I came accross the love-scent web site rather accidentally and I was surprised by what I found there. So as you can understand, this stuff is new to me.

I\'m interested to know what\'s the best product to start out with since I\'ve never even herd of Phermones before. I read alot of posts here but to tell you the truth I don\'t always know which product people are refering to since there are a bunch of abreviations.

Some say Altered Ego is good, some say APC. According to Bruce on the love-scent web site, AE and The Edge are the top two products for men. What about the New Phermone Additive or Primal Instinct? I have some Curve cologne I could mix the stuff with. What do you think I should start out with?

Also, I\'m curious to know does this really work? I mean could it be just a placebo effect, knowing that it should work, you see signs of affection from the opposite sex, some of which might have been there before but you never noticed them. I\'m only asking because I\'ve heard of a case where a high school teacher bought non-alcoholic bear for his students but they still got drunk of it thinking it had alcohol. Could a similar thing be happening with Phermones?
