This is the most amazing pheromone product I have ever tried.

Before I go further let me say that I

AM in the process of moving. I will have only occasional access to the Internet for a few weeks. So, I may not be

able to come back here for a while.

Now, this evening I went to my last two dance classes (compliments of my

teacher). I decided to try six sprays of Chikara since the sprays were so tiny. About halfway through the

application, I started getting full sprays. Well, what the heck, I thought? I might as well see what a Chikara OD

is like.


Ohmygodcanibatheinthisstufffortherest of my LIFE PUUHHLLEEEESE!!!!!???

Let me just say

that tonight was as close as I have ever come to having a room full of women throwing themselves at me demanding to

have sex right then and there.

They could not dance close enough to me. I learned what almost every woman's

chest feels like in two classes. The dance teacher had me help demonstrate a move and I found her butt in my hand

for a moment.

Maybe it was just because they all knew I was leaving town. Maybe because I was relaxed and just

cutting up a little more than usual. I don't know. But as often as women have come on to me, I have never had to

peel woman after woman off my chest.

When I read Bruce's story about how his wife said they needed to schedule

time for sex, I just wrote it off as his marriage getting a little spicy. Now I am not so sure.

I think this

stuff works like nothing else I have ever tried.

One girl demanded to know where I am taking her. She kept

rubbing against me, and she is a full-figured girl. I am sure she is used to blowing off guys who stare at her

chest. But she couldn't give me enough of it. I finally had to lean over (and it wasn't far) and whisper in her

ear to please stop. A man can only handle so much of this and then he has to take action, but I had made plans for

the evening. It just wasn't the right time (or place).

Bruce, you've got a monster on your hands.

I may

never buy anything else again. I just wish it weren't so expensive. I don't have enough to play with a constant

stream of ODs. I will back off to 2 sprays a day.

What is IN this stuff?

What do I need to do get a

discount? You have any samplers? I'll take all returns off your hands if you just throw them away. I'll figure

out something to do with them.