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Thread: "Enlargement"

  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Default \"Enlargement\"

    I am gonna ask some stuff that squemish people shouldn\'t read and is mostly dircted towards guys(though I would LOVE to hear what FTR has to say).

    I wanted to know if some guys on here have tried those natural exercies to enlarge your member. I have been doing them for about 2 months and I am seeing some improvements. What about the pills? I read a thread from several months ago about the Vig-RX pills but everyone was saying they were still trying...I have tried the liquid RX stuff but I am not sure it does anything and everyone raves about that one. I would qppreciate hearing about your experiences, and your opinions on exactly how important size is (i can\'t wait to hear from FTR on this one [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )........

  2. #2

    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    The great thing about being female is that the vagina can expand but it can also contract. So size does not have to be an issue. If a woman has good control over her muscles, she can tighten up or loosen up however much she needs to in order to get the sensation she wants. She can also vary positions -- some positions are better with larger men and some things better with smaller men -- with smaller men you can do just about anything -- with bigger men, some things can be uncomfortable. The best position I\'ve found with smaller men is him on his back, woman on top with her feet flat on the bed, so there\'s a place to start if you haven\'t tried that. In any case, vary positions till you find one that gets you hitting the sweet spot. Size is a matter of individual taste, just like men\'s preferences in breasts - some like great honkin\' hooters, some prefer perky little titties. So I\'m not gonna lie to you - for some women, size matters, just like for some men, if she\'s not at least a D cup, he\'s not interested. I\'ll tell you a secret, though, and maybe there are some women out there will agree with me - the men I\'ve known who are small to average have been MUCH better lovers than the men I\'ve known who were large. There are exceptions to every rule. But for the most part, that\'s the truth. For that reason, I\'ve come to prefer men who are not so well-endowed. In order to compensate for their lack of size, they\'ve made it their business to learn the art of eroticism and how to give pleasure from more than just their penises. Generally they\'re more fun to be with than a guy who\'s got a lot of equipment -- that guy will often think that\'s all he needs, he\'s a super stud because he\'s big. Size is not what makes a guy good in bed. Sometimes a guy with a big dick IS a big dick, with a big ego, and not such a great skill set. Width is also an issue and for some women width is more important than length -- but again, there\'s such a thing as too wide. A very large penis can\'t go as many places as comfortably as an average to smaller size one can, so it\'s not as versatile when you have to work to accomodate it. If you\'re worried that your size won\'t please your partner, work on your oral skills - most women orgasm quicker and sharper that way anyway - work on your fingering skills, work on your kissing, work on your breast work, and when you\'re with a woman, experiment with every single inch of her to find out where her spots are and how she likes to be touched -- take your time with this. Most women have erogenous zones men haven\'t even considered - for example, besides ears and neck, there\'s the area just above the collarbone, which is very responsive; besides nipples, the sides of the breasts and the undersides respond well to being very gently stroked with the fingertips or kissed/licked; inside wrists, behind knees; just above the ankle bone, inside the arch of the foot, the toes; her bottom, the back of her neck, are all places that like to be kissed ... Talk to her and encourage her to talk to you - ask her if she feels she needs deeper penetration or more friction along the walls of her vagina - if she does, don\'t be ashamed to bring the toybox to bed - toys come in all shapes and sizes. If you focus on pleasing her, chances are really good she won\'t care how big your dick is. That\'s the truth.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    trust me, being too big is not as fun as you\'d think it would be

    when you\'re too big, you can\'t \"slam\" a pu$$y, you have to kind of be aware of how far your penis goes in and out, which sucks because you can\'t lose control to your animal instincts [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    the only ones who care about size, really, are the other guys in the locker room

    but to answer your question, yes i believed it would be better if i had a larger penis, so i did the exercises before i lost my virginity, and now i regret it. do you know what it\'s like to know that you can never be deep throated or do your woman really hard? it sucks, and you start to hope that it actually shrinks a bit.

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    I really don\'t want to hurt any feelings, but I happen to LOVE a big dick. It is one of my favorite male features. This really will vary from woman to woman. I love it for the way it looks. Just as a man can get turned on by big breasts, I get excited by a huge cock. but I agree with FTR that as far as the way it makes me depends on how the man uses it. I have also found that men with smaller penises tend to have mastered the skill of oral. As they say...different strokes for different folks. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] No pun intended

    On another note...I used to be a buyer for a very risque lingerie store. This was the store...
    We sold several different penis enlarging items. I never got any great feedback from anything. Several men liked the pump, but I don\'t think that did anything permanently.

  5. #5
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    Well, I\'m done. I hope it was good for you. Good Night.

    I tend to agree. Your analogy parallels mine in the sense that people who think they have less to offer try harder. You know. The really hot girl who sucks in bed. She\'s so used to guys kissing her ass all the time that she doen\'t have to try. Meanwhile plain Jane is rocking me like theres no tomorrow. Hmmm, which would I prefer?

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    I got hold of some of this exersize stuff aswell, I found it free off this site from this guy who must have stolen it. The site is dead now, but the material is safely tucked away on my hard drive.

    Pantero, just how big are you, I\'m not gay, just curious what size got your girl hurting. PM me if you want.

    Well I started doing a few of these exersizes when I was about 14, but never really gave it much of my time. When I started I was in the middle of average. But I wanted more because of the guys at school boasting and stuff. I mostly gave it up after deciding it wasnt that important. If a girl was going to be that shallow anyway I wasnt going to be interested. I finished up above average, I wont say how much \'cos its not important (if anyone is curious then PM me). It does work, and it is easy enough to do, but I wouldnt make it that important to you. It is fun, especially I can remember this one time I was flirting with this girl and she asked me how big I was ( [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ). It isnt something I would normally tell but I did eventually. She was like, \"Oh, quite big then\", and I laughed and said, \"Only quite?!\" She laughed and said, \"ok your HUGE [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]\". The coversation ended and then I went about my business. Went back to talk to her after a while and her friends ambushed me and said, \"Are you really that big!!??\". It seemed like everyone knew! Didn\'t enjoy it much at the time (I was quite shy!), but its quite funny.

    Druid, you wanna swap? You send me your stuff and I\'ll send you mine, if I can find it.

    Anyone else want it, PM me and we\'ll talk...


  7. #7
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    well according to all the surveys I am average size but I want a hugh one [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I want a girl to fear it [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] But I am not willing to do the surgery (NO WAY IN HELL) and I heard the pump takes forever and could possibly have side effects. Hey xxxPantero, which exercises did you do? The jelq? For how long? what kind of improvements did u see? I have noticed it is considerible thicker, a LITTLE longer, and more vascular.

  8. #8
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    CptKipling- WOW!!!!!! That is all I can say. Yes, I PMed him [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    Me, too.

    Oh baby baby

    that much equipment and all that youthful energy ... kinda makes you breathless, doesn\'t it? lol

  10. #10
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    breathless isn\'t exactly the word I would use. lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    I think we might be drifting into the dreaded \"FLIRTING\" mode...

    look out for the slamming to come

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    you are slick guy lol - telling a gal friend that you are big and acting like you\'re suprised she told her friends :-) - I have enough women friends who have told me they share this stuff with each other :-) - this stuff gets around fast as I well remember from my days in high school/college. But always thought these exercises etc. were bs so interesting to hear different.

  13. #13
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Isn\'t that \"allowed\" in off Topics? I am not in the mood to be flamed. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  14. #14

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    Yeah, let\'s hope so, \'cause me either.

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    This was before I had much experiance with girls. It was an IM convo and I *honestly* didn\'t expect her to go telling her mates! It was when I met her at the weekend that this came out, all her friends had the giggles and I asked what was up but they didn\'t say. Then they came over... OMG it was embarassing! Not that I really hated it! But then they threatened to tell everyone in the place about it and I was like noooooooo [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] lol

    Of course I took advantage of this [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img], and got her wanting to \"find out if [I was] as big as [i] said [i] was!\"


  16. #16
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    Now I gotta know. Not how big. I\'m not that much of a homo. Just what these \"exercises\" consist of. And they really do work you say? I don\'t have to walk around with weights swinging from my dick. Do I?

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    No no NO! Nothing like that! <cringe>

    It works on the principle of getting extra blood into your penis, thus expanding the spongy tissues. Also exersizing the PC muscle, which is important for prostate health.

  18. #18
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    I think are speaking about vacuum bomb..that bomb. when used appropriately, increases penises blood circulation in. But for the definitive penises increase the researches show that the traction is more efficient..In modern medicine this principle of traction is used to create new tissue for skingrafts, for the elongation of bones and to create new skin with hair to cover bald areas. Also this principle has been used in ancient cultures to create long necks like in the Giraffe women of Birmania and to create longer lips in certain African tribes..

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    \"vacuum bomb\"??

  20. #20
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    Sorry CptKipling,
    snares of my language , I meant \"vacuum pump\" a bomb will explode your penises and we don\'t want that happens [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  21. #21
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    actually EXIT63 the exercises feel quite good....Basically they are various stretches and one called the jelq (which is supposdely arab secret method -- they say it means \"milking\" in arabic). There are no weights or pumps involved -- they are performed with your hands. I have noticed (not that I had a problem with this before) but my erections are much more harder (didn\'t think that this was possible -- remember I am only 22 and it is was almost always erect anyway) now and much more often (like morning wood after I have been awake for like 10 hours). Def. thicker and much more vascular...

  22. #22
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    Ok guys what about the pills? I know longtitude was a scam company (CP DIRECT) and I saw Ron Jeremy advertising on late night TV for extends (but he has had a huge one for years) so I know it wasn\'t from the pills and what VIG-RX? that is the one I hear good things about.....

  23. #23
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    OK, What do I have to do?

  24. #24
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    Ok exit63 go to this website --

    They review lots of stuff that have to do with enlargement.
    They also reviewed the best websites for the exercises. I joined the program at It was only 40 bucks one time fee for lifetime membership. They have instuctions, and extra stuff, and even a cool forum to ask a guy, named Big Al a former powerlifter and penis enlargement guru, questions.

  25. #25
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    I can\'t wait to meet \"Big Al\".

  26. #26
    Phero Dude abductor's Avatar
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    ====In reply =======
    Ok guys what about the pills?

    I saw an interview with a MD andro researcher and he is skeptical with pills..and he asked/joke: Would you take a pill that increase your nose or your ear? he thinks we don\'t still have a medication that will only act in a certain place of the body (in this case the cells of the penises).. He mentioned that \" to Burn located fat doesn\'t exist \" we cannot say which place of the body will lose fat, imagine a pill that makes to increase the penises..

  27. #27
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    to tell the truth I don\'t want to spend a lot of money on those pills anyway. i think i will just stick with the exercises.

  28. #28

    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    To make it short:

    Pills don\'t work! There\'s absolutly no way to bring your Penis to grow by Pills !

    Exercises work a little bit, but your Penis won\'t grow, you only will get a little bit harder errection (some of these exercises are used as natural ED Therapy) !

    humanGrowthHormon/STH/IGF, your ears, nose, hands will grow if youre doing an HEAVY overdose, but not your penis!

    Dont believe what they say, there is NO way to bring your Penis to grow!


    If you got really problems with your Penis, Errection or something else then go to your Urologe/Androloge !

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    What makes you so sure? Have you actually experimented?

    - Krish

  30. #30

    Default Re: \"Enlargement\"

    No, haven\'t try Pills.
    Its just MedicScience...

    Pills dont contain anything else than useless AminoAcids and other stuff which dont hurt, but also wont bring any results!
    The growth effect is mainly regulated by Hormons like hGH,IGF,STH and also by Estrogen and Androgen acting Hormons... But, if youre full growth (at the age between 16 - 20 ) these hormones mainly repair yourself... These Hormones, cant bring your \"penis\" to growth, just believe me, also your penis dont contain normal Muscles but mooth skeletal musculature which cant be train in such a way....
    The only thing you can do is to train the muscles which can pump blood in your penis, i think everybody know what i mean ;-).
    There are a few other methods for enlargement called stretching etc. they can (!) work, but sideeffects could be Errectyle Dysfuntion, Deformation etc. !

    There is no way to enlarge your Penis without heavy sideeffects !

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