a heavy musk scent and did nothing but make me apprehensive and I almost

    got in a fight in a nightclub one night while wearing it. Around the same time, I bought the newbie kit here, which

    at the time was NPA, musk oil, and an atomizer. I mixed the two together with Realm and ended up with something

    rather skunky. I didn't follow the forum here at the time, so I didn't know that you had to experiment with the

    stuff. I found Love Scent while searching online for a source to replentish my Realm supply.

    My present phase

    started about a year ago. I had frequented a now defunct "spiritual" discussion forum that imploded on itself due to

    two or three posters' "holier than thou" attitudes. Looking for a new place to frequent, I was participating at the

    Straight Dope Message Board.

    I was getting weekly sales emails from Bruce about products here and started

    reading the pheromone forum. There was a lot of talk about WAGG, so I bought some on sale and liked the results that

    I saw. I then bought SOE, another good product. Then in rapid succession came Pheros, Chikara, and Perception. All

    great products with Chikara being my all time favorite. I got caught up in the discussion and theory of usage and

    now visit here daily and wear pheromone products on a regular basis. I have also bought The Edge, replentished my

    stock of NPA, and am experimenting with Alter Ego, but these products aren't as easy for me to use as Chikara is.

    In the last year, I've changed my philosophy about why I use pheromones from instant sex to the respect and

    attention that products like Chikara, Perception, and SOE have brought me. There is also a feeling of well being

    that I get that is almost addictive and I have problems doing mone free days. I feel a big part of being attractive

    to others is feeling good about yourself first.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    I'd have to agree with

    Gegogi. Using pheromones gives me an edge in everything that I do. I would'nt say that I'm hooked on using them

    it's just that I like the fact that I'm different from everyone else. My scent is unique and individual. I stand

    apart from the rest.

    Of course the use of mones alone are not the solution. You have to be confident with your

    self and your appearance helps alot. As for me I'm rather exotic looking. (Half Black Half Indian) with real hair

    down my back. So of course I get the attention anyway.

    I especially use mones to keep my fiance interested and

    turned on. It has added to the fun in our relationship. We're all over each other.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I started using pheromones in

    business to help my sales and networking efforts. The study and use of mones took on a life of it's own. Learning

    and experimenting is a lot of fun and I keep at it just to satisfy my curiosity.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    I started

    using pheromones in business to help my sales and networking efforts. The study and use of mones took on a life of

    it's own. Learning and experimenting is a lot of fun and I keep at it just to satisfy my


    So have you achieved your primary goal(s)?

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seduceme
    So have you

    achieved your primary goal(s)?
    Very much so, yes! My little business went from a 1 man shop to 4

    technicians and an office helper in under three years.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I start use this because i´m shy,

    and because this givve me auto-trusty , and because its help me to get ladys

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "You have to be confident

    with your self and your appearance helps alot. As for me I'm rather exotic looking. (Half Black Half Indian) with

    real hair down my back. So of course I get the attention anyway.
    I've known 2 women that were mixed

    Asian and Black and they really sent me into orbit. I'm getting all hot 'n bothered just imagining you! Sorry,

    I'll go back in my room now.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I was desperate.


    used to date lots of beautiful girls when I was in my twenties. I’ve never been anything special in the looks

    department, but I always thought I had a way with women.
    Until my ex-wife dumped me for a chubby little prick

    with a heart condition and I discovered that I could barely hold a woman’s attention, much less score a date.

    One of the many dating guides I plowed through had a short paragraph on pheromones, and the rest is history.

    Pheromones get me even better results than when I was young. After an initial kid gone wild in the toy store phase

    I’ve settled into a mostly monogamous relationship with a very beautiful and intelligent woman.
    Now I’m

    mostly focused on building friendships (because they seem to be more reliable than relationships) and I'd like to

    see how far pheromones can drive my career (So far I’ve gone from technician to management in less than 4 years.)
    Give truth a chance.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Pheromones get me even

    better results than when I was young."
    Actually it's the same for me. When I was a young man I was

    busy with grad school, practicing, my music career, etc., and had time no for women. When I met someone I liked I

    usually stuckout due to being severely socially retarded... I eventually learned social skills, build my confidence,

    got in shape and actually do really well now with or without pheromones. However, 'mones are my secret weapon and I

    never leave home without them.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Was 18 out of high school couldnt

    get female attention let alone conversation - spotted it in a mens mag and off we go

    Got attraction and

    and4.2 (called diff products through australian distributor) but then did internet search after i got my PC found

    discount pheromones and - this was the only website doing reselling of all the best brands and had a

    steady forum so i jumped on now in 2005 the forum is going strong and we have advanced

    As with geoggi its

    mostly used as a life enhancer - gets me further in life and a little sexual stuff on the side - i used pretty well

    practically all the time now

  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I started perfuming to get

    laid. I knew women liked smells. I became interested in pheromones as a part of my interest in perfuming, and had a

    successful several year history with perfuming pheromones before I discovered love-scent through an internet search.

    I wanted to expand myself into synthetic lab pheromones. I believe I've had lots of good sex as a result of natural

    and synthetic pheromones. Now I'm a bit more relationship focused.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Gegogi. Combine my looks

    with the use of mones and it's a killer combination. Sometimes I get so carried away I take a whiff of what I'm

    wearing and I swear if I could f*ck myself I would. Oh... You can come out of your room now.

    Seriously, I like

    the power that mones give me when I'm around others. It makes me feel good wearing them. At work I have an edge

    that no one can understand or fathom.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    I got interested in pheromones

    because of all the hype telling me that swimsuit models would start throwing themselves at me.Once I cleared thru

    all the hype I found this web site and have been having alot of fun experimenting and enjoying the social atmosphere

    here in the forums.

  16. #16
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The Countess writes,

    "Sometimes I get so carried away I take a whiff of what I'm wearing and I swear if I could f*ck myself I

    Actually that is sort of possible!

    I'd fathom to guess you have the "power" with or

    without pheromones. Otherwise the 'mones wouldn't do jack. The 'mones just crank the volume up for ya. I hope

    you're not making everyone around you go deaf...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  17. #17
    Phero Dude OCP's Avatar
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    I started using Pheromones because I

    was working for a foreign owned company and the Euros did not give me any respect, so I wanted the peromones to give

    me a prescence that would generate respect. It seemed to work. The managers stopped hassling me and actually gave

    me some kudos.

    I never got the promotion I deserved, but the company was sold again and I took a severence

    package and started my own business. Now I use the mones to help me gain the advantage in a sales effort or draw

    people to me at a networking event.

    The biggest disappointment is that they have very little effect on my


  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Actually that

    is sort of possible!
    Been there, done that many times but not at work. Ha Ha.

    On occassion fellow

    employee's get dizzy around me and have to sit down. (possible od) or is it that they get weak in the knee's in my

    presence. Most of the time the guys just turn red and get that glazed look in their eyes. Especially on

    Friday's when I wear my hoochie momma blue jeans.

    BTW I've got Edge Glow for women, Pheromol Factor, Lure,

    and 2 IR Colognes (Seduce and Desire). I'm thinking about mixing up a small batch of everything just for the Hell

    of it. I like to stir things up. What do you think. I'll call this one my B*tches Brew.

    The Countess


  19. #19
    Newbie Flash1's Avatar
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    I had read about pheromones in

    the 80's and 90's and when I ran into the Love Scent site I started reading and really became interested and

    ordered some Pheros and chem kit to try out the different non nol ron effects and seems to me that I have been

    getting small favorable social results so I went ahead and ordered Chiikara and Perception.I started using

    pheromones for business to help my sales and socializing efforts, not for sexualy driven hits although its nice

    every once in a while. Learning and experimenting is a lot of fun and I think I will learn alot more as time goes

    by. Welcome to the amazing World of Pheromones!

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    I have switched a lot no from

    sexual to social influence - that said to turn up the volume as geoggi says is probably the main factor - it very

    much reduces people hassling me on minor things - it allows me to have more influence in netowrking, discussions


    A lot of products give different results some are sexual, others respect, others social and yet others

    just clear the area to give me some space.

  21. #21
    Phero Dude
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    after years of being the coolest

    kid in highschool i went to college and became a nobody. i had no game but got girls because i was popular. kinda

    like al bundy i guess. the years in college messed up my self esteem, confidence, and self image. so after my last

    bad relationship with a chick last year, i got desperate and found love-scent hoping it'll be a magic bullet.

    besides mones, the self improvement aspect of love-scent has helped me be more happy than i've been since

    highschool ended.

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The Countess purrs, "I'm

    thinking about mixing up a small batch of everything just for the Hell of it. I like to stir things up. What do you

    think. I'll call this one my B*tches Brew."
    You're extremely naughty! Hoochie momma blue jeans and

    Bitches Brew?! You may just cause involuntary tent pitching or cardiac arrest!

    But, yeah, I also love to

    tease and be teased by colleagues, students (I'm a college professor) and causual acquaintances, although I don't

    usually intend on following through. The thought of making innocents wet at work is a huge turn on. It's sort of

    like a well fed cat that catches a little bird, has no intention of eating it, but takes great joy in pouncing on it

    as soon as he releases it.

    My equivalent of a Bitches Brew (Bastard's Mix? Pimp's Reserve?) is OD levels

    of Heat (or NPA), SOE and A-1, topped off with L'eau D'Issey, Weekend or CK One. Heat or NPA makes her horny or at

    least think sexual thoughts about me. SOE and A-1 loosens her tongue and thereby unleashes friendly conversation 'n

    a whole lotta giggling. OD levels of this combo causes women to glaze over and commence extreme amounts of fidgeting

    and hair flipping. I love it when they squirm and twitch in their chairs (hopefully ruining their undies). Older

    women tend to lose control of their mouth (younger women choke up) and talk endlessly, often saying really bizarre

    or sexual things. Some of them avoid me for a while because they can't believe what they said. Of course, if I keep

    it up I can (& have) gotten into a whole lotta trouble. But ain't it fun!

    Hmm, I ain't got no Hoochie momma

    jeans equivalent. Well, I did buy a pair of fake vintage Guess jeans today. They're tight and have 11 threadbare

    holes in the front (my first "holy" jeans). I'll have to spray some Heat on them and see if anything happens at

    work tomorrow.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    I'll mix up my Bitches

    Brew over the weekend and see what effect I have on my fiance. Last night I put more of my Witches Brew on my pubic

    area and he sniffed it out as usua and went down on me again. He's getting pretty good at it and it's only his

    second time doing.

    Yesterday I got a DIHL from this new guy. He was talking to a group of people when I walked

    by and someone stopped me to ask a question and to introduce the guy to me. He just stood there looking at me with

    this transfixed look on his face. It was so obvious that someone asked if he was o Don't you just love it.


    fiance doesnt mind the attention I get because he knows I'll never stray. But it doesnt hurt to play a little.

    I'll let you all know how my new brew turns out.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by countesszero

    was so obvious that someone asked if he was o Don't you just love it.
    Sorry I left out the K. It should

    be ok. Don't you just love it.

    Gegogi that Bastards Brew sounds hilarious. What responses have you gotten from


    The Countess
    Peace Out

  25. #25
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    I am doing a total

    overhaul in 2006 and it just fell into my lap. Plus I can clearly see it's the way forward and I don't want to

    fall behind the power curve.

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    My first experience with

    pheromones was hearing about Score over the radio in 1997.I tried it and it was amazing unfortuneately they stopped

    making it so I ended up here.

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi

    extreme amounts of fidgeting and hair flipping. I love it when they squirm and twitch in their chairs (hopefully

    ruining their undies).
    Thats the best part!

  28. #28
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Yeah, they work best long term as a subtle enhancer

    phero blasting had its moments... grew up and out of that routine and discovered the

    pleasures of better adult interactions. I think I had sort of defined myself into a niche that had beome my identity

    which it was time to exceed, but how ? Needed a booster to help get through, get over, be heard, exchange real

    thoughts with people instead of the airy bla bla bla... Chikara, A314, -dienol, beta nol, good colognes, all bumped

    up my style a notch... mind you this wasn't a made for television earth shattering transformation. Grow a little,

    work on your social chops a little, grow a little more, try out a few new things... I firmly believe that you have

    to be responsible for proactive input to what you are doing, hanging back and expecting the -mones to do the work is

    not about to cut it, you've got to make the extra effort, the mones are just the lube.

  29. #29
    Phero Pro
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    I started using mones after a

    very nasty breakup about a year before. I spent about a year improving myself (before I decided to tackle dating

    again). Continued my journey into swing dancing, working on my social skill, and working on my physic. One day I

    started reading spam about pheromones that I had caught my eye. Some web research led me here and the rest is


    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  30. #30
    Banned User
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    I discovered pheromones quite

    by accident while doing a search for competitors on eBay. It crossed my mind to think maybe I could add them to one

    of my products to get an edge, and so I ordered the cheapest I could find - APC. Couple days of that with no hits

    and I lost interest. Later, I began getting curious... was there anything that really worked? As my research got

    more in depth, I found my way here.

    I use 'mones because:

    * They're fun.
    * They're

    * I enjoy the VIP status I usually get from them.
    * Some combinations make women act ridiculous

    around me, and it is a nice ego booster. (See fun, above.)
    * I was hoping to spruce up my love life, but the gf

    has only responded once and I cannot seem to replicate it.
    * It seems to be getting me out of my shell and into

    socializing more.
    * I really enjoy knowing that when I see a girl flipping her hair, facing her body toward me,

    caressing her legs, licking lips, stealing glances, leaning forward to show off her chest, and presenting her

    backside - and lest we forget, occasionally I detect the aroma of wet kitty - that I have got her turned on by

    merely being present. (See ego booster, above.)

    Not addicted, but certainly I enjoy the results enough to

    continue buying a few of these products and wanting to experiment more down the line.

    And Countesszero, I

    agree with Gegogi. You sound very attractive.

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