</font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
What I do/use in various situations would only be

of interest to other men my age/height with similar proportions and income. Other than that, the results I get are

meaningless. Besides, I\'m a \"biker\" and that aspect of my personality attracts women who are outside the

norm. That being said, I never hit on a woman who has not already shown an interest. To get her interest (or not) I

will spend a few minutes in her \"space.\" She will either become fidgity or more relaxed/friendly. I can pick up

on very subtle cues with regard to her level of interest--sometimes right down to the fact that she is only looking

for something very casual--but she wants it NOW. Most helpful advice is to expect nothing, women can sense

desparation--and once they do sense desparation--you\'re not liable to get beyond their initial hesitation. Go

out, have a good time with a good group of your peers; when you\'re having a good time, you will be more at ease;

no desparation; and the women are more likely to see you (and smell you) as the dominant male. The whole idea of

pheromone enhancement for men is to attempt to ensure their dominance status comes through in their scent.


/></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

Great post sir!
