Hello again

dear phero enthusiasts!

Seems to me like I've just had a apiffony (plz correct my spell). I've always

thought that I'd just have to use phero's out in social events like going to clubs dates and such. But lately

I've been experimenting at work since there's quite alot of women there, and also I've been at work quite oftn

this week (I'm just part time). Therefore I've been using phero's Friday-Sat-Mon-Tue. I'm a kinda "find the max

dosage" kinda guy, and been trying this for these days, and now it seems like I'm actually getting more hits and

better hits than ever before!

Is it so that the "buildup" effect that in the end

causes and OD makes things work in a different way? That your skin get's "used" to the pheros and work with them in

a better way than just using a heavy dose once a week? It get's time to get "worked in"?

If this is the

case, then what do you think would be a nice place to start as far as dosage goes?

At now my daily dosages

contains either 4 drops of AE+6 inches of SOE, or 3 drops of PI + 6 inches of SOE, or a combo of 2+2 drops of PI/AE

+ 6inches of SOE.

My guess is that I would run into OD-land faster than a spacerocket if I were to continue

using this everyday. How many days a week is good to wear phero's, and how many rest days? I've read here that one

rest day a week is allright, but I'd probably want two or something.

Thanks for any comments!