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Thread: Pherocon......

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Pherocon......

    O.K.!.... Bruce, J.V.K., Phil Stone and others are going to be in Vegas on March 22. Is anybody going? Why so little interest and encouragement? I have never posted before, but I am not a \"newbe\" by any means. Why the lack of interest? I don\'t intend to be mean, but Bruce and the others are investing a substantial some of money, and time into this venture, and yet not one of you have given him the courtesy of any input. Why the total dis-interest?

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pherocon......

    There was a small flury of interest when we started, but it soon died out for some reason. Phil, I and a few other attendies put our heads back together and decided to advertise locally in Vegas for a special program on Saturday afternoon and with a little luck we expect to get a crowd of locals and vacationers.

    I appreciate your concern, but forum members are certainly not obligated to go or even want to go. Originally the idea was to provide a vehicle for us all to meet face to face and have some fun. Forum members have been chatting about that from time to time since the beginning of its existence. As it turns out very few people have enough interest time and money to make the trip, and we just had to huddle up quickly and decide what to do about the situation. Putting on a local event Saturday afternoon and spending the rest of the time hanging out together is what we came up with, and I am OK with that. Actually, if we can pull it off, it will be a great thing. It just isn\'t going to involve many forum members. The Forum is the Forum and the Convention is the Convention and apparently ne\'r the twain shall meet.

    Thanks for the thought though,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pherocon......

    It\'s just simply a logistcal problem overall for this many people. I considered going, and had a free flight coupon I could have used...but there were just cionflicts with the date. For other\'s it\'s lack of money, or lack of having the time off from work. I know most of the forum members would like to meet each other, but it\'s a difficult thing to pull off.

    Overall, I think Bruce has really worked out a good compromise considering the circumstances. I hope the event turns out to be a success.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Pherocon......

    keep an eye on the forum for further details on how it turns out i guess.

  5. #5
    Full Member Paul canada's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pherocon......


    Was wondering if you are going to take any pics at Pherocon. If you were could you post them somewhere here so we can all have a look. Also would it be possible for JVK to post his notes from Pherocon - being that he is one of the guest speakers- I would be really interested in what he has to say.


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