About 6

months ago I found out about this website and ever since I consider myself to
Be addicted to reading this forum.

I have
to Read what is going on in the underworld of
us (pheromone users) and know which are the latest news

and information regarding
Pheromones. I am not a very computer/internet guy but once I log on to the internet

first website that I visit is love-scent.com
And go straight to this forum. I specially
Love to read

the hits that the guys get from
Using pheromones. I visit this forum at least 5 days a week.
I consider

that I've had very good sucees while using pheromones and think that those good experiences influence my addiction

to reading this forum so much.
Am I the onlyone that can't stay away from
This forum or there's somebody

else that
Consider himself/herself addicted to reading
This informative forum?
Please let me know.