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  1. #1
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Any theories for this mystery?

    How do we

    know when someone is watching us? This happened to me the other day where I instinctively turned to look at someone

    who was staring at me.

    I used to think that it had something to do with pheromones, but I am not so


    I've conducted experiments where I would have someone behind me look away and then I would indicate

    when I believed they turned to focus on me. I got it every time, fairly immediately.

    This is obviously some

    sort of human survival skill or something, I'd like to know what are the mechanisms involved in it.

  2. #2
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 07:20 AM.

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mungojerry


    friend could have changed physiologically when he was looking at you as opposed to looking away. For example, he

    could have been more tense when looking at you.... or perhaps looking at someone causes a distinct

    neurophysiological reaction. This could lead to a different breathing rate, or different hormones being produced

    leading different pheromone emissions etc. These things you could detect perhaps without being fully conscious of...

    Even if you didn't know what reaction was what when you started, your brain could learn.

    This is what originally was thinking when I discovered pheromones. It would be pretty amazing

    accomplishment of our species. Not sure our olfactory system is that poweful or our body transmits signals that

    quickly. But obviously it is transmitting something.

    Mods, can you put this back in pheromone discussion,

    I think it belongs there.

  4. #4
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    This is what originally

    was thinking when I discovered pheromones. It would be pretty amazing accomplishment of our species. Not sure our

    olfactory system is that poweful or our body transmits signals that quickly. But obviously it is transmitting

    Energy in the form of focused intent. When someone is staring at you (from behind, at a

    distance, or wherever), this is what you're picking up.

    The pheromone idea is interesting, though.

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default what forms of energy

    could it be, and how are we detecting this?

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    This is what

    originally was thinking when I discovered pheromones. It would be pretty amazing accomplishment of our species. Not

    sure our olfactory system is that poweful or our body transmits signals that quickly. But obviously it is

    transmitting something.

    Mods, can you put this back in pheromone discussion, I think it belongs there.


    So far, I see nothing in it that is in any way related to the science of attraction or pheromones. You

    make one vague reference to pheromones, that's it. That's why I moved it here in the first place.

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I was posting in the pheromone

    discussion because I hypothesized that it might be as a result of pheromones. I wanted others to chime in with

    their thoughts about that possibility or bring up others.

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I am willing to reconsider

    later but for now it is clearly not a pheromone or science of attraction thread.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    definate not related to the

    sense of smell... as in knowing when you are being looked at.

    Those of us with sensitive nerves know very well

    when someone is is focusing their attention/energy on you.

    Sometimes I know what someone thought a few rooms

    away and when they enter my location I hand them exactly what they came in for. THis does not happen often but when

    it does it is pretty neat.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  10. #10
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    science ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 07:19 AM.

  11. #11
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Well I wonder if we do have some

    detection system for some aura or energy that we haven't yet scientifically discovered. Maybe it has to do with

    the thing that still exists when "we shed out mortal coils." When you look at the science of space and time, it does

    appear to be a construction, a manipulation of sorts of this world. You might be able to reduce this all down to a

    simpler world where space and time don't exist, only some energy or some other system. Those things probably still

    are apart of this world, but we don't realize them too much because of physical space and our lives being geared

    towards that.

    At the same time this could be apart of our biological system. And I wonder if animals have it


    I know Jerry you are sayng though this might not exist. From my own experiences, I feel like it does,

    although maybe there are plenty of times that people are staring at me that I never noticed or knew about.

  12. #12
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 07:18 AM.

  13. #13
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    True. Maybe conciousness is what our

    "soul" is. I think a lot of people believe that.

    As far as discounting mechanisms, this is difficult. We

    don't know all there is to know about anything really, including pheromones and smells. Actually we know people

    can smell immunotype, so there is obviously a lot going on with the olfactory system.

  14. #14
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mungojerry
    Anyway, I'm

    not saying there is nothing more to it than this, but before we start speculating about "weird" theories,

    just recognise that current scientifically knowledge can explain a lot of them, and that in the end you can't know

    that there is an effect at all without some rigourous statistically sound testing.

    laboratory tests have been conducted with regard to confirming or dispelling the possible causes of this

    phenomenon. Conclusion (from what I've read and heard): "Brainwaves."

    I thought all of that "subtle energy"

    (i.e. aura-related) stuff had been scientifically proven, too. But then, I ain't no Bill Nye.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes

    laboratory tests have been conducted with regard to confirming or dispelling the possible causes of this

    phenomenon. Conclusion (from what I've read and heard): "Brainwaves."

    I thought all of that "subtle energy"

    (i.e. aura-related) stuff had been scientifically proven, too. But then, I ain't no Bill Nye.

    is's just energy...we can pick it up just like a radio or TV...It's just that we've been conditioned

    to pay attention to only what comes through our 5 senses. Essentially everything is composed of energy, even solid

    objects although they have a much slower vibratory rate. But we all pick up on "vibes" or "atmosphere" it's all

    background energy that were picking up on. Somebody thats focusing on you, you're suprised when you turn around

    and notice they're intently starting at you, but you're just picking up on the projection of their mental energy.

    Our bodies are composed of energy as are our mental we all have the ability to send & receive mental

    energy. It's just a latent ability in humans because of our societal conditioning. But it's an ability that can

    be developed like anything else.
    And yes all of this is in agreement with the laws of physics. It's not just

    new age mumbo jumbo...just ask any string theorist...

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metroman
    Holmes is's just energy...we can pick it up just like a radio or TV...It's just that we've been conditioned to

    pay attention to only what comes through our 5 senses. Essentially everything is composed of energy, even solid

    objects although they have a much slower vibratory rate. But we all pick up on "vibes" or "atmosphere" it's all

    background energy that were picking up on. Somebody thats focusing on you, you're suprised when you turn around

    and notice they're intently starting at you, but you're just picking up on the projection of their mental energy.

    Our bodies are composed of energy as are our mental we all have the ability to send & receive mental

    energy. It's just a latent ability in humans because of our societal conditioning. But it's an ability that can

    be developed like anything else.
    And yes all of this is in agreement with the laws of physics. It's not just

    new age mumbo jumbo...just ask any string theorist...
    Yep, it does jive with modern physics,

    including string theory (although that is obviously not accepted by everyone). One thing very interesting about

    string theory is its inclusion of extra dimensions - perhaps as many as seven extra spatial dimensions.


    does alpha or beta brain waves have anythng to do with this?
    Does the limbic brain use a particular kind of brain

    wave, and can be enduce that type of brain wave or brain functioning to try to speak to that part of the


    Is someone using their limbic brain during a Phermonal DIHL? I wonder if we can use this brain wave

    stuff to our advantage in seduction.

    A number of machine have been brought up on this forum before which

    induce alpha or beta brain waves (can't remember which). I know International Playboy has one.

    I saw

    something on TV about a visual program which taught people to switch from alpha or beta brain waves to the other

    because it was supposedly more beneficial for a certain purpose.

  17. #17
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    A number of machine

    have been brought up on this forum before which induce alpha or beta brain waves (can't remember which). I know

    International Playboy has one.
    Brainwave machines. Those are designed to get you into an altered

    state (i.e. alpha or deeper), not to assist you in projecting energy--although an altered state always helps in that


    Binaural beats accomplish the same thing (brainwave entrainment) and are very effective.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  18. #18
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes

    Binaural beats

    accomplish the same thing (brainwave entrainment) and are very effective.

    How It Works On The

    When signals of two different frequencies are presented, one to each ear, the brain detects phase

    differences between these signals. "Under natural circumstances a detected phase difference would provide

    directional information. The brain processes this anomalous information differently when these phase differences are

    heard with stereo headphones or speakers. A perceptual integration of the two signals takes place, producing the

    sensation of a third "beat" frequency. The difference between the signals waxes and wanes as the two different input

    frequencies mesh in and out of phase. As a result of these constantly increasing and decreasing differences, an

    amplitude-modulated standing wave -the binaural beat- is heard. The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuating

    rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs. Evidence suggests that the binaural beats

    are generated in the brainstem’s superior olivary nucleus, the first site of contralateral integration in the

    auditory system (Oster, 1973). Studies also suggest that the frequency-following response originates from the

    inferior colliculus (Smith, Marsh, & Brown, 1975)" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). This activity is conducted to the cortex

    where it can be recorded by scalp electrodes.


    Altered States
    Binaural beats can easily be heard

    at the low frequencies (< 30 Hz) that are characteristic of the EEG spectrum (Oster, 1973). This perceptual

    phenomenon of binaural beating and the objective measurement of the frequency-following response (Hink, Kodera,

    Yamada, Kaga, & Suzuki, 1980) suggest conditions which facilitate entrainment of brain waves and altered states of

    consciousness. There have been numerous anecdotal reports and a growing number of research efforts reporting changes

    in consciousness associated with binaural-beats. "The subjective effect of listening to binaural beats may be

    relaxing or stimulating, depending on the frequency of the binaural-beat stimulation" (Owens & Atwater, 1995).

    Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) and theta (4 to 8 Hz) ranges have been associated with reports of relaxed,

    meditative, and creative states (Hiew, 1995), and used as an aid to falling asleep. Binaural beats in the alpha

    frequencies (8 to 12 Hz) have increased alpha brain waves (Foster, 1990) and binaural beats in the beta frequencies

    (typically 16 to 24 Hz) have been associated with reports of increased concentration or alertness (Monroe, 1985) and

    improved memory (Kennerly, 1994).

    Passively listening to binaural beats may not spontaneously propel you into

    an altered state of consciousness. One’s subjective experience in response to binaural-beat stimulation may also be

    influenced by a number of mediating factors. For example, the willingness and ability of the listener to relax and

    focus attention may contribute to binaural-beat effectiveness in inducing state changes. "Ultradian rhythms in the

    nervous system are characterized by periodic changes in arousal and states of consciousness (Rossi,


    Shannahoff-Khalsa, 1991; Webb & Dube, 1981). These naturally occurring shifts may underlie the

    anecdotal reports of fluctuations in the effectiveness of binaural beats. External factors are also thought to play

    roles in mediating the effects of binaural beats" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). The perception of a binaural beat is, for

    example, said to be heightened by the addition of white noise to the carrier signal (Oster, 1973), so white noise is

    often used as background. "Music, relaxation exercises, guided imagery, and verbal suggestion have all been used to

    enhance the state-changing effects of the binaural beat" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). Other practices such as humming,

    toning, breathing exercises, autogenic training, and/or biofeedback can also be used to interrupt the homeostasis of

    resistant subjects (Tart, 1975).


    Brain Waves and Consciousness
    Controversies concerning the

    brain, mind, and consciousness have existed since the early Greek philosophers argued about the nature of the

    mind-body relationship, and none of these disputes has been resolved. Modern neurologists have located the mind in

    the brain and have said that consciousness is the result of electrochemical neurological activity. There are,

    however, growing observations to the contrary. There is no neurophysiological research which conclusively shows that

    the higher levels of mind (intuition, insight, creativity, imagination, understanding, thought, reasoning, intent,

    decision, knowing, will, spirit, or soul) are located in brain tissue (Hunt, 1995). A resolution to the

    controversies surrounding the higher mind and consciousness and the mind-body problem in general may need to involve

    an epistemological shift to include extra-rational ways of knowing (de Quincey, 1994) and cannot be comprehended by

    neurochemical brain studies alone. We are in the midst of a revolution focusing on the study of consciousness

    (Owens, 1995). Penfield, an eminent contemporary neurophysiologist, found that the human mind continued to work in

    spite of the brain’s reduced activity under anesthesia. Brain waves were nearly absent while the mind was just as

    active as in the waking state. The only difference was in the content of the conscious experience. Following

    Penfield’s work, other researchers have reported awareness in comatose patients (Hunt, 1995) and there is a growing

    body of evidence which suggests that reduced cortical arousal while maintaining conscious awareness is possible

    (Fischer, 1971;West 1980; Delmonte, 1984; Goleman 1988; Jevning, Wallace, & Beidenbach, 1992; Wallace, 1986;

    Mavromatis, 1991). These states are variously referred to as meditative, trance, altered, hypnogogic, hypnotic, and

    twilight-learning states (Budzynski, 1986). Broadly defined, the various forms of altered states rest on the

    maintenance of conscious awareness in a physiologically reduced state of arousal marked by parasympathetic dominance

    (Mavromatis, 1991). Recent physiological studies of highly hypnotizable subjects and adept meditators indicate that

    maintaining awareness with reduced cortical arousal is indeed possible in selected individuals as a natural ability

    or as an acquired skill (Sabourin, Cutcomb, Crawford, & Pribram, 1993). More and more scientists are expressing

    doubts about the neurologists’ brain-mind model because it fails to answer so many questions about our ordinary

    experiences, as well as evading our mystical and spiritual ones. The scientific evidence supporting the phenomenon

    of remote viewing alone is sufficient to show that mind-consciousness is not a local phenomenon (McMoneagle,


    If mind-consciousness is not the brain, why then does science relate states of consciousness and

    mental functioning to brain-wave frequencies? And how is it that audio with embedded binaural beats alters brain

    waves? The first question can be answered in terms of instrumentation. There is no objective way to measure mind or

    consciousness with an instrument. Mind-consciousness appears to be a field phenomenon which interfaces with the body

    and the neurological structures of the brain (Hunt, 1995). One cannot measure this field directly with current

    instrumentation. On the other hand, the electrical potentials of brain waves can be measured and easily quantified.

    Contemporary science likes things that can be measured and quantified. The problem here lies in oversimplification

    of the observations. EEG patterns measured on the cortex are the result of electroneurological activity of the

    brain. But the brain’s electroneurological activity is not mind-consciousness. EEG measurements then are only an

    indirect means of assessing the mind-consciousness interface with the neurological structures of the brain. As crude

    as this may seem, the EEG has been a reliable way for researchers to estimate states of consciousness based on the

    relative proportions of EEG frequencies. Stated another way, certain EEG patterns have been historically associated

    with specific states of consciousness. It is reasonable to assume, given the current EEG literature, that if a

    specific EEG pattern emerges it is probably accompanied by a particular state of consciousness.

    As to the

    second question raised in the above paragraph, audio with embedded binaural beats alters the electrochemical

    environment of the brain. This allows mind-consciousness to have different experiences. When the brain is entrained

    to lower frequencies and awareness is maintained, a unique state of consciousness emerges. This state is often

    referred to as hypnogogia "mind awake/body asleep." Slightly higher-frequency entrainment can lead to hyper

    suggestive states of consciousness. Still higher-frequency EEG states are associated with alert and focused mental

    activity needed for the optimal performance of many tasks. Perceived reality changes depending on the state of

    consciousness of the perceiver (Tart, 1975). Some states of consciousness provide limited views of reality, while

    others provide an expanded awareness of reality. For the most part, states of consciousness change in response to

    the ever-changing internal environment and surrounding stimulation. For example, states of consciousness are subject

    to influences like drugs and circadian and ultradian rhythms (Rossi, 1986; Shannahoff-Khalsa, 1991; Webb & Dube,

    1981). Specific states of consciousness can also be learned as adaptive behaviors to demanding circumstances (Green

    and Green, 1986).


    Synchronized brain waves
    Synchronized brain waves have long been associated

    with meditative and hypnogogic states, and audio with embedded binaural beats has the ability to induce and improve

    such states of consciousness. The reason for this is physiological. Each ear is "hardwired" (so to speak) to both

    hemispheres of the brain (Rosenzweig, 1961). Each hemisphere has its own olivary nucleus (sound-processing center)

    which receives signals from each ear. In keeping with this physiological structure, when a binaural beat is

    perceived there are actually two standing waves of equal amplitude and frequency present, one in each hemisphere.

    So, there are two separate standing waves entraining portions of each hemisphere to the same frequency. The binaural

    beats appear to contribute to the hemispheric synchronization evidenced in meditative and hypnogogic states of

    consciousness. Brain function is also enhanced through the increase of cross-collosal communication between the left

    and right hemispheres of the brain.


    Resetting Your Brains Sodium/Potassium Ratio In Theta

    brain cells reset their sodium & potassium ratios when the brain is in Theta state. The sodium & potassium levels

    are involved in osmosis which is the chemical process that transports chemicals into and out of your brain cells.

    After an extended period in the Beta state the ratio between potassium and sodium is out of balance. This the main

    cause of what is known as "mental fatigue". A brief period in Theta (about 5 - 15min) can restore the ratio to

    normal resulting in mental refreshment.

  19. #19
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    A year ago I read up on something

    called "cloudbusting". I watched my cousin do it, and it worked. I can't remember the exact site but here's one

    for soemthing else on the same subject, kinda.

    I would suggest

    HEAVILY reading up on that. I plan on buying a book soon. Tell me what your opinions are.

  20. #20
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Power of Prayer, does it


    This relates to this energy brain activity stuff.........

    Regarding DIHLing and alpha and beta

    brain waves, and brain activity, what occurs in these prayer/meditative focused states seem to be similar to what

    someone dihling might go through from the pheromones.

    For the past 30 years, Harvard scientist

    Herbert Benson, MD, has conducted his own studies on prayer. He focuses specifically on meditation, the Buddhist

    form of prayer, to understand how mind affects body.

    Benson has documented on MRI brain scans the physical

    changes that take place in the body when someone meditates. When combined with recent research from the University

    of Pennsylvania, what emerges is a picture of complex brain activity:

    As an individual goes deeper and deeper

    into concentration, intense activity begins taking place in the brain's parietal lobe circuits -- those that

    control a person's orientation in space and establish distinctions between self and the world. Benson has

    documented a "quietude" that then envelops the entire brain.

    At the same time, frontal and temporal lobe

    circuits -- which track time and create self-awareness -- become disengaged. The mind-body connection dissolves,

    Benson says.

    And the limbic system, which is responsible for putting "emotional tags" on that

    which we consider special, also becomes activated. The limbic system also regulates relaxation,

    ultimately controlling the autonomic nervous system, heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism, etc., says


    The result: Everything registers as emotionally significant, perhaps responsible for the sense of awe

    and quiet that many feel. The body becomes more relaxed and physiological activity becomes more evenly regulated.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    A year ago I

    read up on something called "cloudbusting". I watched my cousin do it, and it worked.
    What is that?

    Couldnt find anything interesting from Google on cloudbusting.
    Blessed are the cross-eyed, for they shall see God twice.
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  22. #22
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    To make into lameman's terms,

    it's basicly absorbing cloud energy with your eyes and making them dissapear. Extensive cloudbusting is used for

    weather changes and such. It's kind of exciting to watch it happen.

  23. #23
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    Last edited by Mungojerry; 10-05-2015 at 07:20 AM.

  24. #24
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    This is one for now, I don't

    remember the first one i saw that said how to do it with your eyes, but there stuff soemwhere. I'll post a new

    topic on it.

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