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  1. #1
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    Default David Deangelo and school dances

    Hello everyone! Well after reading David Deangelo's stuff religiously I think Im finally getting this whole

    cocky-funny thing and this being a man concept and finding that this girl whom Ive had my eye on for a couple months

    now, is actually showing some intrest in me.
    To summarize this is what happened: Last friday we got assinged this

    book report in English class and this girl wanted to work on it with me since we could team up with another person

    to do it. Well basically we were supposed to meet up on Sunday to work on it together. Well turns out she flaked out

    on me so when she called back on Sunday night she said she was really sorry but she had been "busy" all day. So

    being as I had just read David Denangelos stuff I gave her the old cold shoulder and told her that it was her fault

    and basically hanged up on her saying that I was real busy.....and guess what she called back later that night

    apologizing for the whole ordeal and even called me back the next day to chat.
    So here I am today realizing that

    homecoming is only about 10 days away so I got to thinking that this would be an excellent opportunity to see her

    and have some fun together with out actually going out on a date . ONLY PROBLEM is that I CAN'T

    DANCE!! In fact ive never been to ANY school dance in high school and the last dance whihc I attended was in

    fifth grade in elementary school and eve then I dint dance........I just sat around looking at everyone else and

    secretly envying them. Well anyhow my game is MUCH better since those ackward days but Im still faced with the

    fact that I CANT DANCE! Here are the basic problems that I have ...
    1.)Ive never been to a school dance in recent

    memory and I have no idea o what to expect(do people just sit around and talk, do people actually get up and

    2) what kind if dancing is considered appropriate
    2)What if that girl or any other girl actually wants

    me to dance with them and they realize that I dance like a robot from an old black and white horror film.

    and the net have not worked so far...............all i can find is things on how to learn to dance Salsa, Polka

    country, and other types of dances that are to specific......all I want is to learn how to not look like a complete

    duche when dancing and how to look like if im dancing naturally
    Hope you guyz can help

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    It takes the average guy about

    3 months to get to a point where he doesn't look totally uncomfortable. It takes a few years to become a good


    Learning to dance in 10 days would be Karate Kid-class instruction and practice.

    Now, considering

    that I am a High School dropout who never attended a prom or a school dance until I got to college, here is my guess

    at what you may be facing.

    First, I have no idea of how much sitting around and talking the people there will

    do. The girls will probably bunch together from time to time to compare notes. Single girls may try to flirt with

    single guys to get them to come over and talk or try to dance.

    If you see a girl dancing by herself, try to

    catch her eye (she may be trying to catch yours). If she looks at you a couple of times, go over and say, "Hey,

    show me those steps again." Maybe you can pick it up. Maybe not.

    Assuming you are in the USA, the kind of

    dancing kids at your school will do probably depends on what kind of music most of them listen to. If you're in a

    big city, Hip Hop or some sort of Latin dances might be the preferred style. If you're in the country, you're

    probably looking at Two Step or Polkas.

    I've seen Hip Hop in a mostly Caucasian/Hispanic club setting. The

    only people doing it right were four black girls and the professional dancers up on the stage. About 200 other

    girls were sort of slowly undulating, almost in time to the music. Maybe 4 guys were standing in the middle of the

    crowd watching their girls dance. They obviously didn't know how to dance and felt stupid being there.


    may be some kind of "slow dance" somewhere amid the festivities. It's actually a lover's dance, and most guys who

    cannot dance can usually save face by holding their girl close and turn slowly. Let her put her head on your


    If you can swing your hips in time to the music, you'll score extra points in her esteem.


    Step is not all that hard to learn, but dancing Two Step with a partner who really knows how to dance can be

    embarassing for you. I accepted an invitation to go Two Step dancing with a girl last year who had been doing it

    all her life. I had seen how to do it in the movies, and I took a Square Dancing class in college about 20 years

    ago. So, I asked my dance instructor to give me a crash course in Two Step about two nights before I was supposed

    to meet Miss Country.

    Because I had some dance experience, and because my instructor knew what I was capable of,

    we knocked out a basic routine for me to try in the course of an hour.

    Even so, when I got out on the floor with

    Miss Country, she left me in the dust, so I had to be a man, say, "Hey. I'm VERY rusty. Let's take it slow for a

    dance so I can get a feel for your rhythm." She agreed to that and I was able to work up to a better speed.


    then asked me what kind of dancing I WAS into since I obviously wasn't a Two-Step star. I said, "Salsa."


    thing I know, I'm doing a super-fast Salsa to a country song (I have since learned you can dance Salsa or Cha-Cha

    to almost any kind of music, except Hip Hop, which works okay with Merengue).

    At any rate, because I was loaded

    up with pheromones, Miss Country ended up red-faced, horny, and breathless before we finished dancing. She had

    plenty of guys asking her to dance, but she kept coming back to me that night.

    Hopefully, your girl doesn't

    have that much dance experience under her belt, but chances are she can hear the beat better than you and do some

    twirling without you.

    When I was in college, I taught myself to dance freestyle by practicing at home, alone,

    for three weeks before a big school dance. I ended up dancing with about 20 sorority girls because all their guys

    didn't know how to dance. Freestyle dancing is what you see in the movies -- John Travolta at the Disco. You have

    to be able to move in time or you look like a fool, and unless you're comfortable with looking like a fool, you

    don't want to try that in front of a crowd.

    Some basic steps you can try to practice would be side steps where

    you swing your toes back and forth (watch "Footloose" if you can get it in time). You can swing your arms in

    opposition to your feet. Step forward and then step back, or step back and then step forward, might also be easy

    enough to master. But you have to be able to do it to the music. And the music is usually too fast and too loud

    for a beginner.

    BTW -- how do you know this girl will go to the dance with you? Or are you just wanting to hook

    up with her at the dance?

    And that is about all the insight I can give you on dancing at a school. The college

    events I went to, I usually knew people there. If your friends are going, hang with them occasionally to give

    yourself a chance to calm down, but make sure you run by the girl and say "Hi" even if you don't have the nerve to

    ask her to dance.

    Maybe she'll ask you to dance.

  3. #3
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    Many years ago faced with

    the same delimma. I told a friend that I couldn't dance and wanted to go to a school dance. He said my mother and

    sister will teach you the basics. He invited me to his home and they did just that. We spent one afternoon at his

    home dancing and I was capable of dancing and learning new dances after that. If you learn to dance well there will

    never ever be a shortage of women in your life. You may even wish to get a jump on your peers by taking professional

    without anyone knowing it.

    Dancing gets the pheros in close where they are effective!


    Luck you can do it.

    Last edited by Elk Dreamer; 10-20-2004 at 02:13 AM. Reason: Add thoughts

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Here's something I came across on

    the internet:

    One of the reasons why it's so difficult to get information on dance moves is that dancing is

    a very personal thing. Unless you're into doing some form of organized dance like line dancing, ballroom dancing,

    etc., you're not going to find such information. If you are however, many bars and clubs offer free dance lessons.

    As well, there are dancing schools that will teach you many basic steps.

    But, what if you’re into music that

    doesn’t have real “steps”? That doesn't mean that you're out of luck! Here are some things that will help:

    1) Determine what types of music you like and work on dancing to familiar tunes. If you like Country/Western

    music, line dancing is your choice. If you like rock or blues, free style is your bag.

    2) Learn to "count".

    All music has a natural rhythm. Almost popular music is written if "4/4" time. This means that it is counted as

    "1..2..3..4..1..2..3..4..", with the "1's" being on the natural beginning of a phrase. In fact, if you listen

    closely, you'll notice that music is made up of patterns that just get repeated over and over again.

    Professional musicians learn to recognize the musical "parts". This isn't difficult as most songs only have

    2 or 3. These are called the "A", "B", and "C" parts. Think of this as a "verse", "chorus", and possibly a "bridge".

    If you learn to recognize these parts, you can learn to change your dance steps to match!

    3) Once you get a

    feel for the count, and the musical parts, find a simple step that matches. This doesn't have to be complicated.

    Try lifting one foot up and then putting it back down for every beat. Then switch to the other foot and do it again.

    Hey look! You're dancing!

    When it comes to your arms, they are used to balance. Think about walking - when

    you have one foot forward, the arm on the same side is backward, and vise-versa. Dancing is like this too. Use your

    arms to give you balance. The more movement you make with your feet, the more your arms have to move to

    "counter-balance" your moves.

    4) In general, the best dance music has about 120 beats per minute. That is,

    one beat ever 1/2 second. Why is this important? Because it's a natural feel that let's you move easily find a

    "groove" to dance to. If you learn to count, all you have to do is figure out how many beats there are in some

    period of time, and you'll know the music's "tempo". Then, look for songs that have about 120 beats per minute.

    5) Relax! Dancing is a very personal thing. If you can dance well, you have a leg up. But, if you learn to

    express yourself though dancing, you'll look like you dance well! More important, if you find that you enjoy it,

    you'll do well - and believe me, you'll learn to enjoy it once you start.

    6) Finally, watch other guys

    when they dance. Most of them look ridiculous! But then, that doesn't stop them! When you're dancing, nobody else

    is watching you, they're too busy keeping track of themselves!

  5. #5
    Man of La Pancha
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    all around!


    it's dance or hip-hop (anything with a steady beat), dancing is easy. Hell, I'm practically dancing at the gym

    half the time I'm there. It's just moving to the music.

    If you need a lesson, start by picking a song with a

    steady rhythm. Bob your head back and forth. Then shift your shoulders from side to side. Move your arms up and down

    or back and forth with your shoulders. Sway your hips to the beat (one, two, one, two). Shake that ass...step to the

    left, step to the right...and just go from there with whatever you feel. Make sure you're smooth and not stiff or

    tense like a robot. Just don't break out the cartwheel into a split until you're ready.

    If you're in a

    bind and need a 'quick fix', watch the music video "Lean Back" by Fat Joe (go to and search for

    it; you can watch it on demand) and do what he does: "My n****** don't dance, we just pull up our pants and do the

    rock-away...lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back..." I also recommend the music video "Yeah", where

    they show you the rock-away and a few other moves. Notice, however, that most of the moves they do are just moving

    back and forth. It's not that hard.

    My advice: Take an aerobics class. It's the best way to learn to step to a

    beat. Just switch the kicking and flailing arms with stepping and less bold arm movements.

    Wow, this is

    the first time my post is less than half the size of other posts.

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I like the idea of practicing

    with someone's mom and sister (even your own). But you have to really want to learn it. I wasn't kidding about

    the Karate Kid reference. The key to successful dancing, for the man, is (TA-DA!) CONFIDENCE. You have to feel

    like you know what you are doing.

    When I was first learning to Salsa dance, my instructor suggested I buy some

    CDs and listen to the music. I played Salsa in my car on the way to work and on the way every day for months. I

    tapped my hands in time to the music. I learned to get a feel for it, although I still struggle with the faster


    Try to develop a rhythmic motion with your feet that you can turn on and off at will. Listen to the kind

    of music they'll play at the dance as much as you can. Try to walk in time to it.

    Whatever you do, don't

    hinge all this on, "I HAVE TO GET THIS GIRL". Just do what you can to learn to dance. It WILL reward you

    throughout life.

  7. #7
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pancho1188
    If it's dance

    or hip-hop (anything with a steady beat), dancing is easy.
    Not necessarily true. Compared to salsa

    maybe, but if you're a "rhythm dork," it's all equally elusive at first.

    Good post otherwise. I like the

    aerobics class idea.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  8. #8
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Not necessarily

    true. Compared to salsa maybe, but if you're a "rhythm dork," it's all equally elusive at first.

    Good post

    otherwise. I like the aerobics class idea.
    True. Thank you for pointing out my obvious ignorance of

    people who have not been heavily involved in music as I (not that I'm a musician---unless you count 9 years of

    viola---or anything, but I do enjoy the art). I am a little naive because I've never had any formal training but

    seem to have a good grasp of the fundamentals.

  9. #9
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    The key to

    successful dancing, for the man, is (TA-DA!) CONFIDENCE. You have to feel like you know what you are

    That's it.

    Feeling sexy begets being sexy. Always. To move with ease

    and confidence requires feeling easy and confident - unless you're a really good faker.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  10. #10
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    If you click on the

    link in post #5 on this thread you will see

    all that you'll ever need to know about dancing!


  11. #11
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar


    you click on the link in post #5 on this

    you will see all that you'll ever need to know about dancing!

    I was waiting for

    someone to whip that link out, O!

  12. #12
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    Thanks for the help guys im

    checking on the links....ill finish the post after the dance ....thats if i go !?!??!?!

  13. #13
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    Always get a good grasp on

    those fundamentals when you have a chance,LOLOLOl
    My favorite Dance and scene is in the Movie Scent of a

    Woman ahhhhh nothing more magic than whirling around the floor bathed in the mones,feeling the soft feminine curves,

    ever so lightly in all the right places.

  14. #14
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elk Dreamer
    My favorite

    Dance and scene is in the Movie Scent of a Woman
    The Tango?

    "Daayum, da Tango iz hawd,

    yo!" - Alicia Keys
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  15. #15
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    im chikining out of going to

    the dance .....guys help before i regret not going for the rest of my adult life!!

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    just go to the dance man. you

    don't have anything to lose. reread david d's stuff because it seems like you're inner game is weak. you're

    probably visualizing looking dumb in front of other people and replaying those thoughts back in your head. alpha

    males don't worry about what other people think or say. think about it like this, would u rather go out and fail

    worst case scenario or not go out at all and spend the might your your right hand?

    btw if music is hip hop

    all you need to do is know how to grind. circular motion or just follow that ass. i can't dance for shit but i know

    how to grind and i go to clubs every weekend. you can do it man, don't be a sucker.

  17. #17
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    yes thats precisely the kind

    of frame set i have to get into.....i keep picturing myself just standing around during the dance not doing

    anything. i live in Los Angeles so im sure there will be alot of hip hop songs, as well as some techno, and some

    latin music.

  18. #18
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    well its the day before the

    homecoming dance and unless a sudden flash of inspiration strikes me i will not be going

  19. #19
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    Just put those pheromones on

    and go boy you only live once and it might just as well be now. If you don't dance you can mix it up somewhere else

    maybe the coat room or the lounge. Keep your eye out for the unusual opportunity they always present themselves.

    Magic is alive,magic is afoot!


  20. #20
    Man of La Pancha
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    If it's because you don't

    think you can dance, then *smack*.If it's because you're chickening out, follow these simple steps:


    Click on this link:

    (you might have to log into yahoo or something...I'm not sure)
    2. Click on "Watch" for the video

    "Lean Back"
    3. Watch video
    4. Imitate move
    5. Check out other videos such as "Yeah"
    6. Imitate as necessary

    Go to dance
    8. Listen for first rap/hip-hop song with simple beat and get on the floor
    9. Repeat moves to that

    10. Vary moves as necessary
    11. Check out other people
    12. Repeat moves of those who look good; avoid those

    who suck

    If you have someone to dance with at this dance and do not will lose all respect for


    If it's because something happened, then good luck next time around.

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