Every time I see this guy

speak, his body language -- his gestures and postures -- just scream out "You cannot trust me!".

I am just blown

away by how powerful his body language is. I suspect he is being overcoached in his gestures. They don't seem

natural at all.

Whatever people think of Bush, I haven't heard many people express doubt about his sincerity. He

truly believes in what he says.

I just have this recurring image of living through another 8 years of

Clintonesque scandals with Kerry
Nice post!
I saw the same thing, I jsut didn't know what I was looking

at. I knew Kerry seemed too contrived, like he's trying to be someone he's not, trying to be what his coaches

tell him to be.
Bush has always seemed more sincere and natural. I'd much rather sit down and have a beer with

Bush than Kerry.
Bill Clinton just seemed slimy in the debates. I knew I couldn't trust him, but didn't know


I'm still undecided on who to vote for. I don't think either of them can destroy the country, I hate

this "most important vote in this generation" crap.
I plan on on checking the polls, and if Missouri is close,

I'll vote for Bush or Kerry. If it isn't close, I'll be voting Badnarik. Kerry has pulled out of Missouri,

cancelled his TV ads, and sent his workers to other states. There's a pretty good chance Bush will take MO.