Allright, so after reading through alot of material here I would like to give my take on it(as it seems

there are some phero-newbies like myself who arent quite 'getting it').

1. You have to be socially

intelligent. This is _KEY_. Without social intelligence how the hell are you going to spot any reactions and

differences in peoples behavior towards you?

2. You have to understand what pheromones really induce and do.

Without this you will have a misconception and possibly 'high hopes' that will get crushed when what some sales

pitch told you would happen doesnt deliver. Seriously, pheromones _will not_ transform you into Brad Pitt!! Which

brings me to my next point...

3. You have to have some sense of approachability and friendliness/attractiveness

before trying pheromones. Why? Well since they will greatly enhance what's already there! Meaning if you look

behave feel and act like a total wierdo freak loser etc then you will come off INCONGRUENT with what the pheromones

are telling others about yourself. However if you look your best(clean, groomed, somewhat decent clothing whatever

your style or image might be, happy/sexy/friendly attitude and projection) then the pheromones will make you that

much more attractive/sociable/likable/etc..!

Humans are much more complex when it comes to social dynamics,

pheromones alone wont dictate your success. They will however in a congruent combination greatly ENHANCE your
