Quote Originally Posted by BDC_Concepts
....I was

with a friend talking to some random girl and having a good conversation. Then, out of no where, the bartender (a

very attractive 35 yr old woman who would always give me no attention or otherwise bad looks) throws a piece of ice

at my head....
I've had a couple of similar experiences with barmaids when flirting with other women. I

think there's some kind of unconscious social-proof or jealousy thing kicks in when they see that other women see

value in you. More startling is that I've had it happen when chatting to women I would not consider very

attractive at all when the barmaid is very attractive. Just the fact that there is a woman having fun with you

seems to be enough. So...If you can create a pheromone mix that attracts *any* kind of woman and makes them laugh,

then go stand near the bar you can get your woman (....dabs amyl nitrate on wrists).

Chikara: Used 2 sprays

last night (one on skin, one on shirt). Nothing spectacular to report. People were friendly enough, but nothing

that couldn't pass as normal.

Tonight I'll try 1 spray perception, 2 sprays Chikara, then report back
