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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default w00t strip club tonight!!..

    lol ..

    that is if my friend doesn't ditch us ... n'ways what should i do i'm gonna try to go with 5-6 spare almost

    everpart of my body of TE before that i'll put some bodyspare on .. as suggested by

    jbinpi vbmenu_register("postmenu_125347", true);

    (thanks again) and should i on top of that put NPA or is that OD .. or should i wipe a lil soe+npa mix (around

    22:4)? thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Why does it matter what mones you

    use? Just brings lots of $$$$. That is what will attract the dancers.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    Why does it matter

    what mones you use? Just brings lots of $$$$. That is what will attract the dancers.
    I KNEW you were

    going to say that.

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    It's the truth. Should I lie to


  5. #5
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    Why not? If it makes him feel


  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    OK...two sprays of TE/w and two

    drops of AE/m and then dancers will start giving you their tips and begging you to leave with them for sex that they

    will pay you for.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana

    sprays of TE/w and two drops of AE/m and then dancers will start giving you their tips and begging you to leave with

    them for sex that they will pay you for.
    Please, tell me where I can find that club!

  8. #8
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    lol i'm not rich like you

    Elana .. everyone wishes to be like you

  9. #9
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass
    lol i'm not rich

    like you Elana .. everyone wishes to be like you
    There is only one E your

    mones. This is one occasion where it doesn't matter how you look, smell, taste....they aren't interested in

    anything but the $$$$

  10. #10
    Banned User JustPeachy's Avatar
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    This is that one occasion

    where some magic may help you. Get 2 hundred dollars. 100 in 1's and 1 100 dollar bill. Roll the cash with the bone

    on the outside. Find a rich friend. Borrow his clothes. Borrow his car. Borrow his stank. Borrow his package. Flash

    the cash, but don't spend any of it. You'll get all the attention you can stand. For about 15 minutes. Then

    you're dead. Cuz that's about how long the No Money Mojo will last in there. The Bus Boy who gives trumps the Rich

    Guy who don't. And Bus Boy gets the lap dance.

  11. #11
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    hah peachy dats funny. ..

    n'ways a lap dance here is 20bucks CDN .. so no big lost

  12. #12
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    This reminds me of that HBO

    documentary "Strippers" I think it was called. All they really care about is the money, and some of their regulars

    buy them gifts and stuff, really sad what some guys will do just to get laid. Then they go to the back of the club

    get dressed and talk who they're going to milk or talk trash about "the disgusting guys" they have to deal
    "You made three mistakes. 1. You took the job. 2. A 4 man crew to catch me, f***ing insulting. 3. You didn't pack enough weapons."- Riddick "The Chronicles of Riddick"

  13. #13
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    The one and only time I went

    into a Strip Club, there was this one guy who was about 500 pounds, he had huge bitch tits, and had his shirt off

    and you could see the sweat dripping from his armpits, he also smelled like he didn't wipe his ass. Some skank was

    on him and his nose was running, and he told her he would pay her 20 dollars if she sucks the snot out of his nose

    and she did.....then he burped and farted all over the place near her.

    See its all about the money. If

    they are willling to do that (not all), then it means they are willing to do anything with you just for the end

    product. Its a sexual job, but there's nothing really sexual about it, its just a job. Some guys can still get off

    to that, but when I was in there I didn't even really bother looking at the women all that much (being serious),

    because it was so phony. If its not geniune horniess why be interested?

  14. #14
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    Here's the Thread you need to read

    JB. Don't pay any attention to my comments. I'm such an ass sometimes. JUICE UP and go out and

    have a great time!


  15. #15
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    ya i read that b4 .. hey

    guys i'm wondering hwo the heck can i get out of my house late at 10 and tell them i'll come home back at 4am

    ... i have no excuse help guys ... and yah i have no car (it got into an accident so using my friend's car and

    my parents don't like dem) how the heck do i get out the house and btw i did sneak out the other day and they

    killed me any other ways ??

  16. #16
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    All they really care about is

    the money
    of course! People work to make money.

    macky, what a chraming place you went to ,huh I

    agree with you-if someone isn´t interested in you then why would you want to have sex with them? i know most men

    don´t care but speaking for myself and as a person who has some sense of selfworth and selfpride I could never...

    ya i read that b4 .. hey guys i'm wondering hwo the heck can i get out of my house late at 10 and

    tell them i'll come home back at 4am ... i have no excuse help guys ... and yah i have no car (it got into an

    accident so using my friend's car and my parents don't like dem) how the heck do i get out the house and btw i

    did sneak out the other day and they killed me any other ways ??
    erm if I may ask-how old are you?

  17. #17
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    And don't forget to take your


  18. #18
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    erm if I may ask-how old

    are you?
    19 bro why?

  19. #19
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass
    lol i'm not rich

    like you Elana .. everyone wishes to be like you

    NOT!! I would rather be me even though

    I'm not rich.

    Now listen up 19 yr old. Get your butt to the strip club. You actually may learn some lessons

    about life there. Like what it is like to go home about 50 bucks lighter but two balls heavier. Blue Balls can be a

    wonderful thing.

    I just came back from Niagara Falls,Ontario with a few friends. After we spent considerable

    time at the casinos, two of the guys wanted to check out the strip clubs. There are quite a few of them there. Since

    it was my car and I was driving I said NO! I had already been cleaned out by slots and what not. I wasn't in the

    mood to see a bunch of brain dead guys stare at women's bdy parts and then put a dollar in the crack of their butt

    with their teeth.

    In my opinion, the men don't respect the strippers and the strippers don't respect the

    men or even themselves. It is such a phony enviroment. But this is my opinion and I don't want to moralize to


    Hopefully you can go and have a little fun and maybe learn something about women that may help you down

    the road. And I don't think mones will help you in this case. 19yr old horn dogs ar a dime a dzen to strippers.

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Strip Clubs=big tease

    I used to

    go to them back in the day. I was one of those idiots who thought that if I gave bigger tips then the girls "will

    really like me even more!" I can't believe I was that stupid. I can say that I didn't spend as much as some guys

    did...I saw multiple $20 bills going in some of those g-strings.
    I worked with a girl who danced topless

    part-time and I asked her if she would ever date a customer and she said no way, never...and all the girls had the

    same attitude except for the ones that were hooking.

  21. #21
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    Default none

    the only way I would go to

    a strip club is if I was invited to tag along with some ladies who were going to hit a male strip club. I did this

    once, I had been trying to get into this one woman's pants for a while, I left the club with her (ok, so it was

    this monkey looking guy with the huge schlong that got her going) and didn't get back home till 10AM the next

    morning. I did buy a few beers that night and lightened my wallet by $10. I only mention this so that the younger

    guys get it thru their thick heads that the women you should be chasing don't work in strip clubs. Let the old

    losers spend their money on women who couldn't care less about them and get out there and look for a woman you

    really have a chance with.

  22. #22
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    I moderately disagree with the

    premise that pheromones don't help you at strip clubs.

    It has been my experience that money plus mones

    gets you a little more action than money with no mones. Of course, no money plus mones isn't going to do much at


    Of course, I only go the strip joints once a year, primarily to relieve a little pre-Christmas


  23. #23
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Just get a girlfriend, it's a lot

    That way at the end of the night you still have your money and even a little action.

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  24. #24
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    "Of course, I only go the

    strip joints once a year, primarily to relieve a little pre-Christmas stress......."

    is that while wearing

    your Santa suit and handing out presents? A buddy of mine was in Amsterdam years ago and he, being a broke Navy

    guy, handed out flowers to the window women - one of them was touched and said "well, I won't give you any but you

    can lick me if you want". That's the mentality boys - get out there and get a real-life woman!!!

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    If youre that desperate for

    getting laid if its legal in youre area go to a bordello and pay for the privalage ?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    go to a bordello

    and pay for the privalage ?

    Pay for the PRIVILEGE? You have got to be kidding! Although one time

    a sex friend of mine and I rocked each others world for about 3 hours. She ended up having about a dozen Big O's.

    When all the shooting stopped, she looked at me with her angelic, sweaty,face and glazed brown eyes and said it was

    a privilege to be with you. I said the same back to her. We didn,t charge each other,though.

    And oh, all I

    was wearing was a dab of NPA covered with Swiss Army. And my Birthday suit. Man she loved the combo of Swiss Army

    and my B-Day suit

  27. #27
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    Okay, for you non-judgemental

    types, here's further illumination by what I mean by pheromones helping you get more for your money at your local

    strip club. And this is updated, since I went to a strip joint yesterday. Also, this only involves situations at the

    stage and around the bar. While I'll go for the occasional lap dance, I don't bother with any VIP or "private

    dance" nonsense.

    While wearing pheromones, the dancers seem to linger longer in the area around my part

    of the stage. Not only that, I've had dancers do their thing, pick up their money, take a couple steps away, then

    wheel back and give me a little something extra for my dollar. This really pisses off the guy who's sitting the

    next chair over!

    Secondly, the dancers tend to be more "affectionate" with me. I get the standard

    amenities like the old dollar bill in the boobies trick. With most customers, the deal pretty ends once the dollar

    bill gets inserted. The dancer smiles and moves on. With me, the dancers tend to slide back down and start planting

    soft kisses on the areas where I've applied the pheromones. I also get more than my fair share of ear nibbles and


    Thirdly, I also hear a lot of off-hand comments made from one dancer to another. One dancer wondered

    aloud why she was behaving so aggressively. Another dancer complained to a fellow dancer about how she was

    practically "roasting" on stage.

    I've also noticed that while wearing pheromones the dancers are much more

    aggressive in pitching me VIP dances. Hands reach all over me, even grabbing my privates. One dancer who actually

    considers herself a stage attraction and not a VIP dancer told me I could have a VIP dance anytime. Not only that,

    but unlike most customers, the girls don't get snotty with me when I refuse the "upgrade". They simply continue to

    chat while not so subtly "encouraging" me to change my mind.

    I'm sure that the dancers' aggressiveness

    in pitching their wares is encouraged by my use of pheromones. After all, I am wearing a substance that conveys the

    impression that I am a virile, sexually aggressive alpha male. And in the strippers culture, those are qualities

    that are associated with big bucks.

    So in an odd way, Elana and the rest of the naysayers may be right.

  28. #28
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    I am more than a naysayer....I am

    an ex dancer

  29. #29
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SyraBrian
    Okay, for you

    non-judgemental types, here's further illumination by what I mean by pheromones helping you get more for your money

    at your local strip club. And this is updated, since I went to a strip joint yesterday. Also, this only involves

    situations at the stage and around the bar. While I'll go for the occasional lap dance, I don't bother with any

    VIP or "private dance" nonsense.

    While wearing pheromones, the dancers seem to linger longer in the area around

    my part of the stage. Not only that, I've had dancers do their thing, pick up their money, take a couple steps

    away, then wheel back and give me a little something extra for my dollar. This really pisses off the guy who's

    sitting the next chair over!

    Secondly, the dancers tend to be more "affectionate" with me. I get the standard

    amenities like the old dollar bill in the boobies trick. With most customers, the deal pretty ends once the dollar

    bill gets inserted. The dancer smiles and moves on. With me, the dancers tend to slide back down and start planting

    soft kisses on the areas where I've applied the pheromones. I also get more than my fair share of ear nibbles and


    Thirdly, I also hear a lot of off-hand comments made from one dancer to another. One dancer wondered

    aloud why she was behaving so aggressively. Another dancer complained to a fellow dancer about how she was

    practically "roasting" on stage.

    I've also noticed that while wearing pheromones the dancers are much more

    aggressive in pitching me VIP dances. Hands reach all over me, even grabbing my privates. One dancer who actually

    considers herself a stage attraction and not a VIP dancer told me I could have a VIP dance anytime. Not only that,

    but unlike most customers, the girls don't get snotty with me when I refuse the "upgrade". They simply continue to

    chat while not so subtly "encouraging" me to change my mind.

    I'm sure that the dancers' aggressiveness in

    pitching their wares is encouraged by my use of pheromones. After all, I am wearing a substance that conveys the

    impression that I am a virile, sexually aggressive alpha male. And in the strippers culture, those are qualities

    that are associated with big bucks.

    So in an odd way, Elana and the rest of the naysayers may be right.

    Man i still say, get a girlfriend lot cheaper.
    Why waste money like that, if you can get the real deal.

    What's the fun in watching and no touching ????

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elana
    I am more than a

    naysayer....I am an ex dancer

    I thought recognized you. You used to dance on American

    Bandstand in the 60's didn't you?

    And Zorro, where are you getting the idea that a girlfriend is

    cheaper than a stripper. Girlfriends can drain your wallet quicker than a hooker can uncork an 18 year


    It's far cheaper to drop a Twenty at the Strip club and then go home and call the righthander in

    from the bullpen. You'll sleep bettr also

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