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  1. #61
    Full Member DAdams91982's Avatar
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    Wow.. I came in to this

    convo... WAY LATE.

    A1C Adams

  2. #62
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAdams91982
    Both acts are

    completely horrible, and By the "Law Of Armed Conflict" totally illegal. POW's are to be treated with fairness.

    Im sorry, but it is wrong to say one is more okay than the other, when both acts were completely uncalled for. And

    what happened at Abu completely brought a disrepectful light to US Armed Forces.


    And also again I just want to add; we the "dumb gullible american public" were presented with

    the sanitized version of events from Abu Ghraib...there were photos that depicted acts a lot more heinous than what

    was shown in the conventional media. As usual only Senators & Congress people were allowed to view these. There were

    deaths at Abu Ghraib. To term these events as an innocent fraternity prank is an insult to the victims who had to

    endure the real horror of what went on there. Also the real story of the so called "enemy combatants" (which is

    just the US's way of circumventing the Geneva Convention) being incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay has not come to

    light yet. Although it has been acknowledged that most of the detainees have no valid intelligence contributions to


  3. #63
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Agreed. This is mostly

    Rumsfeld, by most all accounts. He personally OK'd quite a bit of it, and set the tone for it all. I'm suprised he

    hasn't been forced out by Bush for PR reasons alone. What Bush apparently did on that, however, is "kept his nose

    clean" by asking them vaguely to "keep it legal", but then turning the other way. Then he acts pissed that no one

    brought it to his attention.

    Only morons think these were really like fraternity pranks. In comparison to the

    most of it was "like pranks", speaking metaphorically, but that is just valid as a backlash

    statement to the overreaction by some, who wanted to lump us in with the worst evil (Humans in crisis tend to think

    in extremes, or black/white, as it is way easier and more comfortable. The rest of us need to think responsibly!).

    The scenes the congress people saw will come out if and only if the public furor continues, which is looking

    unlikely at the moment, with so much else in the news. Bipartisan reports have it that it was some very disturbing

    stuff in its variety, but of the same general degree as the other images and other verbal reports. There were a few

    deaths, however. Some of it crossed the lines into torture, especially if you allow psychological torture in your

    definition, but not only if.

    Another extremely disturbing element is that so many (over half?) of the

    imprisonments appear to be unjustified and frivolous. This is made worse by the fact that so many of the frivolous

    arrestees are held for several months. Besides being cruel and hypocritical, this is extremely stupid due to the

    amount of bad will, mistrust and confusion this creates. The "tuna net" approach to arresting and imprisoning might

    work in the very short term, but not in the medium or long term. Most of what turns up in the net are dolphins. And

    yesterday's medium term has already become today's short term!

    You have to treat Iraqi citizens as citizens

    of a free Iraq now, not enemy combatants. Of course, our Supreme Court just ruled that we treat far too many of

    our own citizens
    as enemy combatants. To put it mildly, Bush is really milking that "things are different when

    you have a ("multigenerational"!) war on terrorism" thing for all it's freedom-crushing worth!

    The necessary

    oversight for stemming unnecesary arrests is complex, but that's the only way it can work. Foreign terrorists in

    Iraq, who are among the worst perpetrators and supporters of the violence now, are a different story. It will be

    much better when the Iraqis can take over security and answer to themselves.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  4. #64
    Phero Pharaoh
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  5. #65
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by franki
    According to some of

    the media that is not true. But then, it's hard to find out what's true.
    According to Gen. Taquba,

    more than 60% of the Abu Griab detainees were detained by "mistake."

    Agree that terrorists just need to be

    f*cking KILLED.

    But, the army seems to have made a passel of mistakes re: who's a terrorist, and who

    happened to be outside during a general roundup. So, now, as a result of the scandal, they are reviewing all the

    cases, and letting a lot of people out,, who shouldn't have been there to begin with.

    Also... we are a

    Geneva Convention signator.. that means we are bound by law.

    And...... we've been leaving it to the Chief

    Executive, and his handlers, to determine who is/is not a terrorist, based, per the Supremes, on little or no

    evidence, their political bent, and their limited I.Q.s. We've not only been detaining some innocents, but

    Ashcroft is on the carpet, because we've just let a REALLY bad one, a PROVEN terorist GO!

    Soooo.. it's just

    a bad situation, all around. But, I don't think the current admin can fix it, because they are more political and

    power-mad than they are intelligent.

    And, it's very dangerous to let the executive branch usurp the powers

    of the other two branches-- which the Supremes just kiboshed.

    If the executive branch can detain American

    citizens, or any people, for that matter, based on their definition of cupability, without counsel and indefinately,

    we are ALL in danger.

  6. #66
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Upsurge in the insurrection,

    assassination threats by various militias, rumors of hidden arms caches, introduction of more security contractors,

    Allawi’s history, the need to “keep a lid” on the situation until the US elections, frustration among the general

    population all add up to a very poor prognosis for human rights. Now that Bremer’s gone, Negroponte will be calling

    the shots. Judging from his record in Central America, the “abuses” at Abu Ghraib will be remembered as relatively

    Security contractors working in conjunction with Mr. Allawi’s militia will dispense with the

    niceties of detention centers. Those who aren’t tortured and executed on the spot will be hidden away in

    unspecified locations. We should expect fewer reports of “abuses” because fewer people will survive them. On the

    other hand we can expect an increase in missing persons.
    Naturally the insurrection will go after “soft

    targets”, so we can also expect more civilian deaths and beheadings.
    Just as naturally, the only

    explanations the American public will receive is endless pontification on the moral depravity of “those crazy


  7. #67
    Phero Pharaoh
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    [QUOTE=Red Stripe]It also erks me

    that you don't see more Muslim Americans out there vehimately standing against whats going on over


    No, honey.. actually, a number of mosques and Muslim political groups have come out against this

    nightmare in the very strongest terms. Many of them cite the Koran, which pretty much forbids beheading, anyway.

    This isn't really about religion. It's geopolitics and economics.

  8. #68
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red

    No, honey.. actually, a number of mosques and Muslim political groups have come out against this

    nightmare in the very strongest terms.
    Even Fox reported


  9. #69
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    "Those Crazy Muslims" sounds

    like a new sitcom idea for the fall.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #70
    Phero Pharaoh
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    [There were deaths at Abu Ghraib.

    To term these events as an innocent fraternity prank is an insult to the victims who had to endure the real horror

    of what went on there.

    Even the Rummy said there were murders and rapes. He admitted that we haven't seen

    the worst of it, by far.

    AND, don't forget.. Congress lined up to give its war powers to Dubya.. which is

    unconsitutional. Now, they are getting their noses rubbed in it. The Bill of Rights took a beating, here.

  11. #71
    Phero Dude Gossamer_2701's Avatar
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    The Bill of Rights

    took a beating, here.
    The Bill of Rights got sucker punched the moment Dubya was "elected"

    Our votes really do count .... MY A$$!!!!
    Eep Opp Ork Aah Aah...

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