Hey all, it's been a while since I've updated, so here goes (nothing? ).

Chikara and AE/m. Beta version

of Chikara with the silver cap. I'll put 1-2 sprays of Chikara on the torso) (depending on where I'm going) and

1-3 drops of AE/m (neck, forearms, hair/goatee) again depending on where I'm going. Results: Often very very strong

hits, with a lot of physical contact initiated by the other party. When I'm wearing this, girls I'm talking to

will often start to talk about sexual things, which is always fun.

Perception (mones) and Chikara. One of my

favorite combinations. Slightly weaker hits than the Chikara/AE for some reason, but definitely more frequent.

Sometimes I'll augment this with a little SOE/m gelpack in my hair/goatee. This definitely gets people chatty as

can be, but it can be hard to shut them up as well (NOT a good combo for trying to workout, heh). I've also used a

"finger dab" of NPA at the base of my pants zipper with this one before going to a party at a friend's house.

AMAZING hits that night, girls grabbing my arms and feeling up my chest (of course I flexed a bit ). But when I

wore the pants the next day to work (forgetting that I had used NPA on them) my boss (a man-hater) flipped out on me

for no good reason (good thing I had a witness to assert that it was for no good reason, heh).

Overall I'm

starting to really like AE/m's scent. I'm ready to pickup some Pheros and TE here soon, to see what wild

concoctions I can come up with next. Also I think I've found a way to help prevent buildup on clothing. I use

"oxy-clean" in my laundry, I truly think it helps get rid of `mones applied to clothing, because I've never noticed

a "buildup" OD on my clothing, or had any reactions that would signify that, AFTER washing the clothes.