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  1. #1
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face Approaching Women

    Something to read for the bored....

    Direct or

    Indirect Approach?

    Should you use a “direct” or “indirect” approach when first

    approaching women?

    Direct is where you make your sexual

    interest known to the girl upfront, right away. For example, in a direct approach you might walk up to a woman and

    look right into her eyes and tell her how sexy she is.

    Indirect is where you talk or interact with the girl, but keep your sexual interest disguised, at

    least initially. In an indirect approach, you might ask a woman her opinion on something to open


    I’m going to give you the answer to

    what's better and when.
    But the answer is not as

    cut-and-dry as to say direct OR indirect. Let me explain.

    Let’s say you’re an average or below-average looking guy and you walk alone into a club. Across

    the room, you see this gorgeous woman who could sleep with any guy she wanted. In fact, all the other guys look at

    her hoping she’ll make eye contact with them. She’s a Perfect 10.

    What if you made a DIRECT approach on this Perfect 10?

    What if, as an average looking guy, and with no social proof from other girls, you

    walked up to her. You tell her what a nice energy she has. Or you take her hands and without saying a word start

    massaging them. Or you tell her a clichéd pick-up line like, “So, is it hot in here or is it just you?” in a playful


    Even if your delivery is smooth, you have

    to remember something very important:

    When you

    walk into a club, your social status is a 6.

    HER social status is a 10.

    A 10 will not sleep with a 6.

    Sorry, I hate to say that, but it's true.

    When you directly approach a Perfect 10 and immediately begin displaying interest in her, you

    have to keep in mind that she knows nothing about you.

    You might as well be any other random guy in the club, who all want to sleep with her - and

    there’s not enough of her to go around. She has unlimited choice. Why would she want to sleep with you over anyone


    In such a case, you might get a smile

    and a thank you for a compliment, but the direct approach alone does little to increase your social value to


    Of course a direct approach CAN work...

    under different circumstances.

    Let’s say that

    you’re incredibly good looking and well-dressed – better looking and well-dressed than 99% of the other guys in the

    club. You’re good looking enough that other women look at you to admire your chiseled features and rock-hard


    When you directly approach a woman,

    right away she can visually SEE how great-looking you are. She’s NOTICED that other women look at you, giving you

    implicit social proof from the other women. Add to that you come in with very strong body language like strong eye

    contact, a solid smile, relaxed shoulders, and a sexy swagger.

    In this case, you’re social status is more like a 9 than a 6.

    Direct approaches on super-beautiful women may work for you then, because even

    before you’ve opened your mouth she’s already decided you have as much value as she does. The two of you have equal


    In such a circumstance, you could tell

    the beautiful woman ANYTHING using ANY kind of approach and you’ll still be successful.

    When else will direct approaches work?

    Let’s say you’re an average-looking guy and you’re social

    value is an average 6 when you walk into the club. You’re normal in other words. You spot a girl who is not outright

    ugly, but not a head turner either - maybe a 6 or a 7 out of 10.

    You walk up to her and do a direct approach. She’s surprised that any guy would be so direct with

    her or pay her that kind of attention.


    this case, a direct approach can work because you’re approaching a girl with the same social status as you. A 6 or a

    7 will sleep with a 6 in other words.


    might even land an 8 once in a while with direct approaches if you’re nonverbal skills are good and if you play the


    And guess what. There’s nothing wrong

    with direct approaches. If you like 6s, 7s, and occassional 8s that is. Or if you like big women for instance that

    most men normally pass over. You can get laid a lot this way.

    But what if you’re one of the millions of guys with average looks but wants to get with really

    HOT women, the 9s and the Perfect 10s?

    Direct approaches won’t work on 9s and 10s.

    9s and 10s have too much social value to respond to an average guy who has otherwise

    demonstrated little or no value to them.


    you a compliment or do a direct opener on a 10, she knows she already has won you. They may smile and say thank you

    to a compliment, but otherwise they’ll attempt to ignore you or blow you out of the conversation. Game over.

    Even if the Perfect 10 is intrigued with your

    direct style, it only takes the social pressure of a disapproving look from one of her girl friends to make her

    reject you.

    For 9s and 10s you can’t

    openly reveal your sexual interest in them until you’ve increased your own value in their and their friend’s eyes –

    until you’ve become a 9 or a 10 yourself.

    That’s why indirect openers, like casually asking their opinion about something,


    By initiating the conversation in a

    casual way by asking the woman’s opinion, her defenses won’t go up.

    You separate yourself from all the other guys who only talk to her for sex and start

    with how they want her.

    You’ve bought

    yourself some time to start demonstrating value in front of her without having to deal with being ignored, back

    turned, or being blown out of the conversation by her or her friends.

    You should look at the opinion opener as a “curiosity hook” simply to get the Perfect

    10 and her friends engaged in conversation with you.

    You'll find yourself holding the group's attention - at least for a moment.

    That moment is really all you need. As long as you continue

    building your social value with her and her group of friends through interesting and funny stories, playful

    routines, cocky jib-jab, conversational hooks, touch, strong nonverbal cues, and so on, you’ll generally continue to

    hold the group.

    Remember, your social value

    rests in how she sees you interacting with other beautiful woman, even more so than what you do with


    That's why it's so important to

    engage her AND her friends.

    Within some

    minutes your value will increase from a 6, to a 7, and to an 8, climbing higher and higher as long as you come

    across as a cool guy who can engage them.


    also takes the pressure off of your fragile ego because you’re not laying your body and soul out there in front of

    girls for them to reject or accept.


    all, all you’re doing is getting their opinion!

    THEN, and only AFTER you’ve built value up for yourself with her and her friends and only AFTER

    she’s given you “green light” signals (heavy eye contact, touches, facing toward you, laughing with you,

    complimenting you) do you become "direct" with her.

    You only show direct interest in her AFTER she’s shown direct interest in you.

    Following that formula YOU CAN NEVER BE


    Imagine this. You casually open a

    group of beautiful women with an interesting opinion opener that teases their curiosity and hooks them


    You build value to all the girls in the

    group by leading and controlling the girls through your stories, body language, games, and so on.

    The hot girl of the group starts to give you green lights of

    attraction while you generally ignore her.


    now that you have social value, now that you're a 9 or a 10 like she is, when you express direct interest in her,

    she’s responsive and excited to your advances.

    AND her friends won’t try to stop you or give her silent messages of disapproval with their eyes

    because they like you just as much as she does.

    You are now a 9 or 10 engaging a 9 or a 10.

    And 9s and 10s sleep with other 9s and 10s.

    The "Brad Pitt Method"

    Remember that direct openers will only work with girls who have the same social value as you


    If Brad Pitt walks into the room, ALL the

    girls will stare at him because of his fame and looks and he’ll automatically have maximum social proof. He will

    automatically have the social status of a 10.

    He could just walk up to the most beautiful woman in the room, who would normally shoot down any

    other guy, and start making out with her in front of everyone without having to say a word to her - the most direct

    kind of approach there is!

    Does that mean you

    should listen to Brad Pitt if he gave you advice to always be super-direct with women?
    Obviously not.

    Because what will work for him will not work for you.

    However, you too can initiate direct make-outs and direct openers on Perfect 10s if

    you build enough social value in front of them.

    Let’s say that through indirect or opinion openers, you talk to three or four groups of

    attractive 8s and 9s in the club, making them laugh and touch you. All the while, you do it in front of the Perfect


    Pretty soon you’ll look like the

    celebrity Mac-Daddy with all of these girls around you.

    At a certain point, once you've raised your social value to that of a 10 through social proof

    with other girls, you’ll be able to lay a "Brad Pitt direct opener" on the Perfect 10 – just walk up to her and kiss

    her or directly tell her what you think of her.

    She’ll respond extremely positively and want to be with you. After all, as a 10, you're the

    prize of the club.

    So direct or indirect is

    not an “either or” choice.

    If you’re lower in

    social value than the girl you want, use indirect openers as a way to get “in” and to build your social value up to

    her level.

    Once your social-sexual value is

    the same as hers, in HER eyes, then go you can go direct. SeductionScience
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Right. And then there’s


    Let’s say you’re a 7 or 8. Pretty fit for a man your age, but not exactly muscular. Somewhat

    on the skinny side and only 5’ 8” tall. Nice jawline but your eyes are set a bit too deep, and your nose is a bit

    too long. Baggy jeans, old sneakers and your T-shirt is frayed at the collar.
    You walk into a yuppie bar

    to test out your latest combo: androstenone at .5mg/ml covered by a dab of Pheros.

    Half the people

    immediately turn to check out who just walked in. One of the waitresses turns her head your way while the customers

    are trying to give her their order. A gay looking waiter smiles as he prances by you.
    The bar is almost

    full. The only available stool is at the end of the bar, next to a big metal column. So you politely ask two tall,

    athletic looking guys to please scoot down; and they gladly oblige you.
    The bar maid (tall, blond, big

    boobs, very pretty) is already laying down a coaster in front of you. Everybody’s drinking cocktails or bottled

    imports. You smile and order a draw. She brings your order and starts you a tab without even asking.

    guy to your right asks your opinion on Superbowl prospects, but you’re not a fan and don’t have the slightest idea

    of who’s still in the running.
    “I don’t know. Isn’t football kind of gay?”
    The barmaid’s down at the

    other end of the bar, but she cracks a laugh.
    Within minutes you’ve got your whole side of the bar engaged

    in a debate over which is more macho: football or soccer.
    You kick back and sip on your beer.

    barmaid leans over (big, round boobs squished against the counter): “You crack me up.”
    “What? I’m not even

    saying anything.”
    “Yeah. But I know what you’re thinking.”
    “Really?” You glance at her cleavage and

    then look deeply into her eyes.
    She blushes and gives you a playful slap on the shoulder. “Oh. Your

    “No he’s not.”
    Three stools down, a 9 or 10 (long, black hair, petite, big brown eyes, nice

    pouty lips, classic black miniskirt), several martinis under her belt, surrounded by other guys, chimes in.

    “He’s a very friendly guy. Look at his eyes. There’s not a critical bone in his body.”
    You turn to check

    out the brunette. “How do you know so much about me?”
    “Your eyes. The eyes say everything.”

    stretches her hand across two other guys to introduce herself.
    You hold her hand a bit too long, gently

    massaging the fleshy part between her thumb and index finger, and smile into her big brown eyes.
    “You have

    beautiful eyes.” She practically swoons.

    The guy next to you( tall, heavy set, thick muscular arms)

    seems a bit irate. “Hey how does this guy get to score by just sitting there?! ”
    “It’s cool.” You give him a

    friendly pat on the back. “We’re all just out to have a good time.”
    He shrugs and gives you a limp

    “See what I mean.” the brunette says. “Not a critical bone in his body. He’s a beautiful man.

    A brief moment of discomfort. You don’t quite know how to respond to that.
    “Oh my god!” she

    says. “You’re not gay, are you? I mean it’s OK if you are but... Are you gay?”
    “I don’t know.” you give her

    a wicked smile. “Why don’t you sit on my lap and we’ll find out.”
    “See.” the barmaid jumps in. “I told you he

    was bad.”
    “Oh come on now.” You say. “Look into my eyes. Do you really think I’m bad?”
    You give her

    your best puppy dog pout.
    “Oh, dude, you are sooooo bad.” She grabs your face and gives you a big, loud kiss.

    “There. Now settle down and let me do my job.”

    “How come guys always go after girls with big boobs?” the

    brunette seems jealous.
    “Hey.” You stop her. “Aren’t you supposed to be sitting on my lap?”
    “Oh. Yeah.

    She stumbles off her stool and walks over to you like a guilty little puppy dog.
    A moment of

    indecisiveness. She stares at your lap. “Umm... I can’t climb up there.”
    “You’re right. Let’s get a

    She grabs her purse, grabs her jacket. “We’re going to get a booth.” She tells the

    barmaid, somewhat triumphantly.
    “Might as well get a room.” the barmaid grumbles.

    Envious eyes

    are burning down on you from all directions. But what do you care. Tonight, you ARE Brad Pitt.
    Give truth a chance.

  3. #3
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Both great reads.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  4. #4
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling

    Both great reads.
    I like the second read moe betta! Okay, A.k.a. ... your creation, or true grit?

    If it's true grit, then is androstenone at .5mg/ml covered by a dab of Pheros = A-1, PI, or Chem

    set -none?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  5. #5
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Right. And then

    there’s pheromones.

    Let’s say you’re a 7 or 8. Pretty fit for a man your age, but not exactly muscular.

    Somewhat on the skinny side and only 5’ 8” tall. Nice jawline but your eyes are set a bit too deep, and your nose is

    a bit too long. Baggy jeans, old sneakers and your T-shirt is frayed at the collar.
    You walk into a yuppie bar

    to test out your latest combo: androstenone at .5mg/ml covered by a dab of Pheros.

    Half the people

    immediately turn to check out who just walked in. One of the waitresses turns her head your way while the customers

    are trying to give her their order. A gay looking waiter smiles as he prances by you.
    The bar is almost

    full. The only available stool is at the end of the bar, next to a big metal column. So you politely ask two tall,

    athletic looking guys to please scoot down; and they gladly oblige you.
    The bar maid (tall, blond, big

    boobs, very pretty) is already laying down a coaster in front of you. Everybody’s drinking cocktails or bottled

    imports. You smile and order a draw. She brings your order and starts you a tab without even asking.

    guy to your right asks your opinion on Superbowl prospects, but you’re not a fan and don’t have the slightest idea

    of who’s still in the running.
    “I don’t know. Isn’t football kind of gay?”
    The barmaid’s down at the

    other end of the bar, but she cracks a laugh.
    Within minutes you’ve got your whole side of the bar engaged

    in a debate over which is more macho: football or soccer.
    You kick back and sip on your beer.

    barmaid leans over (big, round boobs squished against the counter): “You crack me up.”
    “What? I’m not even

    saying anything.”
    “Yeah. But I know what you’re thinking.”
    “Really?” You glance at her cleavage and

    then look deeply into her eyes.
    She blushes and gives you a playful slap on the shoulder. “Oh. Your

    “No he’s not.”
    Three stools down, a 9 or 10 (long, black hair, petite, big brown eyes, nice

    pouty lips, classic black miniskirt), several martinis under her belt, surrounded by other guys, chimes in.

    “He’s a very friendly guy. Look at his eyes. There’s not a critical bone in his body.”
    You turn to check

    out the brunette. “How do you know so much about me?”
    “Your eyes. The eyes say everything.”

    stretches her hand across two other guys to introduce herself.
    You hold her hand a bit too long, gently

    massaging the fleshy part between her thumb and index finger, and smile into her big brown eyes.
    “You have

    beautiful eyes.” She practically swoons.

    The guy next to you( tall, heavy set, thick muscular arms)

    seems a bit irate. “Hey how does this guy get to score by just sitting there?! ”
    “It’s cool.” You give him a

    friendly pat on the back. “We’re all just out to have a good time.”
    He shrugs and gives you a limp

    “See what I mean.” the brunette says. “Not a critical bone in his body. He’s a beautiful man.

    A brief moment of discomfort. You don’t quite know how to respond to that.
    “Oh my god!” she

    says. “You’re not gay, are you? I mean it’s OK if you are but... Are you gay?”
    “I don’t know.” you give her

    a wicked smile. “Why don’t you sit on my lap and we’ll find out.”
    “See.” the barmaid jumps in. “I told you he

    was bad.”
    “Oh come on now.” You say. “Look into my eyes. Do you really think I’m bad?”
    You give her

    your best puppy dog pout.
    “Oh, dude, you are sooooo bad.” She grabs your face and gives you a big, loud kiss.

    “There. Now settle down and let me do my job.”

    “How come guys always go after girls with big boobs?” the

    brunette seems jealous.
    “Hey.” You stop her. “Aren’t you supposed to be sitting on my lap?”
    “Oh. Yeah.

    She stumbles off her stool and walks over to you like a guilty little puppy dog.
    A moment of

    indecisiveness. She stares at your lap. “Umm... I can’t climb up there.”
    “You’re right. Let’s get a

    She grabs her purse, grabs her jacket. “We’re going to get a booth.” She tells the

    barmaid, somewhat triumphantly.
    “Might as well get a room.” the barmaid grumbles.

    Envious eyes

    are burning down on you from all directions. But what do you care. Tonight, you ARE Brad Pitt.


    Fact, fiction, or unscripted drama?
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  6. #6
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Fun read!


    fiction, or unscripted drama?

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Whatever. The point is to compare

    and contrast pheromone seduction with other approaches.

    First of all, many times you don’t really have to

    “open” (especially in bars & clubs, where women tend to be a little bolder than everyday life). You just have to

    dive in when an opening is created for you.
    Even when you do have to get the ball rolling, you don’t have to

    stress so much about “Do I flirt, or do I just act sociable.” Flirtatious comments will always be perceived in the

    best light and sociable introductions will always contain a subtle sexual undertone.

    You don’t

    have to worry so much about where you stand on the social scale. You may look like a 5 but you draw as much

    attention as a 10. So the game is more about learning how to play off of the attention than figuring out how to

    appear special.

    The article Mobley posted gave good advice about using social situations to boost your

    social status.
    With pheromones you can pull tricks that are pretty unlikely without. Imagine how impressive

    it looks when a skinny little guy can get two big guys to move over for him. But we all know that this is no big

    deal if the little guy is wearing adrostenone.
    Standard techniques (like starting conversations and

    cracking jokes) are much easier with pheromones. People tend to be more attentive (because you have a certain

    something that they can’t put their finger on) and more likely to laugh (because there’s a sort of tension in the


    Then there’s the subliminal dimension. No need for NLP because women are already thinking about sex

    and are probably trying to figure out why they’re attracted to you. Your only challenge is to give them a plausible

    Even better, sometimes women will make up a plausible reason of their own, and you just have to

    play the role. If she thinks you’re funny, just keep cracking jokes (they don’t even have to be that funny). If she

    thinks you’re friendly and non-critical, you pat the asshole next to you on the back and take a good natured

    approach to his jealous outburst.

    Pheromones also give you a big advantage in the leadership

    competition. (We all know how attractive that is.) Under normal situations, taking charge of a social situation can

    be quite challenging — even if you’re a big, strong, quick witted guy. With pheromones its almost like stepping on

    stage and reciting your lines.
    If you smell like the leader, and you act like the leader, and guys step out

    of your way or laugh at your stupid jokes like your the leader... then, by god, you must BE the leader. Just play it

    for all it’s worth and there’s no telling how far it’ll take you.

    PS. If my hit stories test the bounds of

    your world view, try this little “exercise”:

    Step one: You know how little kids will grab another’s

    toy and say “Mine.”? Play this little head game until it becomes easy:
    Imagine that this is YOUR life, YOUR

    world, YOUR time. If you walk into a bar, bookstore, or supermarket, it’s YOUR bar, bookstore, or supermarket.

    That’s YOUR bartender, YOUR clerk, YOUR cashier. YOUR crowd. See a spot that you like? That’s YOUR spot. Notice a

    lull in the conversation? That’s YOUR cue to get a conversation going. Notice a pretty girl across the way? That’s

    YOUR cue to smile.

    Step two: Wear whatever clothes you feel most at ease in. Apply whatever

    pheromone you have the most experience with.

    Step three: Go to a bar or club where nobody knows


    Step four: Apply the techniques discussed in my post (play the whole crowd, not just some particular

    woman): a) dive in whenever there’s an opening (don’t hold back), b) score as many social points as you can (don’t

    be shy, you’ll never have to face any of those people again), c) give women a plausible reason to desire you, play

    up to their expectations (don’t worry about “being yourself” or “being alpha”, just listen and take your cues), d)

    take charge (there has to be a leader, it might as well be you)

    Step five: Come back and write your own hit

    Give truth a chance.

  8. #8
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    Whatever. The

    point is to compare and contrast pheromone seduction with other approaches.

    First of all, many times you

    don’t really have to “open” (especially in bars & clubs, where women tend to be a little bolder than everyday life).

    You just have to dive in when an opening is created for you.
    Even when you do have to get the ball rolling, you

    don’t have to stress so much about “Do I flirt, or do I just act sociable.” Flirtatious comments will always be

    perceived in the best light and sociable introductions will always contain a subtle sexual undertone.


    don’t have to worry so much about where you stand on the social scale. You may look like a 5 but you draw as much

    attention as a 10. So the game is more about learning how to play off of the attention than figuring out how to

    appear special.

    The article Mobley posted gave good advice about using social situations to boost your

    social status.
    With pheromones you can pull tricks that are pretty unlikely without. Imagine how impressive it

    looks when a skinny little guy can get two big guys to move over for him. But we all know that this is no big deal

    if the little guy is wearing adrostenone.
    Standard techniques (like starting conversations and cracking jokes)

    are much easier with pheromones. People tend to be more attentive (because you have a certain something that they

    can’t put their finger on) and more likely to laugh (because there’s a sort of tension in the air).


    there’s the subliminal dimension. No need for NLP because women are already thinking about sex and are probably

    trying to figure out why they’re attracted to you. Your only challenge is to give them a plausible reason.

    better, sometimes women will make up a plausible reason of their own, and you just have to play the role. If she

    thinks you’re funny, just keep cracking jokes (they don’t even have to be that funny). If she thinks you’re friendly

    and non-critical, you pat the asshole next to you on the back and take a good natured approach to his jealous


    Pheromones also give you a big advantage in the leadership competition. (We all know how

    attractive that is.) Under normal situations, taking charge of a social situation can be quite challenging — even if

    you’re a big, strong, quick witted guy. With pheromones its almost like stepping on stage and reciting your lines.

    If you smell like the leader, and you act like the leader, and guys step out of your way or laugh at your stupid

    jokes like your the leader... then, by god, you must BE the leader. Just play it for all it’s worth and there’s no

    telling how far it’ll take you.

    PS. If my hit stories test the bounds of your world view, try this little


    Step one: You know how little kids will grab another’s toy and say “Mine.”? Play this little head

    game until it becomes easy:
    Imagine that this is YOUR life, YOUR world, YOUR time. If you walk into a bar,

    bookstore, or supermarket, it’s YOUR bar, bookstore, or supermarket. That’s YOUR bartender, YOUR clerk, YOUR

    cashier. YOUR crowd. See a spot that you like? That’s YOUR spot. Notice a lull in the conversation? That’s YOUR cue

    to get a conversation going. Notice a pretty girl across the way? That’s YOUR cue to smile.

    Step two:

    Wear whatever clothes you feel most at ease in. Apply whatever pheromone you have the most experience with.


    three: Go to a bar or club where nobody knows you.

    Step four: Apply the techniques discussed in my post (play

    the whole crowd, not just some particular woman): a) dive in whenever there’s an opening (don’t hold back), b) score

    as many social points as you can (don’t be shy, you’ll never have to face any of those people again), c) give women

    a plausible reason to desire you, play up to their expectations (don’t worry about “being yourself” or “being

    alpha”, just listen and take your cues), d) take charge (there has to be a leader, it might as well be you)


    five: Come back and write your own hit story.
    That's even moe betta! Hope everyone is paying

    attention to what they're reading.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
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    PS. If my hit stories test

    the bounds of your world view, try this little “exercise”:

    That was your hit story? That wasn't

    some ironic comment on the belief of men that such ridiculous response could be gained by using pheromones when it

    could barely be performed by an adonis of supreme charm (disregarding celebrity status and prostitutes) in what is

    commonly called 'the real world'? (movies lie)

    Though I am not 100% sure (for how could one ever be?) but if

    you were to show the dialogue that was preposed in that story to most any woman, she would be likely to burst out

    laughing. The actual performative aspect of it would be enough to blow anyone away.

    The language and

    interactions that you describe create an overfamiliar, family-esque feeling for the entire encounter - even when

    describing relative strangers - and as such (was this in fact, the case) no individual could ever even hope to have

    held the position that you did. Charasmatic or otherwise.

    Please do not take my comments as any form of flame

    (I have had a small amount of experience with online forums, and know some of the terminology) I merely desire to

    elucidate whether this was an actual hit story, or a projected roster of possibilty for a pheromone wearer (in

    over-simplifed, exaggerated terms for ease of example).

    Thank You


  10. #10
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Projected roster. I think.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jared
    The language and

    interactions that you describe create an overfamiliar, family-esque feeling for the entire encounter - even when

    describing relative strangers - and as such (was this in fact, the case) no individual could ever even hope to have

    held the position that you did. Charasmatic or otherwise.
    I really like your vocabulary and

    I’m intrigued by the certainty of your conviction.
    Since you already don’t believe me, it won't hurt to add

    that family-esque over familiarity is a perfect characterization of my everyday life on pheromones.
    It doesn’t

    come out of a bottle. You have to tune in to the vibe and play your part in the process. But it’s not Shakespearean

    comedy. I imagine anybody could do it.

    That’s why I’m really surprised by all the skepticism. I wasn't

    trying to impress anybody. I thought I was giving a common example of how pheromones alter the rules of the

    seduction game. I figured lots of forum members would have similar experiences that they could relate to. The

    reaction is a real an eye opener, and now I understand why so many forum members are willing to pay 100's of $$$

    for seduction e-books.

    I’ve read dozens of posts about women offering their phone numbers out of the blue.

    Yet nobody bats an eye.
    Is that sort of behavior common? In over 6 years of playing with pheromones,

    (charming as I am) not a single woman has given me her phone number unless we’d already settled to meet somewhere

    and I specifically asked for it.
    I’m probably full of myself, and maybe I’ve read a little too much Freud.

    But I have to wonder. Is my story so outrageous that nobody CAN believe it? Or is my approach so audacious that

    nobody WANTS to believe it?
    I mean. Everybody wishes some hottie would just slip him her phone number. So lets

    believe those stories. Not everybody is prepared to go out and play the fool for a little love and attention. So

    lets assume it’s all made up.

    Bottom line, anybody is free to take any post any way they want.

    I’ll just keep posting whatever I feel is appropriate whenever I feel its appropriate; and you all can determine its

    merit (or lack thereof).

    PS No flame taken. In fact your post makes me feel like I’ve got something

    marketable: “Pheromone Seduction: The Art and Chemistry of Family-esque Overfamiliarty”. Bet I could throw an

    e-book together in no time. Hmmm...
    Give truth a chance.

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I wasn't sure at

    first if you were joking or not. However, your history on the forum and my own experiences make me lean towards

    believing what you say in your posts. I find most of what you say to be more believable than many of the other posts

    here or even some of what has happened to me over the past few years. Please keep posting them.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth


    wasn't sure at first if you were joking or not. However, your history on the forum and my own experiences make me

    lean towards believing what you say in your posts. I find most of what you say to be more believable than many of

    the other posts here or even some of what has happened to me over the past few years. Please keep posting

    Thanks for that.

    I obviously meant my post to be entertaining, so I just

    reread the thing with an eye towards accuracy.

    Nobody likes a braggart, and writing in second person

    doesn’t seem to mask my arrogance. It’s a problem that I have. I’ve been working on it for some time, and I’ll try

    to exercise more humility in future posts.

    I won’t swear that half the room was checking me out, or

    that envious eyes were burning down on me. But it sure seemed that way. Two bits of dialogue were abbreviated. But

    nothing was embellished and I’ll stand behind everything else 100%.
    Ironically, I didn’t mention what happened

    after we went to the booth because I didn’t think anybody would believe me.
    I’m honestly more amused than

    offended. And I kind of like the attention. (Which is why I’m probably beating a dead horse.)
    Give truth a chance.

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    Again you state that the dialogue

    was real (if abrev. in some parts) yet I still say that were one to write it down (as you have) it seems unnatural,

    and the product of one brain creating responses; were you to put it on film with actors, it would seem

    strange - like an advert for some product that made an individual the all-knowing centre of the universe (that is to

    say, tacky and unbelievable) and were it ever to be recreated in real life I don't think many would be able

    to control their laughter.

    Of course, by responding in an intelligent and calm manner, you can be seen to stand

    by this post as truth. All I ask, is that if you want to give hope to these men, that you either:

    a) state that

    everything you said was to be taken in ironic context to the possibilities that pheromones opens up, or....


    make the 'hit' stories more convincing.

    No offence intended, but I feel that if you expect me to take that

    story seriously - I should be the one offended.

    "...I detest the stench of lies...I wanted to pull my teeth out; I didn't know what I wanted to do."

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jared
    Again you state that

    the dialogue was real (if abrev. in some parts) yet I still say that were one to write it down (as you have) it

    seems unnatural, and the product of one brain creating responses; were you to put it on film with actors, it

    would seem strange - like an advert for some product that made an individual the all-knowing centre of the universe

    (that is to say, tacky and unbelievable) and were it ever to be recreated in real life I don't think many

    would be able to control their laughter.

    Of course, by responding in an intelligent and calm manner, you can

    be seen to stand by this post as truth. All I ask, is that if you want to give hope to these men, that you


    a) state that everything you said was to be taken in ironic context to the possibilities that

    pheromones opens up, or....

    b) make the 'hit' stories more convincing.

    No offence intended, but I

    feel that if you expect me to take that story seriously - I should be the one offended.

    In other words, I suck as a writer, I can’t be trusted as a journalist, and I’m out

    of touch with the real world.
    Not much I can say about that.

    Sorry you find my posts offensive. I

    continue to find your posts intriguing.

    PS. If you want to humor me (which I don't imagine you do), give us

    a taste of what "real" bar talk sounds like. It would give me a better sense of where you're coming from.
    Give truth a chance.

  16. #16
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    A.K.A. is 100%, positively,

    absolutely, without a doubt, RIGHT. He does as I do myself. As I read his narrative I instinctively nodded my

    head, yep - that's how it goes, he knows. When I first met my girlfriend and we started to go out to bars

    together she was simply flabbergasted at how things started to happen around me. She has since learned how to do it

    herself and is quite good at it now, better than myself. It can be done by anyone and is not at all far-fetched.

    Jared, your ID says you live in Madrid. If you ever perchance visit Portsmouth we will be happy to show you

    how it is done.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    . Imagine how

    impressive it looks when a skinny little guy can get two big guys to move over for him. But we all know that this is

    no big deal if the little guy is wearing adrostenone.

    I really enjoyed reading both posts.

    Thanx, 4 sharing that damn good information/tactics!

    The first post is really informative an poits out plenty of


    When I read a.k.a.'s post I started grinning more and more as i proceeded. There was one statement,

    which i quoted above, that made me think for half a day. I wanna try out, like going to a club and ask a "body

    builder guy" to please leave the stool for me.

    So a.k.a. , considering i apply none .5mg/ml PLEASE TELL Me IF I

    SHOULD TRY IT OR NOT. I'm just 20 years not that much experience, average looking. Right now, the only think i can

    imagione that could happen is that i will malke a fool of my self

    @ koolking1: I'll be coming to

    Portsmouth for 4 weeks, cool coincidence!!!!! Can you show me"how it is done"? I'd really appreciate it!


  18. #18
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    well Sparky, yes - of

    course. I am leaving on the 25th of March though for an extended vacation. If that's still good for you, the 3 of

    us can go hoist a few and see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    There's more than one Portsmouth, so

    you guys might want to confirm your States.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  20. #20
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    I'll be coming to Portsmouth on

    the 26. of February and I'll stay for 4 weeks. (Portsmouth in the south of the UK, is that the one where you


  21. #21
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    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  22. #22
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Unless koolking is coming to

    the UK then your going to be lonely.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  23. #23
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    whew!!! off the hook.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  24. #24
    Phero Guru
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    Default Bjf:

    coupla Portlands too!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  25. #25
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    I call this the Springfield


  26. #26
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    That syndrome once took me on a bus

    to the wrong state!
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  27. #27
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    That syndrome once took

    me on a bus to the wrong state!

    Now that's gotta suck.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

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