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  1. #1
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Cool Do u find that you attract a certain type of person?

    I went out last night (big surprise) and decided to apply 4 sprays of Chikara, chest, inner wrists and

    back of neck, and 1 dab PI on the right side of my neck.
    I applied 1 spray of my favorite cologne and out I


    The bar is considered rather upscale with a yuppie (does this word still exist?) type crowd.

    ordered a drink and moved to a clear spot where I could check out the ladies, I noticed a rather tall shapely black

    woman giving a few glances my way, but she was with a male companion so I didn't follow up.
    In front of me some

    more women had assembled including a rather plump woman with short dark hair. I stood there telling myself that at

    some point this woman is going to approach me and sure enough she up to me real close asking me why I was holding up

    the wall (actually I was leaning against a chair).
    I mumbled something and I guess she got discouraged and moved


    Now my question is this? Do you find women who are not considered shall we say 9-10s approaching you in

    one way or the other, I'm always getting large women buzzing me online or hitting on me at clubs and such, a

    coworker of some size came to my desk asking me if I was married.

    I believe that certain people attract

    certain types of people eg. you have those guys who pray on insecure woman but are repelled by strong willed


    What are your thoughts just curious.


  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    At 54 with a wife and 2.5 kids in

    tow most of the time, I don't get hit on much anymore, but when I was young (and very shy), I used to date almost

    exclusively women who had the guts to take the first second and third steps in getting to know me. So, they were

    always strong women, but they seemed to alternate being totallly grounded Earth-mother types to the opposite extreme

    of wild and crazy. I really don't know why it worked out like that, but looking back it was uncannily so.

    Fortunately, I ended on an Earth-Mother and we are living happily ever after.


  3. #3
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Thats what I'm taking about, how may

    times have you heard women say "why do I attract these jerks" ? I think that we send off signals that we are unaware

    Like Kreskin use to call suggestion.


  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Aggressive women are

    often fat chicks. They kinda have to be.

    Also, girls who will hook up with quickly with guys (who have

    barely told them there name) are more often 4-6 than 7-10.

    Anyway, you get the point.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Now my

    question is this? Do you find women who are not considered shall we say 9-10s approaching you in one way or the

    I attract weird ones...psycho-chicks in a couple of cases. Physically they vary.

  6. #6
    Charming Loner
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    I seem to attract

    obsessive, neurotic, and aggressive females. I think a large part of that has to do with my phero signature, because

    many times I do nothing to encourage this behavior, sometimes even discourage in some cases, yet they don't

    cease...They can range from unattractive ladies to stunningly beautiful damsels, so looks can vary, but of course,

    the less attractive ones are usually more aggressive. And of course, perfectly (I think) normal females like me too,

    but I prefer a LITTLE eccentricity...

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I've found that certain women seem

    to specialize in shy guys. They can be very nice, but generally aren't your typical "10".


  8. #8
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Funny we haven't herd from any of

    the ladies yet. I guess there getting out their scrapbooks.


  9. #9
    Phero Guru
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    hmmm, I seem lately to be

    attracting what my girlfriend Sue calls herself: the Marian the Librarian types. My thinking is that, only

    provided they get to know me a bit, they have been in academia a long time and want to expand their horizons a bit

    with guys who were previously military, travelled a bit, and have a different life experience. It's kinda cool

    really as I sorta thought these types were unavailable to me. I love it when those glasses come off!!!

  10. #10
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCW
    I went out last

    night (big surprise) and decided to apply 4 sprays of Chikara, chest, inner wrists and back of neck, and 1 dab PI on

    the right side of my neck.
    I applied 1 spray of my favorite cologne and out I went.

    The bar is considered

    rather upscale with a yuppie (does this word still exist?) type crowd.
    I ordered a drink and moved to a clear spot

    where I could check out the ladies, I noticed a rather tall shapely black woman giving a few glances my way, but she

    was with a male companion so I didn't follow up.
    In front of me some more women had assembled including a rather

    plump woman with short dark hair. I stood there telling myself that at some point this woman is going to approach me

    and sure enough she up to me real close asking me why I was holding up the wall (actually I was leaning against a

    I mumbled something and I guess she got discouraged and moved on.

    Now my question is this? Do you find

    women who are not considered shall we say 9-10s approaching you in one way or the other, I'm always getting large

    women buzzing me online or hitting on me at clubs and such, a coworker of some size came to my desk asking me if I

    was married.

    I believe that certain people attract certain types of people eg. you have those guys who pray on

    insecure woman but are repelled by strong willed women.

    What are your thoughts just curious.

    Look at it this way at list you're getting some attention. Feel surprise when no

    notice you. (checks her jeans tag) Ohh uh you're right! here's another girl who isn't size 9

    talking to you.
    Btw chubby girls need love too.

  11. #11
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    SweetBrenda, We're loaded

    up with chocolate here - will you be our "type"?

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    With the obesity epidemic

    being so widespread in the US, the issue of romance and "person's of size" is probably necessary for people to

    discuss at some point (although perhaps in private with close friends?). "Visible bodyfat issues" of one kind or

    another are an obstacle to romance for both men and women, way moreso than ever in my own experience. That is truly

    a very sad thing, because great people who might otherwise click romantically too often don't. Everybody loses in

    this situation. But it's not clear what a sensitive way to discuss it would be; or even whether this thread started

    off in the right way for it to happen here at all without hurting people's feelings.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  13. #13
    I'm a whopper!
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    That is the problem with

    todays dater's. They never give anyone a chance unless they are borderline anerexic. If people would stop being so

    damn judgemental there would be a hell of alot more love in this world. And alot less lonely people. Quality is in

    the persons personality not looks. I would never judge a person by their weight nor would i worry what my friends

    might think if they saw me talking to this individual. I hate that rating system of numbers also how insensitive to

    be labled a 5 or a 6. If you have a nice personality your a 10 in my book. my advise is get out there with your

    mones and be nice to whoever comes to talk, you don't have to marry or hump the person because you talk to them

    just have a good time.

  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Everybody has physical preferences.

    It is not intended to be mean or personal, and nobody should be ashamed about it.

    I don't think it is

    shallow either. It's life, evolution, natural selection.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Hang on Hang on, I wasn't being

    judgemental in a negative way, I was just making a personal observation. The 9-10 remark wasn't ment to be

    exclusive to big girls, a what is big anyway, you don't know who I have in that classification.
    For the record I

    have dated a full spectrum of size and color

    In any event the post was really about attraction and



    Don't hate the hater, hate the skater -Lincoln 1863

  16. #16
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    I understand having hurt

    feelings here, SW; really I do! I'm sorry your feelings were hurt. DCW's post wasn't the most sensitive to make

    in mixed company, though it was honest. A "large" or "plump" woman (the same words the women are using, not the

    "fat" phrase you said he used) apparently hit on him. He wasn't attracted to her and he gave her the cold shoulder.

    This kind of rejection happens hundreds of thousands of times to every guy too, and each time it hurts.


    everyone is going to be attracted to us. But after we get our feelings hurt we could take some responsibility for

    those feelings ("accept and move on", as my friend says) and not just indulge ouselves in rage against the person

    who rejects us or someone else. I'm not saying it's easy. But the internet gives us the luxury of being able to

    cool down before replying. I've had to literally "sleep on it" (when I didn't want to) several times before

    posting replies in this forum.

    It's very OK to tell people you feel offended and to describe what it was they

    said that was offensive for you. But once the name-calling starts there is almost NO hope of anyone talking about

    anything anymore. Plus, you are a newbie, and this board has some (for now) unwritten rules about respect. lt's

    great when women participate here, so we male members don't want to chase them away with insensitivity. On the

    other hand, people are going to talk frankly about attraction in this "science of attraction" forum, so newbies of

    both genders should know this beforehand, and could prepare themselves to participate constructively.
    Last edited by belgareth; 07-04-2004 at 01:31 PM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  17. #17
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Thanks Doc, as a matter of fact I was

    in the same bar at during the Super Bowl trying to get the attention of certain lady when she said quite honestly

    that I wasn't her type.
    I didn't get mad or curse I just moved on to another prospect.
    You also have to

    consider where I was, it was a bar filled with high rollers, divorcees, singles and a few hookers (a story for

    another time) I wasn't at a church picnic.

    The truth of the matter is most people chave a certain personal

    preference whether it be height, weight, social status, race, money or personality.
    If that wasn't true we would

    all be married at 18 and raising families.

    Like I said I was just making a personal observation about my

    experience, which shouldn't matter because it certainly doesn't apply to some one like you with such a busy social

    life :-).


    Don't hate the hater, hate the skater -Lincoln 1863

  18. #18
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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  19. #19


    Well, I actually LIKE full

    figured women

    But your point is well taken ... I have also noticed a pattern of certain types being more

    likely to approach than others ... I got interested in pheromone products because I wanted to expand my horizons,

    not necessarily to discourage the ones I was already attracting, but to bring some other types into the picture as

    well ...

    Good posting ... Maybe I should donate some of my points to you

  20. #20
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    Well, I actually

    LIKE full figured women

    But your point is well taken ... I have also noticed a pattern of certain types

    being more likely to approach than others ... I got interested in pheromone products because I wanted to expand my

    horizons, not necessarily to discourage the ones I was already attracting, but to bring some other types into the

    picture as well ...

    Good posting ... Maybe I should donate some of my points to you

    Thats exactly the point I was making...thank you.
    I know I should of word it differently

    the 9-10 reference was more of society's view but I wanted to get a reaction.

    The honest truth is I date

    women of size in fact a friend of mine called me yesturday about going out. We had to cancell a few times because of

    weather, schedules and other factors. She is a very pretty Cuban/Mexican woman that I've know for 2 yrs.


    last paragraph of my post is really what I was getting at.

    Don't hate the hater, hate the skater -Lincoln


  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Young cute things never go for

    me, although I try, they quickly run away. For some reason New Age hippies types and tall black women often approach

    me--sometimes hound me. I'm a small (5'8" 145lbs) Asian guy, so I haven't a clue why they find me attractive.

    Maybe's it's my profession--musician--or my clothing? I'm a man of few words, so it ain't my fine conversation.

    The pheros I've been playing with the last month seem to intensify what's already there and the same types of

    women are increasingly bolder.

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast einstein's Avatar
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    My opinion on this isn't quite

    as polite as burgerama's. I have no problems being friends with big girls, going out drinking and shooting pool

    with them, but have no interest other than friendship. I just don't find excessive body fat attractive.
    I see it

    the same as smoking. Unattractive, unhealthy, and if a person really wants to change it, they can. There seem to

    be hundreds of diet methods, and each one will work if the person actually follows it. Nobody suddenly wakes up

    fat, they have to look in the mirror at some point and say "this is getting unattractive, I should do something

    about it."
    Big girls do need love too, but I'm not the man to do it. All of the big girls I know who have good

    attitudes have at least one decent guy chasing after them. It just happens to be a guy they're not attracted

    A good attitude and a pretty smile help a lot, and are more important to a girl's attrativeness than her

    weight, but there are limits.
    Funny thing is I don't like really skinny girls either. Perfect would be 5'4" and

    140 pounds.

  23. #23
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burgerama1960
    That is

    the problem with todays dater's. They never give anyone a chance unless they are borderline anerexic. If people

    would stop being so damn judgemental there would be a hell of alot more love in this world. And alot less lonely

    people. Quality is in the persons personality not looks. I would never judge a person by their weight nor would i

    worry what my friends might think if they saw me talking to this individual. I hate that rating system of numbers

    also how insensitive to be labled a 5 or a 6. If you have a nice personality your a 10 in my book. my advise is get

    out there with your mones and be nice to whoever comes to talk, you don't have to marry or hump the person because

    you talk to them just have a good time.
    Good for you! What a great attitude.

    When I meet

    somebody new the first thing that catches my attention is their expression; do they look like they laugh a lot or

    have that sparkle in their eye like they are happy? I personally don't have time to waste on unpleasant people and

    attitudes so try to spend my time around people who enjoy themselves. That rating scale is superficial and only

    measures your opinion of a persoon's looks. By using it, you miss out on knowing some of the finest people in the

    world. If a romance develops between two people others don't regard as 8's or better in looks, so? Maybe they are

    happy and that is a hell of a lot more important. I'll take a cheerful "5" with a good mind and principles over any

    "10" with a scowl or an attitude any day.

  24. #24
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    There seem to be hundreds of

    diet methods, and each one will work if the person actually follows it.
    nope! They only work for those who

    sell them $$$$

    I agree about the weight not being a factor for friendship, just like skin colour or

    nationality or age all those things don´t matter to me-how can they? It´s hard enough meeting someone you click

    with and if they have a decent character too that´s already a huge bonus and those 2 things are what I look out for

    in others.
    Sex partners are easy to find but I have a feeling sometimes that good and cool people are a dying


    I don´t like fat flabby guys on top of me either Women can put on weight and look even sexier

    but men don´t Too much weight is not good either.
    The rating system is total rubbish because everyone

    has their own rating sytem based on their own personal preferences.

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    I like all types of shapes and

    sizes but it's the hour glass figure that's exceptionally sexy to me...and it doesn't matter how big the hour

    glass is either

  26. #26
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    Now we all know that physical

    attraction is the first criteria that we face. It would be a better world if that were true but the fact is that it

    is not. I personally have lost 42lbs in the last 17wks following Weight Watchers (it does work if you follow it, no

    doubt about that!!) which was a program I refused to do or look into for years because I thought it was for women. (

    and most participants are, although there were more men than I thought and we, men, kinda become the darlings of the


    I personally have noticed that I am getting far more looks than I use to even without the mones. Since

    my personality has always been outgoing, I can not contribute it simply to a gain in confidence that came along with

    the weightloss although I do feel much much much better and that has to be showing through.

    Our bodies are too

    wonderful a machine to have meant to be weighed down (pardon the pun) with excess fat which causes it to malfunction

    and/or break down early. While, I truly believe there is someone for everyone, excess weight can hold one back from

    being viewed and given the chance that the personality otherwise might afford them. If you're never taken for a

    test drive no one will know how good or pleasant the ride is or could be!! ( and not just sexually!)

    The best

    thing, would be to try to lose the weight if one can. Again, personal experience tells me it is better for my

    health, wealth (working harder, more energy) and confidence and probably will assist me in helping the mones work

    for me.

    I was fat, now just a little heavy (still losing) and while it may be unfair to heavy people to

    discriminate against them in anyway, it remains a fact of life and who said life would always be fair?

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I know it’s shallow to rate people,

    but I think most people do it anyway.
    My system is unique because it’s based on how many spots I would

    kiss. Just about anybody rates a kiss on the (facial) cheek, unless they have a really bad skin condition or I

    dislike them.
    Many interesting insights come from this system. For example it’s very difficult to get

    above a 10 unless I’ve gotten a few insights into a girl’s personality. (Monica Belucci ranks a 12. But she’s

    special.) Some of the ladies I work with have managed to rack up more points than all the famous screen idols.

    Another insight is that a girl has to be very nice to me to score above a twenty, and an otherwise

    attractive woman can get a negative score (make me want to spit) on the basis of her personality alone (eg. Ann

    Coultier). Also implants serve to deduct points rather than add them (Does anybody actually enjoy kissing those

    On the disturbing side, I’ve discovered that Johnny Depp (3) scores higher than Pam Anderson


    To answer the question... Without pheromones, I tend to attract married women in the 3-6

    range. With pheromones, it’s a wide open field; and, since the mones make women act nicer than they actually are, I

    find myself giving them a higher rank than they deserve.

    With regards to body weight. Chubby can be

    cute if it’s firm. Flab is a turn off at any weight range. (It seems many older women could outscore the younger

    ones if they could only firm up their thighs and triceps.)

    Of course none of this has much to do with

    I think romance is highly overrated. Good friends are a treasure that increases it’s value

    with time. I don’t care what Hollywood says, romance will always fade.
    A lot of people are familiar with

    the distinction: “eros” (loving desire), “filia” (loving friendship), and “agape” (selfless — so called spiritual —

    love). Mass marketing and the entertainment industry’s got everybody craving for eros, and religion’s got everybody

    pumped up on agape. But, if you think about it, loving friendship is the most stable, rational and rewarding love

    there is. (Eros makes the other an instrument of your desire. Agape makes you the instrument of the other’s need.

    Whereas filia creates a reciprocating bond between people.)

    Regarding diets... My mom’s been on dozens

    with little success. Then her doctor told her she would have to lose 30lbs or get back surgery. One year later she’s

    already lost 45. She just counts calories and walks every day.

  28. #28
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Numanoid
    I like all types of

    shapes and sizes but it's the hour glass figure that's exceptionally sexy to me...and it doesn't matter how big

    the hour glass is either
    Women with that 1:2 waist to hip ratio (or is it 1 to 1.5?) are twice as

    fertile. Its all about ratios. No wonder men are not attracted to flabby stomachs. We are attracted to fertility.

    Nothing mean about that. Just as it is not mean that many women are not interested in me because I am

    skinny. Healthiness has to have its place in attraction - it is the foundation of it. We need to be able to

    successfully pass down our genes, and that requires a healthy partner.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    Well, I

    actually LIKE full figured women
    Cuddle: I'm TOTALLY with you on that.. I've always like a woman who

    not only LOOKS, but more importantly, FEELS like a woman. I've had a few VERY skinny girlfriends (one was 5'10 and

    weighed 105 pounds), but by and large, I prefer the curvier gals.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein
    There seem to be

    hundreds of diet methods, and each one will work if the person actually follows it.
    Einstein, I

    completely agree.

    A lot of overweight people that I am friends with seem to have improper eating habits, and

    if they want me to help them lose weight I tell them how to eat right. It always seems like the majority follow it

    for a week and when they dont see themselves loosing enormous amounts of fat immediately they start to cheat on

    their diet. A daniesh here, some cake here, and soon they give up on it all together.

    But then again, there

    are people that decide to take action and they loose the weight and keep it off, because they are determined people

    with a strong will to accomplish what they want. If any of you want some modivation, check out this guy's site,

    looses a tremendous amount of weight just by dieting and sticking to it. Its really quite


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