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  1. #1
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    Default to OD or not OD... That is the question.

    I only received 1 soe gel pack in the newbie pack. So I have been using it very sparingly. I have not

    really had any means to measure but probably would say about 1/4 to 1/3 pack spread on back of hands, wrist, behind

    ear, and a little on the neck. I have done this 2x and have about a 1/3 of a pack left so I guess I'm closer to the

    1/3 than 1/4.

    As for the sandlewood, I had been putting 1 dab on my chest and 1 dab on my upper back between the

    shoulders. Then I read that it may last longer on clothes, so for the past 2 days I have been using 1 dab on each

    side of my shirt coller in addition to the dabs on chest and shoulder. Only did this because I read that it is a

    tougher to OD on the sandlewood version of TE.

    Today I added 2 drops of the nol musk oil. I on top of sandlewood

    on chest and 1 which I applied behind both ears.

    Here is a complete list of what I have done.

    1st day: Soe as

    noted above w/ TE sandlewood on chest and back. Noticed nothing in particular.

    2nd day: same as above. Same


    3rd day: applied SOE as noted. Added a couple of dabs ot TE to Collar. did not notice anything


    no SOE at all. Applied TE to collar and chest and back w/ the 2 drops of musk oil w/nol. We'll see what


    Now this seems like a lot to me to not be getting/seeing results. I am VERY OD conscience after having

    read here and have been careful to try not to. The 4 dabs of TE seem like a lot! (i tip the bottle on my finger and

    dab what's left on the finger onto me/shirt collar). But we'll see. Maybe I will read over the signs of an OD

    again because perhaps I've been too stupid to see that I have done it already !

    But I am not discouraged. This

    is a learning process and I will get it right with help like I have been getting from you all. I appreciate it very


    Anyway, I will definatly be getting more of the SOE as I just like it myself and also the AE will be on the

    list. I am terrified (sorta) of the PI because of the OD possibilities but that leads me back to the question about

    being black and needing to OD anyway!! arrgggh!! Also thinking about WAGG for work situations.

    oh well, Let

    today's experiment continue. Thanks again.

    p.s. (6/24/04)....I did originally post this in another thread but

    wanted (need) feedback so I reposted in this new thread. Tried again today.... 1 dab TE to undershirt and 1 dab to

    hair and SOE on hand/wrist & behind ear. So far the streak continues - noticing nothing--- I am a positive guy


    so 'bout a little help! Thanks.

  2. #2
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I don't think that sounds like an

    excessive amount.
    Sometimes it just takes a while until you see/notice results. Keep messing around with the


    Just curious....can you smell the -none in your TE?

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    I agree with Elana. You're not

    applying an excessive amount. The phero tables here:

    is very helpful on telling you how much pheros each product has. For example, TE has a concentration of 0.12

    mg/ml . A high -none product like PI has a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml (about 5 times). Typically most people have

    found that 2 drops of PI is the max amount that anyone should put on. With that in mind, 10 drops of TE is about

    the same amount of pheros that are in the 2 drops of PI.

    Oops. Thought you meant SOE oil rather than the -nol

    musk oil. Ick , I don't like that stuff either.
    It Don't Mean a Thing if it ain't got that swing. . . . -Duke Ellington

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    You should not put the

    pheromones on your wrists. If you wash your hands in the course of the day (and hopefully you do), then you are

    probably wasting the pheromones that you apply to your wrists.

    Now, some people may be saying "wrist" when they

    mean "forearm", and that should be okay.

  5. #5
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    Elana - I can't smell the none

    at all, which adds to my "fear" of going OD. So I will experiement as you say and hope that I don't OD or at least

    will be able to recognize it.

    Swinger - Thanks for the reminder of the Table. I meant to print that out and will

    so that I can learn from it. Glad to hear you don't like the nol oil, kinda makes me feel like I'm in good


    Friendly - Thanks for the tip about the wrist because sure enough, I was putting it on my wrist! so I

    will go to the Forearm. (you sure gotta love us newbies huh)

    I am still wondering if I should go to the heavy

    side on the applications because I am a darkskinned black guy (think Bernie Mac) and if the skin is absorbing the


    I had an interesting experience this morning. Went to work with SOE on the back of my hand and wrist. Went

    up to a young lady who I flirt with on occasion and asked her to *smell* my new cologne. She took a Big whiff. She

    called it "flowery" somewhat feminine. Then she took another big whiff and said it was a real clean smell. She took

    another big whiff and said, your skin is definatly absorbing it and then she made the comment about washing my hands

    and washing off the *cologne*. We then made small talk for a while. Other than the fact that she could not stop

    sniffing the mone, she acted no differently to me than normal. As I said we harmlessly *flirt* most days. She's a

    white girl w/a *ghetto* (her and her husband's description of it) booty which she is proud of(I have to admit, it

    is a nice Arse!) . I have no interest in getting with her, I just wanted to see what she would do. As I said, there

    was nothing out of the ordinary.

    Oh well, the experiment continues. I will keep you posted!


    Last edited by rbernard; 06-23-2004 at 03:35 PM. Reason: Changing a word for a better one

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I think you're pushing it too

    much by asking someone to smell your cologne like that. I have asked women if my cover scents are too strong, but I

    don't put the pheromones in their way. Even if they don't know you are wearing pheromones, asking someone to smell

    your cologne makes them a little defensive (if only in the sense that they are preparing themselves for an onslought

    of bad odor).

    A better test is to change your environment. Go someplace you don't normally go, with people

    you don't normally see, and compare the way they behave toward you. Don't act any differently than you would in a

    more familiar location.

    I noticed immediate results when I started using pheromones. I usually get better

    service from female servers and worse service from male servers. A couple of (apparently) gay servers have given me

    good service in restaurants.

    Now, anything can affect service. The server can have too many tables, you might

    be scowling, they could be sick. You have to gauge what happens over the long term. I consistently get more

    attention in restaurants with female staff than in male restaurants. That is not ALWAYS, but consistently. I mean

    that I get better attention and service than I used to.

    That is just one example.

    I find that the

    pheromones help me break the ice a little more easily. Women look at me out of curiosity. If I want to talk to them,

    I wait until they are looking at me and then I catch their eye. If I am not sure they are interested, I'll wait and

    see if they look again.

    Women use eye contact a great deal more than men do. You should be able to tell from

    your co-worker's eyes if she is checking you out in ways you haven't noticed before. You don't have to get close

    to her to do so. Just keep in mind that women absorb visual data much faster than men do.

    And I should say

    that I don't mean ALL women look at me out of curiosity. There are plenty of times where I feel like I am not on

    the radar screen in a crowd. It doesn't mean anything.

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