Some people seem to get great results with -none containing products such as PI, NPA, etc. Others don\'t. I put together this survey to see if we can find any pattern in who gets good or bad results with -none.

Please take a moment to answer it!

1) Would you say your results using your favorite -none containing product are:
A) Poor
B) Fair
C) Good
D) Very Good
E) Excellent

2) Which product is your favorite?

3) How much do you apply of it?

4) Would you say you get good results:
A) Never
B) Occasionally
C) Frequently
D) Fairly reliably
E) Every time!

5) Before you started wearing pheromones, did women ever tell their friends that you intimidate them?

6) Before you started wearing pheromones, did you consider yourself:
A) An alpha male, leader of the pack
B) An alpha male, though not everyone acknowledges it
C) Sometimes a leader, but more one of the crowd
D) A follower: you like others to take the lead
E) The underdog

7) What is your height?

8) Physically, are you:
A) A body builder or work out at least 4 times a week
B) Athletic -- work out or play sports at least twice a week
C) In shape: go to the gym once a week
D) Not bad: look OK but don\'t work out much
E) Relaxed
F) Hey, I\'m a couch potato, so what?

9) What is your age:
A) 15-20
B) 21-25
C) 25-30
D) 31-35
E) 36-40
F) 41-45
G) 46-50
H) 51-55
I) 56 and up

Thanks a lot guys... I think this will help us figure out what\'s going on.

[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: xvs ]