Allright, so I decided to try pheromones out.
Male, 21yr, 6'2 (190lbs if it matters).

I already have 4-5

women approach me on an average night out clubbing.

So why the hell does a young lad with no problems gettin

'hits' like me ever need anything like this? Well I dont, but im CURIOUS! I want to push the envelope, I like the

seductiongame, I want them obsessed. It has NOTHING to do with looks , I simply learned how to behave and interact

attractively 3 months ago and ever since I've gone from 0 approaches ever to being approached consistently.

THUS I've decided to go with NPA and Chikara.
Actually from reading this forum there is a reason

behind these choices.
Chikara is intended purely for work.
NPA is intended purely for club.

As soon as

my order is recieved i'll post back with some fieldreports.