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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Default First time using mones - Chikara report


    Last week I received my first bottle of pheromones ever! I ordered a bottle of Chikara to try on a LJBF

    relationship which hasn't been going so well for me this year.

    A little info on myself:
    19 years old

    I consider myself average looking with a good sense of style.

    Target is same age as me.


    upper chest area - 1 small spray (first), 1 normal spray

    Arms - sprayed between forearms and rubbed together

    I really love the scent of Chikara, but I think my hairspray came on a bit strong because that was all I could

    smell, even when we were in the car.

    We went shopping for snacks, and in the store I didn't notice any of those

    glances everyone talks about. In fact, it didn't seem like anyone noticed me at all (lol).

    Later when we got

    back to my place things got a little better. I went to the washroom and applied 1 more direct spray to my chest.

    This year things haven't been going my way, but we watched some movies and I've never had that much physical

    contact with her since I first met her a few years ago. She also seemed much more playful which I thought was really

    nice. Mind you I was looking and feeling my best also, but I think the mones gave me a little edge in the touching

    department. It was very mutual, but very friendly. Nothing sexual except for 1 joke where she put a cookie on my


    For my first time using this product I'd have to say I really enjoy the friendly

    smell it gives. I'm really thankful that this stupid LJBF thing has now been put into a potential turn around

    position. I just have to keep playing my cards right and living for the moment. I think the best way to deal with

    mones is to "Set it and Forget it" and just be yourself

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    For a 19 year old,

    you have a very mature attitude. That is the first time I have heard that phrase "set it and forget it" in regards

    to pheromones, but it is probably good advice.

    BTW, there are a lot of reasons you can end up in the LJBF

    box, but pheromones are great when you are really "best friends" but there is low "chemistry" going on. EG: she

    phones a lot, tells you all her secrets, etc etc. The real signal (and often a painful one) that you are in the

    classic LJBF is she tells you about guys she finds sexy. Then you can be relatively sure she has a healthy sex

    drive, but the chemistry between you is totally zero. I honestly have never known pheromones to fail in a

    situation like that.

    If Chikara seems to get you closer but not quite to cloSURE, try tweaking with a drop of

    NPA. That is rapidly becoming a popular combo.


  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Snoopy, if it makes you feel

    any better, I have had a lot of girls fall for me AFTER LJBFing me because I DID put them into the friends-ony box

    and moved on. When they saw me relax and become interested in other women, they changed their minds. Some of them

    became very sexually aggressive to get my attention back onto them.

    Since you have known this girl for a few

    years, I think you're in a pretty safe position to do some experimenting with her. Try turning the tables on her

    and see what happens. For example, develop a legitimate interest in a couple of other girls and let her know.

    Don't ask her for advice. Just keep her informed. Let her see you spend time with those girls.

    Your interest

    in the other girls doesn't have to be more than friendship. Don't tell her that is all it is. Just let her know

    you are spending time with the other girls.

    Keep using the pheromones consistently.

    Learn the lesson my

    father tried to teach me (that I didn't listen to for a long time): LET IT HAPPEN, DON'T MAKE IT HAPPEN. Give her

    opportunities to express her interest. Don't react immediately if she does something. She may lose interest if

    you give in too quickly. But let her move as close to you as she wants. Let her play with you as much as she

    wants. Just don't tell her you are hers until she tells you she is yours. Let the laughter roll. You'll both

    end up with lots of good memories.

    At this point you have almost nothing to lose.

    But remember that you do

    have ONE thing you could lose: her friendship. I lost my best friend by falling in love with her. You open that

    door, you could find a lifetime of happiness or a big messy drama in which a lot of people get hurt, including you.

    There ain't no way to know how to make the right choice in advance.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
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    I have to agree

    wholeheartedly with Friendly and the others. Even better than telling her about new girlfriends is somehow getting

    her to physically see you with one, the more beautiful the better. It's the only thing you can do that really does

    work and, if it doesn't, then you know for sure she's not at all interested in you and that's a good thing to

    know as it allows you to "move on".

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies guys

    I've known this girl for 4 years and here's the story in a wrap:

    1st year: She was my best friend's crush,

    that's how I met her. We never really got close this year.

    2nd year: She and I get really close. Love triangle

    thing happens, I lost my best friend, but gain another one. LJBF starts from here.

    3rd year: I try so hard to

    "MAKE IT HAPPEN" that things just get WIERD and messed up at the end of 3rd year. She says I have no "feel". I know

    what she wants but I can't give it to her because I don't have "game".

    4th year: We both part to seperate

    univerisities. We have huge deep conversations on IM about how we can revive our relationship because we both know

    its "dying" (mainly because I like her and she doesn't like me. More than half a year later of not talking to her,

    I am here, trying mones, and it seems like the things we had going in 2nd year are coming back.

    I wanted to ask

    anyones opinion on the following thought I had today:

    If I make her feel really close to me, at the point where

    we can both feel the intimacy, and then suddenly hit her with a LJBF on MY terms - would that have any advantages?

    Would it make her want me MORE? Or would it just be better to go straight for the kill

    Anyway, that's

    still a long way from now. My friends have told me in the past that I make the mistake of thinking TOO much and

    doing TOO little. I fully intend to stop living in the future and focus on the present now. I am sharpening my


  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    I have to agree

    wholeheartedly with Friendly and the others. Even better than telling her about new girlfriends is somehow getting

    her to physically see you with one, the more beautiful the better. It's the only thing you can do that really does

    work and, if it doesn't, then you know for sure she's not at all interested in you and that's a good thing to

    know as it allows you to "move on".
    I really wish I could do this but all the other girls I'm friends

    with also happen to be very good friends with her, and she's like a 9/10... the next friend of hers I would give an

    8/10 but she DOES see competition with her at times (it's happened before in the past).

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    this might be a bit

    dramatic and costly but you could contact a high-end escort service and arrange a date so that your woman sees you

    with a call girl.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Haha I just had an even better

    idea. My mom has a friend whose daughter is always coming over to our house. She's really small, but she loves me

    so much. She never lets go of me, always tackling me, holding my hand, etc. etc. I'll invite her over one day when

    she's over.

    Also, I'm planning on playing sports with some of my girl friends, so I guess whenever I talk to

    her I could make sure I mention those things briefly.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    this might be a

    bit dramatic and costly but you could contact a high-end escort service and arrange a date so that your woman sees

    you with a call girl.
    I'm not made out of money, hehe. Purchasing the bottle of Chikara put a big enough

    dent in my wallet already!

    I can very much tell it will be worth it though (although I will have

    to use it very very sparingly)

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Don't do anything fancy. Just

    take your time, build your life, and see what happens. You have all the time in the world. Use it to your


    And don't worry about LJBFing her. There is no satisfaction in getting back at a girl, even if it

    seems that is about the only thing you can do. A girl put me into that position recently (right before I left

    Houston) and when she got mad and left after I hadn't said anything to her, I felt bad. But there wasn't anything

    I COULD say to her. She had made her choice. I had to stick with mine.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    She's started

    calling me again, I guess that's a good sign. I'm much better with her in person though than on the phone, because

    I can read her body language better and things just work out better in person with her. I don't want to get too

    worked up with her on the phone, because that's what we did before, and then we never had anything to talk about in


    I'm gonna avoid being her emotional baggage too. I don't want another LJBF >_<

  12. #12
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    man you gotta million years

    to meet the right woman play the field a bit and relax if it is meant to be it will happen!

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Don't let her spend all day on

    the phone with you. Be different. Be busy. Say, "Hey, I gotta go now, but let's get together tomorrow evening.

    We'll have fun." Don't make it conditional. If she says, "I have plans" then just say, "That's cool. Some

    other time. I'll see you."

    Telephones are barriers. You keep letting the girl put barriers in front of you,

    she's in control.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast Snoopy's Avatar
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    I agree totally. Communicating

    involves more than 50% body language (I'll try to find the exact % from one of my communication skills lectures )

    and with a phone conversation you are immediately forfeiting that entire portion of the message

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoopy

    involves more than 50% body language (I'll try to find the exact % from one of my communication skills lectures )
    I had it in my notes on my computer.. 58% body language, 35% tone/inflection, and 7% the words you


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