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  1. #1
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    Default Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Well today was a day off for a change and as usual i had a list of appointments to keep, no matter where i went today i noticed more effects then normally.. First off this morning the car needed an oil change so off to the shop i go and was greeted by a beautiful sales girl behind the counter..she edged closer to me as she discussed my bill with me..she had the bluest eyes ive ever she talked i stared into those eyes and as if she were in a daze she openly began rubbing herself up against the lobby of all places!! She stood there transfixed staring at me while we went over setting up the next appointment..she took me by the hand and said c\'mon i\'ll get you a card so you won\'t forget..i thought this was kind of cute so i followed her down the hall..her still holding my hand the whole way..different i thought to myself..soon as we get to her office she turns puts both hands on my hips and kisses me..then steps back and apologizes..i just smiled and said you people take your idea of customer service to a whole nother level..she laughed and i asked what time she got off work she said 5 and i asked if she would like to go out for dinner and drinks..she said yes and i took her to this nice italian resturant where we talked and stared out at the ocean. All in all it was a great time and we made plans for a second date to go to the fair.. so say what you like about PI I for one know this stuff works great for me..can\'t wait to see her again!!!

  2. #2
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    This post should keep the skeptics in line,another success story. Which brings me to a question Masorsob,did she tell you why she kissed you out of the blue like that? I would like to know her answer,what she was feeling at that particular moment? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    that\'s awesome. you\'re definitely getting some great results there.

  4. #4
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I\'m happy for you Masorsob, I\'m always curious as to what women feel and say at that moment when the Pheromones takeover. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Keep me posted and tell me if you closed the deal [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    MajorSob. Women just don\'t go up a kiss a stranger. Sorry bud. But even DRUNK women are rarely that forward.

    Did you know her at all?? Did you converse with her for a while first? Di you give explicit signs of sexual interest? How good looking do you rate yourself(1--10) ? What were you wearing? What pheromone and how much were you wearing? Do you pick women up easily on regular occasions?

    I just can\'t see a woman (unless she\'s a \"majorslut\" (no pun intended) being that forward. Maybe i\'m just used to Toronto, Ont Canada!??

  6. #6

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I CAN\'T BELIVE MajorSob\'s story.


    How did you apply PI, MajorSob?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    First off with or with out luck with the ladies has always seemed to run on the lucky side...but never this lucky. Secondly she is not a slut..nor did i know her previously..although one of her friends who works with her is also a good friend to one of my friends..thats the only tie in.. and last but not least i\'m sorry you cant believe it..I never attributed all my luck to i know its not a magic cure all..but a tool. So from now on I\'ll just keep my results and opinions to myself ..nuff said see ya!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I believe you. I doubt you\'d rush to the defense of a made up woman. It happens. Paul and some others have reported major hits like this but it\'s not all the time so I won\'t doubt it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Jose..she apologized and said I\'m normally not that forward but i felt compelled to be near awnser to her apology I kissed her and said there that makes us even..she called to say she had a nice time last night and couldn\'t wait to get together again..I asked her if she was up to a few drinks and to go relax at the hot tubs..she took to that idea..and shocked me when she asked if I wear a swim suit when i go ..i said no..she said good me either...BINGO!!! P.S. I gave her my number yesterday on a card treated with pheromones..i figured it couldn\'t hurt..and as luck would have it it didnt..well off to pick her up!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Over here paulies up and on the floor, its rare but it does happen, all though it seems to be always when they get a few drinks under them, actually they hit the drinks hard just to be able to loosen right up and then all the stuff comes on out, but i let them speak and take great care not to take it any further so not to take advantage of them got to give the women some respect but it must be returned in kind otherwise she will always be like it if you take it further, watch her when shes dealing with others to get a good idea on her personality before she gets all lovestruck, that way you see what shes like away normally. And if they like to treat you like a door mat then return the favour if you like and try it five fold just to teach em a lesson in how to treat people but only if they are like that to begin with. If they are nice then treat em nice.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Majorsbob I\'ll be the first to admit that I\'m very jealous with your results. Keep em up.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Thanks Blocker..i\'ll keep it up..just wont post anymore..stay cool!!

  13. #13
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Masorsob- You don\'t have to stop posting because of a few who don\'t believe you. I told this story before but I guess it\'s time for a retelling. I had been talking to this woman on the net,so we decided to meet. She couldn\'t send a photo but her description sounded good. I wore PI one drop behind each ear, two drops of AE below the Adams Apple. One spray of TE under each arm pit. We met at a local bar, she walked in and I was impressed! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] She was a hot beautiful woman with a body to match. We talked about everything, we were having a good time. Now mind you I was not thinking about screwing this woman on the first date.
    At some moments throughout the evening she was staring at me, and had a grin on her face. She just came out of the blue and said \"would you like to come to my place.\" Now this woman is not a slut she has a career in the workforce. Of course I agreed, and we ended up spending the night together. She said she had never done that before, that there was something about me she couldn\'t resist. I still see her to this day but only as friends with the benefits. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    All I can say is this stuff happens but very rarely, So keep your experiences with Pheromones coming. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I agree with Jose\'.

    Don\'t stop posting because someone didn\'t believe you. Hell, she may be THE ONE! Although I haven\'t had THAT level of results myself, I sometimes get a bit spooked by the results I *DO* get. As I get more used to them, I\'ll be able to take things even further. FWIW, I\'m jealous too(!), and yes, I too want to know EXACTLY what combo you were using, what cologne you covered with (if any), etc. That\'s the Ferrari you had taken in for its oil change, right? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]



  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I\'ve seen girls with a few drinks kiss guys a number of times.

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Yeah, but the point was that this girl was at work, so she\'d have been as sober as a judge. Well, no, considering some of the judges I\'ve seen... Screw it; let\'s just say she was sober. I just wanna trade places with him!

  17. #17
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Hey Randy, I get the feeling your frustrated [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Don\'t worry men these things take time. They\'ll be some woman out there to rip your clothes off at the workplace someday [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Gods, I hope not! You ain\'t seen the women I work with!!! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Seriously though, I\'ve only relatively recently become interested in females again after a nice, long jaded spell. That last one did a \"Titanic\" amount of damage, so I\'m not really in a hurry. I\'m up for whatever may happen, but I\'m not desperate. I\'m sure you noticed my tone in the previous post about being able to face yourself and not being a doormat; that gives you some idea of the mistakes I\'ve made (but won\'t again!).

    I seem to be a \"psycho magnet.\" The problem isn\'t so much the \"Hello, my name is...\" phase; it\'s down the road. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    I use the pheros to open the door, in that they DO relax the females. Since we\'re all stuck with playing the game, I\'m simply improving the selection for myself. In a previous, I know I said I\'m \"average.\" What I can\'t figure out is why so many go ONLY to the \"gorgeous\" guys, when three minutes after meeting them, you know you\'d get a better conversation out of your hair dryer... And you just KNOW he\'s going to screw you over, don\'t you, ladies? Like I said though, I\'m working to improve MY selection, so I can filter out the shallow ones. Oddly, the last female I was involved with, chose some other guy over me (neither of us was really dating her), and I got to see her dark side applied to him (think BLACK HOLE kind of dark!). Odd how it works out that no matter what, *I WIN*!

    Sexually frustrated? Perhaps a bit. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
    Desperate? HELL no. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
    Patient and discriminating? Most assuredly.

    She\'s out there... Uh, in a good way; not like ~~ O U T ~~ T H E R E ~~, and I will find her.

    Well, this went on forever!

    Yo! Word! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Randy:
    I know I said I\'m \"average.\" What I can\'t figure out is why so many go ONLY to the \"gorgeous\" guys, when three minutes after meeting them, you know you\'d get a better conversation out of your hair dryer...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It\'s funny cause guys tend to do the exact same thing. We chase after the ones we can\'t have and leave the \"good ones\" out to dry. I\'ve always felt that it was easy to find one with a nice body, but it’s much more of a challenge to find an intelligent girl with a great personality. So what if she doesn’t have the perfect body, you could always motivate her a little and go out on more active dates. The result could be worth it, especially if you think she may be the one.


    [ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: Dylan ]

  20. #20

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    i was waiting to post all my results and tests (i have all the products ecpt 2)
    wild oscar thanks again the first time i wrote was to find basic info on terms
    wild o said something that got me thinking about our siganature pharo
    for those that think the story is not true i am not a great looking guy but i have had some of the reactions to pi as a combo to apc taht you seem to doubt from a member
    the gril met me at a bar she asked right a way if we could go some where else so we went to another bar had one beer and talked about my tile floors if you can believe this we went bact to my place she left in the morning
    ive spoken to her berfore at the gym but as a pass by casual go figure sex
    after talking about tile floorsTHIS WAS A HIT THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO ME AT ALL
    any way oscar thanks
    i am starting to believe that all the products will work on every one you just need to figure out application
    i ve gone as far as 3 full drops of pi
    that was strange but it did work on some femsil older tyeps
    all post every thing im doing soon
    for some reason the apc seems to work best on its own will be try 70-30 mix with npa
    thanks again

  21. #21
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!



    Thanks for the salute, but the CREDIT goes to YOU! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    What I want to know is,.....What KIND of tile do you have on your floors? is it aligned?.....parallel or at an angle to the walls? do you have it lighted?...what color?.....etc. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    I\'ll tell ya, Bruce couldn\'t hire a sales force as effective as this forum. I\'ve been in the phero game for a few months now and I haven\'t had any significant hits at all. One work related but as a single guy my pick up success is as reknown as Monica Lewinsky\'s typing skills!
    Despite this I read the forum religiously and hear about your great successes. I\'ve just placed my 4th or 5th order and I\'ve gone to town in hopes of the elusive ~hit~. I\'ve tried: TE, PI, NPA, APC, Attraction, and IR Jasmine...on their own and in combos...HELL, I even tried someone\'s idea of using Bounce Country Morning as cologne with pheros.... and I come to the forum and renew my hope.I

    \'m not grumpy or unpleasant...I\'m a jeans and golf shirt, forget the sushi let\'s hit the pub kinda guy...
    So here\'s my latest shopping list...if anyone can give me some pointers I\'ll give it a try: AE, PI, TE sandlewood, APC, Attraction, Andro, IR oil (freebie), Realm, and Enhance wipes. I\'m Canadian so please join me in shuddering over the exchange rate hit on an order this size!
    Anyway, if you can pass a little knowledge I\'ll try anything that won\'t get me arrested (or at least caught! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )


  23. #23

    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!


    I live in close to you, but I can’t find people to go girl hunting with. Maybe we can hookup sometime and I’ll show you how the stuff really works?

    Click the “my profile” at the top of the screen, I’ve sent you a private message with my email.


  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Damn PI gotta love that stuff!!

    Hey InfoYoda --

    I\'ve said it before; I\'m about average. Plain. I don\'t think I really stand out in a crowd, appearance-wise, BUT --

    I\'ve had hits! Big hits! If *I\'M* getting the DIHLs, then it\'s either the mix you\'re using, or some other factor... Are you cruising the mall in full-on camo fatigues? Do you have a tendency to set yourself on fire? It\'s gotta be SOMETHING...

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