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Thread: Voice training

  1. #1
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Default Voice training

    Voice training is

    an important part of meeting and getting respect from people. Is there anyone out there who could recommend a book

    or even better an audio series to work on this all important technique?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    i have non verbal sexual

    communication. i never did the exercises that it said to do lol. if you speak slower and from your chest you'll

    automatically be deeper. record yourself doing it and test out different variations and use the one that soudns


    do you freqent look up AMOG in the forums. people subtley test you to see if you are

    alpha, like hey can you go to the fridge and get me a beer or your friend will say "hey man, you're gay". going to

    get the beer or not chumping your friend back makes you look beta without you realizing it. i think that's one of

    the difference b/w somebody that gets respect and somebody that doesn't. i know this guy, i wouldn't call him a

    friend but he's a "cool guy" so we hang out together b/c it increases our social proof. the guy is always trying to

    chump other people, not sure if he conciously does it or not. he's a leader in a few clubs and pulls a good amount

    of girls. he's what you would call a social cirlce player, no game out side of social circles. i've been observing

    some of the things he does and incorporating it into what i do.

  3. #3
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I bought Roger

    Love's Vocal Power Speaking with Authority, Clarity, and Conviction a couple of months back but

    unfortunately I haven't had time to listen to much of it yet.

    It's produced by Nightingale-Conant, who do a

    variety of self-improvement titles. I have several of their tape and CD sets that I like.

    This one has 6 CDs

    plus a "bonus" CD of daily exercises and a CD-Rom workbook. I think the price was close to $100, but they sometimes

    offer a one month trial, which is what I bought this one under. From what I did listen to, I decided it was

    something that I would try down the road so I kept it.

    Just FYI, the CDs cover the following


    CD1-Session 1: Undrstanding Influential Communication
    Session 2:Breathing Exercises for

    Vocal Power

    CD2-Session 3: Your Chest, Middle, and Head Voices
    Session 4: The Six Voice


    (This as far as I've gotten so far.)

    CD3-Session 5: The Building Blocks of Voice: Volume

    and Melody
    Session 6: The Building Blocks of Voice: Pitch, Tone, and Pace

    CD4-Session 7: Overcoming

    Stage Fright for Life
    Session 8: The Inner Sounds of Success

    CD5-Session 9: Diet, Myths, Dos, and

    Session 10: Physiology, Hand Movement, Body Movement

    CD6-Session 11: Essential

    Session 12: Intentional Changes for Intentional Results

    As an alternative to this, someone posted a

    link to a few months ago. They sell

    lessons but also have some free articles on their site, plus you can sign up for a free voice newsletter there.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    I started auditioning for

    voiceovers in commercials etc. because people tell me I have a great voice.It can hypnotize people if used


  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I've noticed a lot of young men

    try to speak at a lower pitch than is natural for their vocal mechanism. I assume they're trying to sound macho.

    However, they sound silly and have difficulty projecting and speaking quickly. I call it mumbling baritone. Plus,

    their main weakness is substance--meaningful content--in their speech, not tonal tone.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Speak with Distinction by Edith Skinner

    THE classic text for actors, speech therapists, politicians, and anyone seriously working on their


  7. #7
    Banned User eisu's Avatar
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    I have been working on my voice for

    a little while now and am already after those works mentioned by you, surfs_up and InternationalPlayboy. Thanks for


    I noticed that my voice was always deeper and raunchier when I first wake up, as I am sure every other

    guy's is too. I am wondering if anyone knows about any substance or food that can make one's voice temporarily

    deeper. You know how a certain gas (helium?) gives you a funny chipmunky voice; is there anything that has the

    opposite effect?

  8. #8
    Journeyman whf's Avatar
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    Yes, drink a lot and smoke a lot.

    And don't wear a scarf in winter. It's a nono : )

  9. #9
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    eisu: i think it's deeper because

    are T-levels are higher at night (morning wood)

    If I think tribulus may raise t-levels? well, copulins do.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast Netghost56's Avatar
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    My voice is really deep and

    husky in the morning, but by the end of the day I'm squeaking.

    If I'm interested in something or engaged in an

    intelligent conversation, I can talk for hours, which is why I think I tend to "squeak" by the end of the day.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    what gegogi says about

    substance is right. people say too much to get to a point and dson't know how to use the words right. when ever i

    would be talking or argueing with people i would never speak alot and hold on to what i have to say. it always makes

    the other person nervous and makes them fill in the blank. and the mroe you say the more you reveal about your side

    and the more weakness i see in your plan. i can have people be argueing a one sided debate as they are the only ones

    speaking and when i do speak i will hit the critacal points that will just fuck them up so much that they will try

    to back them self up with more crap. which in turngives me more ammo. (something i started doing in debate class and

    never lost a debate after that, well actually ever in that class.)

    other then that i kind of train how i speak

    at work, i work at a fastfood place and i do the drive by windo.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Marlboro_man matching a womans speed of talking , has

    more impact than a deep tone voice.
    bondage girl

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:22 PM.

  13. #13
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    THE classic text

    for actors, speech therapists, politicians, and anyone seriously working on their speech...

    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    The Non Verbal Sexual Cuing

    exercises are actually pretty good. You have to keep doing them for a while until you internalize them.


    study showed that men and women that speak with a sexy voice have more partenrs in their life regardless of other

    attributes. Such as waist to hip ratio for women and height for men.

  15. #15
    Stranger cookiemonster's Avatar
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    Is that a specific book,

    or website .. ?

    Quote Originally Posted by phersurf
    The Non Verbal Sexual Cuing exercises are actually pretty good. You have

    to keep doing them for a while until you internalize them.

    One study showed that men and women that speak with a

    sexy voice have more partenrs in their life regardless of other attributes. Such as waist to hip ratio for women and

    height for men.
    I'm 22/m, mostly Asian, athletic & cut, a ~7/10, Midwest USA, always eat healthy & dress trendy

  16. #16
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slickracer
    what gegogi says

    about substance is right. people say too much to get to a point and dson't know how to use the words right. when

    ever i would be talking or argueing with people i would never speak alot and hold on to what i have to say. it

    always makes the other person nervous and makes them fill in the blank. and the mroe you say the more you reveal

    about your side and the more weakness i see in your plan. i can have people be argueing a one sided debate as they

    are the only ones speaking and when i do speak i will hit the critacal points that will just fuck them up so much

    that they will try to back them self up with more crap. which in turngives me more ammo. (something i started doing

    in debate class and never lost a debate after that, well actually ever in that class.)
    There is

    that old saying about "better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove

    all doubt..."

    Speech and drama classes helped me with my voice.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  17. #17
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Another thing to note WHY

    successful people have a deeper voice is because of hormonal conditions, usually as a result OF their


    Success boost testosterone levels in both males and females, explaining why teamsupporters of a

    winning team often end in more violent parties following a successful game. It also explains the feeling of

    invincibility athletes feel in solitary sports such as boxing wrestling etc. They have proven that athletes who win

    walk away with a boost of testosterone, the losers experience a loss of testosterone. It's explained that this is

    natures way of encouraging someone to continue do what they do.

    Either way, testosterone with no doubt

    develops the larynx and a deeper voice, simply look at what happens to young men who enter puberty.

  18. #18
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    Talking Hoe-Hummmm :>)

    I like to

    use a little drop of TE under my nose to give me an aggressive, in your face attitude. It is fun and I generally

    don't get to stupid. It will deepen my voice dramatically. I think the long time forum members can help with

    this... What about it guys? Anybody had similar results with mones?

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