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  1. #1

    Default NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    I have done some research into the NLP techniques and so far i am very very happy with the outcomes and i am only about 10v % way through the current book on the subject so i will keep the board updated on my results that i get and the general gist of it, this needs a new thread which should be expanded upon

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    My ex-wife dumped me for an overweight, middle aged, jerk that does NLP training for corporations. So, yeah, I suppose it works; but I still hate it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    I\'ve been studying and practicing NLP for 2 years now. From my experience NLP is outright revolutionary in molding your habits and character. From NLP I\'ve progressed to tonality and advanced body language techniques.
    I find there is no end to applicability of the above techniques along with the extra edge pheros bring into the combination.
    This is the main reason why I want to get a part time job as a sales associate to experiment and further fine tune my whole arsenal of tools.


  4. #4

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Yeah so ive noticed in one day, already ive been able to deal quickly with a lot of previous concerns that i had and to aka, now that you got the pheromones you could learn yourself those NLP techniques and go and get yourself someone or make yourself a lot of money in some sort of sales or retail position and put behind in the past that big middle aged bastard and your ex and do even better without her ??????

  5. #5

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Any of you familiar with Socionics Intertype relations?
    It explains how many different types of relationships develop.
    Naturally I’m trying to get Duality going.
    The pheromones help somewhat.
    I do get hit on constantly by everything else but what I want.
    Which the pheromones help all to well with.

  6. #6

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    What is NLP?

  7. #7

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  8. #8

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Wow, you guys are really into this stuff. I\'m just looking for pheros to give me a slight advantage in meeting people. I\'ve always had the feeling that most don\'t take the time to find out about or know me because of my own tendencies toward shyness.

    \"Neuro-Linguistic Programming...\"???

    What is that? Usually anything that deals with human nature and has programing tagged to the end of it makes me a little leery.

  9. #9

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    The programming part has more to do with a set of mental activities firstly there is no external interaction involved if you dont want it is a more of a combination and refined version of a number of self help disciplines that are floating about, its revoluntionary, i have been reading a book on it for two days and have already dealt with a number of serious phobias that i have and also improved my self-confidenece even more literally overnight, the first thing i learnt was that the study of NLP is the following

    * The study of human excellence
    * The ability to be at your best more often
    * A powerful and practical approach to personal change ( and very easy to pick up as well)
    It also deals with mental states and attitudes
    One of the first main points is that to create change in your life doesnt require a great deal of effort or even time and that this is counter productive and actually holds people back in life instead it is easier to do it quickly efficently permanently (long-term) and with little effort. More in my next post

  10. #10

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    First thing is a exercise to change an unpleasant memory, it states that to begin with it works best with low to medium intesive problems

    1.) Watch Movie of problem situation

    Begin by thinking of an everyday diffuculty. Such as a time that you were disappointed and or embarrased, a time when you didnt feel very good about things. Pick a specific and real event from your past. As you think of this specific event, notice what images and sounds come to mind and watch a movie of this event unfold before you. When youre done notice how you are feeling (an exercise in imagery, not a real movie, just one in your mind)

    2. Select theme music

    Now select some theme music that mismatches the feelings that you got from the movie that you just watched in your mind. Your memory is probably serious and heavy. So select something that is light and bouncy, like circus, comedy or cartoon music or even some upbeat dance track music, you might even try some classical music, just as long as it is completley different to what you are feeling.

    3. Repeat the movie with the music (in your mind)

    When you have selected the music, have it playing nice and loud in your mind as you begin to watch you movie over again. Have the music play right the way through right to the end of this internal imagined movie

    4. Check the results

    Now rewind that movie back to the beginning. play it without the music and notice your response to it this time. Have your feelings changed? For many the incident has become ludicrous or humorous. For others who try this, your unpleasant or negaive feelings will have reduced or at least nuturised. If you havent gotten to where you want to be, try the same technique with different types of funny or upbeat music until you find one that works and this can be used on any unpleasant memory from your past, it has really worked for me, Can i and the rest of the forum get some feedback if people use this technique on how it worked for you and if it was effective.

  11. #11

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Thanx for the links tommylove, i will go through and learn about duality and see what i can make of it and get back to the forum about how it relates to NLP and what further information could be of some use to the forum in learning more about NLP

    Above is also an example of speed reading in the fact that to start with you have to take in groups of words and once and this is done by glancing at them as you go across the line by looking at instead of one word at once several at once, this improves recall and comprehension of what is written whether it be a newspaper or post on the forum or anything you read, it also allows more to be taken in quicker and improves learning speed. This is how i get through the whole days post on the forum each day in about five minutes and with my quick typing speed can come in and out in about 20 minutes which, saves me an incredible amount of time to gather lots of information from other sources, as they say they being lots of successful people information = power and the ability to gather information quickly and recall it quickly is the key to having an advantage over the competition as well as creativity communication skills and things like pheromones and NLP techniques being put into action equals having a real easy life and being able to make the most impact in life for the better

  12. #12
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    How do you use it for body language techniques? What methods do you (and everyone else use)? The only thing I´ve ever tried is auto-suggestion stuff with simple straightforward commands.

  13. #13

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Hey CJO1
    If you get a chance try these two books.......Body Language ..byJulius Fast..&..Secrets of Sexual Body Language..By Martin Lloyde-Elliott

  14. #14

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Hi Paul,

    I must confess I haven\'t actually looked into NLP other than reading the description you\'ve posted but to be honest it sounds a lot like L. Ron Hubbard\'s dianetics and scientology. Is there a correlation?

    At the same time when I read Tommylove\'s post I automatically attributed duality to have elements of some form or expression of Taoism. However, when I looked at the pages he linked I realized it was based on Jung\'s psychological types and ideas.

    You guy\'s are both getting into some heavy areas of though that I\'m sure would interests many of the people on this board. Although I must agree with what someone else brought up recently... you should give it a second category as to not confuse those only seeking knowledge about Pheromones and the products Bruce sells. Maybe you can discuss it with Bruce and start another main forum on the Pheromone Forum home page.

    Just some food for thought [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Hi yeah the NLP techniques are more along the lines of modeling human excellence, and how to use your brain to apply the same priciples as successful people use to get ahead, as far as sciencetology goes i dont know to much about it but it sounds more like a cult to me (a big business maybe) my uncle joined them years ago but very quickly dropped out, i will do some research into their principles and see if there is a link, but accelerated learning and NLP are more along the lines of teachers, counsellors, human brain researchers, government agencies who provide education and research grants in the public school systems, writers a lot of other professional areas.
    On the subject of duality i had a quick overview and it seems to be more the interaction of people in relationships so it might be more to do with the players association website
    which shows how to pick up chicks very easily but using advanced seduction techniques which actually prove to be very useful and does anyone remember kie lol he was a pain in the ass, but we moved on to bigger and better things

  16. #16

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Dear Paul,

    Please tell us what books or software you are using. What is the webpage? I am very interested in this subject.

  17. #17

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Hi Wildbill, i have brought a book on NLP from the NLP comprehensive training team, which is one of many NLP books floating about, the software that i have used that it seems totally ineffective (it is good) but compared with this NLP and mind you ive only been using it for three days and already the results have been almost a miracle it is revoluntary to say the least, the software was subliminal, but by using speed reading and mind mapping to learn new information and relaxation techniques to assist in taking new information in and then NLP to basically reprogram myself as NLP models and learns human excellence and makes it available to anyone. For more information just goto the search engine, it is very good and just type in NLP or Neuro lingistic programming and go gather some info or visit your local bookstore and look under self improvement or reference or even business and you will more than likley find something on it. It is very useful

  18. #18

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique


    Sorry... I apologize if I implied the label cult to NLP, that wasn\'t my intention. I just saw some similarities and buzz words in it\'s approach to scientology but I can see now that it\'s more academic.

    Tommyloves socionics is definitely based on Jung\'s psychological ideas of personality types. I suppose it takes those types and try\'s to find which are compatible and which are not.

    Both can most likely be helpful in certain ways I\'m sure.

  19. #19

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Very simple you find a person that you love the way he/she moves. You observe that person for short amount of time to make sure you really see and feel their rhythm and style. Than you apply the NLP techniques to \'anchor\' that look/feel/energy as your own. The great thing about this is that you can anchor unlimited number of \'body languages\'.
    I never thought I had a problem with my body language until one day when I watched myself on video from a friends get together. I almost cried out loud, it was a such a sorry sight I don’t even want to re-live it. Try recording yourself you might be very surprised, and then just think, this is what you present to the rest of the world around you. From then on I set out to change many things about me, this voyage eventually lead me to NLP and the many body image techniques I utilize everyday.
    For example I got one for use at work. It beams with confidence, take charge attitude, natural leader, and great amounts of energy. I modeled it off a guy from my previous work who seemed to be bursting with energy and opportunities that came his way. I have one for my tennis game that I took off Andre Agasi. Of course I am no where near as good as he is but my game immediately when into overdrive and I started to beat people that were good few notches above me. Another one I use for the club scene, this is where I transform into a great latino dancer that I once recorded off TSN by accident instead of formula F1.
    Currently I am trying to land a part time employment at a large local computer shop where I will attempt to model the best selling sales guy.
    There are other things to body language that you must be aware of, in order to truly be able to read what others are saying to you. The amazing thing is that ones you memorize these behaviors others words are almost transparent to you. Most of you probably heard that 80% of speech is none verbal. Well that is totally true. Only politicians are very careful what they present with thier body..., I wonder if they go to special liars school before they join ranks. Clinton was an absolute master at that, even when he was lying through his teeth his body was still as confident as ever.

    NLP originally was developed by a fellow by the name of Richard Bandler. The rest of the people out there simply spread his knowledge and teachings while making a buck. He is quite fine with it except when it comes to Tony Robbins because he feels he ripped him off (not giving due credit) and called his thing something similar. I listened to just about all of Tony Robbins stuff and most of it is very good. However tend to be undisciplined so I kept on looking for something even easier. Now that I found it with NLP, I use it to bring in to my life all the great traits and habits that Tony speaks of.

    You can download Tony and Bandler off napster + napigator (look for full servers). I find Bandler tapes full of funny stories with a gem of advice contained within those stories. Personally I don\'t like his teaching methods; I like to have just the techniques minus all the other crap.
    People looking for pure sex should give Ross Jeffries a try. He is one of the original Bandler students. Also he is much easier to listen to.

  20. #20

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by a.k.a.:
    [QB]Turns out our brain has a limited amount of energy to work with, and most of it goes towards maintaining emotional stability. Once that art is mastered, the brain can direct energy towards creativity, hightened perceptions, etc.. After decades of practice the brain is actually transformed resulting in less memory loss, healthier endocrine system etc.. Written by a neurologist, so it’s thick with too many medical terms.

    I don\'t know how much of this is true (or atleast how much I believe). If so, how does one explain extreme moments of creativity (Edgar Allan Poe, Van Goh) coming from people during times in their lives when they wouldn\'t be considered too \"emotionally stable\". In fact, many times this is when the most creativity is achieved.

    All that I\'m saying is that all these \"programs\" are still just theories, some with a few testimonials. Human Will is still one of the most powerful tools we have. Programming can work, without a doubt, but people should thoroughly know what they are getting into and the fundamentals of why these changes in them occur before they start fooling around. For their own safety and physiological health.

  21. #21

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Thanks for mention the link
    Very cool.
    I like! I like it very much [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    On the Sonionics intertype relations.
    It’s like Jung\'s psychological types but the internal modeling is somewhat different.
    And it was developed in Lithuania.

    If you want quick and easy lay try an activity relation.
    Combining NLP stuff.
    And some pheromones.
    You will get laid!

    Or if you some chick to be obsessed with you.
    Try a relation of benefit
    Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton come mind as an example of this one.
    With some help from the player’s guide she will want all your bodily fluids in no time.
    Just remember you’re the boss.

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Hey Paul,
    Two of my favorite books if you’re into excellence and self improvement:
    Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
    Zen and the Brain by James Austin
    Emotional Intelligence is about fundamental emotional skills ( dealing with anger and fear, letting feelings flow, and cultivating empathy ) that are more essential than IQ in determining success. Best seller in the States. Quick read.
    Zen and the Brain takes it to a deper level. Turns out our brain has a limited amount of energy to work with, and most of it goes towards maintaining emotional stability. Once that art is mastered, the brain can direct energy towards creativity, hightened perceptions, etc.. After decades of practice the brain is actually transformed resulting in less memory loss, healthier endocrine system etc.. Written by a neurologist, so it’s thick with too many medical terms.
    Still don’t have the patience for meditation, but Emotional Intelligence was a big help.

  23. #23

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Ladies & Gentlemen;

    I really enjoy my seat at center court here on this forum. I\'d rather sit & learn, but NLP etc. (aka Peale\' Old How to win friends & influence people updated) is the cause for me coming forward.
    PhilS here, Hi everybody!

    1st things 1st: Bruce & yours-THANKS-many many. On a scale of 10 I rate u & ur\'s a 11.22.

    For those really interested in nlp & related info, subscribing to w/ an empty message will give you more than enough links etc.
    et al reminds me of \"The\" talk w/ my father; Your going after women soon. Start reading Romance Mags now! The stories are women writing, telling (u) what they want, desire, long for! Emulate those men! Today I would suggest the all time best sellers in Romance Novels (interestingly called 35-40 years later) aka Womens Porn.

    Thanks to all who read. I\'ll go back to my seat now.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Just one thing: Romance novels are womens porn? Oh please, don´t be silly!

    But one good point made or at least in one direction. I had an interesting discussion (going back some years now) and she made a really good point. She reckoned it was not only hilarious but also stupid that when it comes to the subject of women that men always ask other men for Ãdvice´ and not a women. She made this example: If you have a medical problem and go see a plumber for help instead of a doctor. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Another thing is don´t throw all women (or men) into one pot. Everybody is different! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  25. #25
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Ooops that should read: ...had and interesting discussion with a good friend´ [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  26. #26

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CJ01:
    Just one thing: Romance novels are womens porn? Oh please, don´t be silly!

    But one good point made or at least in one direction. I had an interesting discussion (going back some years now) and she made a really good point. She reckoned it was not only hilarious but also stupid that when it comes to the subject of women that men always ask other men for Ãdvice´ and not a women. She made this example: If you have a medical problem and go see a plumber for help instead of a doctor. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Another thing is don´t throw all women (or men) into one pot. Everybody is different! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


    I\'ve seen medical doctors tell their patients to cut down on fats, and quit smoking, BUT you look at those same \'experts\' and they are obese, chain smoking people.

    The same with many women that say that they are looking for a nice man yet end up hooking up with jerks.

    Words whisper but actions shout.

  27. #27

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    In other words...

    Actions speak louder than words.

    &lt;origin of quote not known to me&gt;

  28. #28

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Regarding my Romance novels are Womens porn. Sorry, CJOI. I was only repeating that which I have heard, seen in print Lately, from both men & women. Thumb thru a few, they are quite steamy & graphic. Sorry men no pics.

  29. #29
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Yeah, I know they can be steamy sometimes, although I´ve not read that many but I suppose that they used to be, certainly 30 or so years ago? Things have changed so much over the past few decades!
    But many romance novels are written by men too, which is interesting I think! And a lot of erotic literature too. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  30. #30

    Default Re: NLP is a very powerful tool and technique

    Yeah, the ol\' mags, like tru\'romance etc back then!!! I pass on those written by men.
    Maybe it unisex [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] at work now

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