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  1. #1

    Default need advise from the pro\'s

    i am new to the phermones. the only product which i had owned in the past was yes with good results (got lucky everytime), however, i see that there are many other better products. so here is the deal, i just received my order and have in my posession npa, apc, pi, musk oil with androstenol and citrus oil with androstenol. last night i went out to a couple of bars wearing a mix of 50% apc and 50% npi, but nothing happened. i tried the same today at a shopping mall and again nothing. since i am a rookie at this i am sure i am not doing something right.

    so, i have several questions:
    with the current products that i have what is the best mix i can do that can have effective results.

    does pi and npa have to be mixed with a cologne or can i apply it directly on my neck and then spray some cologne over it?

    what product can i use alone without mixing?

    looking for advise from the pro\'s

    thanks much![LIST]

  2. #2

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    I\'ll tell you your first mistake. The 50%/50% APC/NPA mix you had on. The mix is 70%/30%. The women probably through you were a rabid animal and were scared of you. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    NPA is quite strong. You only wan\'t NPA as roughly 30% of the mix when you\'re just starting out. But and you spray more of the mix on as you test it. If it gets to the point women are seemingly running or disturbed by you, you\'ve got too much on if nothing at all then you may not have enough on. But don\'t forget to talk to and approach women. Just because you where JB #1 doesn\'t mean they\'re going to jump on you when you walk in the door.

    Also with that SPMO (The Musk oil) you can make JB #2. Just mix the Musk Oil like you would APC. So the musk oil is 70% of your mix and NPA is the other 30%.

  3. #3

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    thanks much for the great advise. how do you recomend i apply the pi? shoudl i mix it with cologne first or apply a few drops directly to the skin and then cover up by spraying cologne?
    thanks again.

  4. #4

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s


    i believe pi is to be used alone, then just covered by cologne. (im rhyming?)

    pi don\'t seem to mix well with alcohol based colognes so its better when applied to neck area then cover it with ur own fragrance.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s


    But isn\'t JB #3, which seems to be quite effective if not as effective as JB #1, a mix of APC/PI?

  6. #6

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s


    Ok with your current products, the stuff is powerful (NPA and PI) so what i would suggest in a low risk trial go to the nearest shopping centre to gauge a response you only need 30 minutes to test it.

    3 or 4 dabs of PI around neck and face and as a cover smell use the musk oil you got, its got a small amount of nol in it. And see how that works. Then try using NPA and PI in a 50/50 application - example 2 dabs of NPA and 2 dabs of PI.

    See how that goes and give us some feedback to see what else we might be able to help you out with.

    Youre right about PI not mixing well with the alcohol products just apply seperatley.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    I never tried Yes. It’s supposed to be very low in phero content. But if you got lucky every time that means you don’t need much at all. You could probably dilute your NPA with 6 to 7 parts cologne and have lots of success. On the negative side, it means you could overdose very easily. So whenever formulas aren’t working, try less before trying more.

    If I was you. I’d play around with the low end products (APC or the musk and citrus oils) before experimenting with the concentrates (PI & NPA).

    Just to give you a gauge... I get a nice effect with four dabs of APC. Maybe you could do with less.

    [ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: a.k.a. ]

  8. #8

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    hello i am new to this forum and would like to ask some quetsion - what kind of products do you recomend thanks

  9. #9

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    i\'d better rephrase that quetsion - since i dont know much about pheromones i would like to know what would be a good product to start out thanks again

  10. #10

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    Has RADIOHEAD got back to us yet, i still havent got his reaciton yet. ???? another fly by night perhaps he he, [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    Lutz, JB #3 is NPA and PF. PF has A-nol in it and PI is a superstrong A-none phero.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    Ack, my bad. Sorry for the confusion! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Banned User
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    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    Hey, what do you guys think about putting pi in the hair...or something stronger than pi....would that mask the bad smell of it, while still working, etc? I read somewhere else on a dude who had put a shot of edge in his hair, and all the ladies kept messing with it

    you sweat a lot on the head right..sweat glands..and, your hair should absorb some of the mones....I don\'t know


  14. #14

    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s

    Me to, the hair trick as well as the pit trick (under the arms where the breakdown of the pheromones produces interesting effects later in the day [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) but the head is a great dispersal agent and it seems the ability to transport the groin and armpits to the head (pheromone high naturally producing areas) seems to enhance the effect. Give it a go and let us know what happens as we say to new users experiement as much as possible with different products combos and application amounts and areas to get an idea on how to really maximise the effect. A lot of us here have been at it for quite a few years and have the experience and the forum to update our own world views and directions.

  15. #15
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: need advise from the pro\'s


    I\'ve seen that happen before. Wierd. Since it\'s got your # on it you should be able to delete it via the edit/delete icon. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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