I got some PF

from one of the Wacky Wednesday special a few weeks back, but didn\'t get a chance to really test it until this

weekend. Two nights out, crowded smoky bars, maybe 10 hours total testing time (bars close at 3am). 4 dabs on the

back of my hand, rubbed the backs of my hands together. I got a surprising number of women approaching me and

starting conversations, which is an unusual occurrence for me. One bought me a beer. More than one commented on

how \"interesting\" the conversation was. f-close each night. On the whole, a positive first test.

For the

sake of full disclosure, I also had on 1 dab of PI in each pit (which is usual for me in this setting) and two dabs

of my mix on my chest (also usual) covered with 3 sprays of Amouage.

as always, YMMV
