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  1. #1
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    Default Yes they work, but they should work better

    Yes, I now believe pheromones have some effect since I have gotten a few hits from them and getting

    phone numbers in clubs have been a bit easier, some of the time. But what strikes me is how often they do not work.

    I mean today I got a noticeably hit from a decent looking women in her forties (to old for me though). But I passed

    maybe 1000+ women today, and talked to more then 30. And only one hit even though I am much more observant of body

    language then I used to be.

    So how come pheromones do not work on so many women? Is it really impossible to

    create a product that gets the wearer hits from at least 1/5 of every woman he meets? It is the same thing in clubs.

    I do not get hits from pheromones in clubs but my phone number percentage goes up a bit. But not much. Why is not

    the amplifying effect of pheromones stronger? Right now, they seem to amplify what is already there but only with a

    few %.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Women's smell increases at the peak

    of their ovulation.... the majorty of women aren't at their peak.

    many use birth control pills, and that

    interfers with things.

    Also, many women just seem to pick up on the stuff only when you come into focus;

    I've seen this quite a bit, we're they can be around you, but it isn't until you cross their eyesight that they


    Furthermore, the reactions non-pheromone users get from their own natural pheromones are most often

    subtle (in fact, so subtle most have no clue that they even have pheromones), so the visible reactions we sometimes

    get isn't anything to complain about.

    It is not like women have men going into DIHL when they wear make up,

    but one can't argue that makeup doesn't work.

    Also, there are so many elements and variables between

    pheromones signature preferences and pheromone conditioning, how good people's sense of smell is, and their vno,

    and then the air conditions, and then our own variables, such as our personal chemistry.

    What I am trying to

    say, is, even though you might think what you are doing is constant, there are a lot of variables that come into

    play that make things harder to predict. Learning about these variables, eliminating or learning to work with them,

    is key in the future use of synthetics.

  3. #3
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    " So how come pheromones

    do not work on so many women?"
    Because God created free will. Woman shall not hit on you unless she wants

    to. And she wants to if only she is drawn to your body, personality, status and life style. Mones provide only a

    small precentage of the sum total of attraction. You supply the other 90-some percent.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  4. #4
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Because God created

    free will. Woman shall not hit on you unless she wants to. And she wants to if only she is drawn to your body,

    personality, status and life style. Mones provide only a small precentage of the sum total of attraction. You supply

    the other 90-some percent.
    If a guy's a cocksucker in his life, when he dies, he don't become a saint. - Morris Levy, Hitmen

    Holmes' Theme Song

  5. #5
    Man of La Pancha
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    What bjf said.

    To put it

    into numbers...think of it this way. There are 28 days in the average cycle, right? Let's say the peak time is 2

    days where a woman is ovulating and her senses max out -mones. That means that at any given time, 1/14 women will

    be at this 'peak' (please do not factor in women that live together or are friends have syncronized cycles for

    simplicity's sake). That's 7% of women. That means out of 100 women, only 7 will react at all to your -mones

    under the assumption that you could only get a major hit during ovulation. If you shrunk that and assumed only 1

    day would be that 'peak', then that cuts you down to 1/28 or 3.5%. You said you talked to ~30 girls and only got

    one hit, right?

    Although the above example has no actual use, it's just a sample of how hit-or-miss things are

    to begin with. -mones can only pick up on what's already there. You passed 1,000 girls, right? How many of them

    had bfs or husbands? How many have no confidence? How many are too busy to notice you? How many just had sex and

    so aren't thinking about it with you? How many are going to have sex that night? How many haven't had sex on

    their mind all day? How many even know you exist? If you talk to them, how many think you're attractive? If so,

    how many have had problems with men in the past and play defense all of the time? How many are ill and sex is the

    last thing on their minds? How many are worried about the next test they're taking? How many just saw the guy of

    their dreams walk by and you aren't even a glint in their eye?

    Okay, I could go on and on about that. The

    point is that people should be lucky that anything shows signs of working after factoring in all of those questions.

    Life is hard enough as it is without bringing sex into the equation. When the time comes to do so, however,

    -mones scream, "I'm Pancho Rivera, bitch!" and let the the ladies know that you're a sexual being. Once you're

    'in', -mones turn up the heat. That's their role in attraction. You have to do the rest.

  6. #6
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Let's say the peak time

    is 2 days where a woman is ovulating and her senses max out -mones."
    On the other hand, the few days

    before their period should be avoided at all cost, espeically if you're wearing 'mones. I've nearly gotten my

    head bit off over nothing but the month bitch-fest.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  7. #7
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    There is no golden gun with

    women... However are you sure you're not suffering from none buildup? Too much none can get you too many old

    ladies and brush offs from younger ones. Take a good shower and don't wear mones for a day. The mone free day

    you'll probably have great results as you still have mones on your body.

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    some days i get heaps of reactions

    other days with the same dose next to nothing but the majority of the time it is noticeable and the extra pheromone

    effect is sublte but present. Keep playing around taggart you might need to try a different product or pheromone

    ratios to get something stronger.

  9. #9
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Pheromones are very powerful. They affect everyone. You may not notice how it is affecting someone.

    It sometimes takes a week for a woman you know to adjust to the new signature and start behaving differently.

    Educational TV programs about human sexual response have detailed scientific information concerning human pheromone

    and the respectability of the pheromone production. It has been detailed that you can drive by a beautiful woman

    with your A/C on and with in seconds be significantly affected by her pheromone signature. Also you may be the one

    with the perfect pheromone signature. You may be in a public place. A woman receives the chemical communicator and

    reacts to it. She does not hit on you but hits on the guy closer to her who she is more physically attracted to.

    You radiate chemical signatures and we hope to have them attract women to us like a magnate. But in reality they

    will affect every one and only make a slight change in the susceptibility of people to be socially influenced. You

    may or may not be the one who receives the benefits of the pheromone. If you go to the same places often and

    encounter the same people they will associate the feelings they feel around you to you, hence the desired effect.

    You are in a public place that is not too crowded and you stand close to a woman. It is possible that she will

    respond to you and your chemical signature, some times very strongly and immediately. If there is a higher

    concentration of people and there are one or two other competitors in the same range of the target. She might

    receive your signature and feel frisky enough to pursue the man she is most attractive to. This might not be you.

    In general you will receive more positive responses in personal and business endeavors because you are producing the

    better signature. But it is still you who have to engage in the pursuit. You still have to be well groomed. You

    still have to study body language and the psychology of courtship. When the subtle signs of sexual susceptibility

    occur you must be the one to pursue. It is a hunt and if you are better armed and trained you will “bag” the game.

    You are the one applying the most current science compiled on attraction. Many others do not read courtship books

    and very few apply pheromones. Nothing will work on every one perfectly every time. The game is the chase and the

    fun is in the game. A great deal is learned about each other during this phase. Like a dance there is an art to

    the give and take that occurs.


  10. #10
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    In short, be a man and go get your


  11. #11
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    LOL Yeah what he said!


  12. #12
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    While I'm here quick question,

    What is AC? and what is DC? Wasn't in the abbreviations thread.

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    AC/DC i thought meant a guy that

    is bisexual he can take it and recieve it sort of like the AC/DC power supply (alternating and direct current)

  14. #14
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyke

    I'm here quick question, What is AC? and what is DC? Wasn't in the abbreviations thread.
    AC/DC is

    a heavy metal group from the 1980s.

    Seriously, in the context of this thread, it means a person who has

    sex with both genders. I think the term comes from portable radios, which often run on both AC (alternating current)

    and DC (direct current, usually batteries).

  15. #15
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    TNT! I'm Dynamite. thanks for the


  16. #16
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    AC/DC i thought

    meant a guy that is bisexual he can take it and recieve it sort of like the AC/DC power supply (alternating and

    direct current)

    NO!!, It's a musical group!!

    (I think he meant Air

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  17. #17
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mtnjim

    I think

    he meant Air Conditioning!
    Thanks, Mtnjim
    Yes, I did mean Air Conditioning.


  18. #18
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    " It has been detailed that you can

    drive by a beautiful woman with your A/C on and with in seconds be significantly affected by her pheromone

    signature. "

    can you talk about this more?

    Someone was just posting about how they could have sworn

    people were looking at them through the car window.

  19. #19
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    I was skeptical about the ability to transmit a chemical signal from one sealed car to another. By

    sealed I mean windows up and Air Conditioning on. The car is incorporating out side air but not

    expelling much. I remember once I was pulled over in my Corvette and the officer turned on the A/C closed the

    windows and left the door ajar. He also turned off the car. He did this to preserve the paint and interior from

    damage. He then brought a K9 to smell the door around the opening. This forced the air and any molecules of

    contraband from the interior out this focal point prohibiting the beast from damaging my car. It was necessary to

    either allow the K9 in the vehicle or to evacuate the air in a manner that would have the concentration necessary so

    the K9 could insure the cleanliness of the vehicle. While driving down the road you’re A/C intake can extract

    molecules from the exterior and saturate the cabin with such molecules. The best proof of this is when you are

    following an old car or truck that has an unacceptable emissions levels problem. You immediately will notice the

    noxious fumes. On the other hand if you are confident and at ease with your self, women can sense this by observing

    your body language. Women are more in tuned to body language than men. This would account for a person getting

    positive body language back when looking upon a woman. If the pheromones make you feel good about your self and

    more confident then you are likely to carry your self in a manner that reflect that frame of mind. Women are

    attracted to confidence. As far as the program I was referring to in my original post, I am still waiting for it to

    reappear. On Discovery, TLC and PBS are many programs that have discussed the science of sex and sexual response in

    humans. Mater of fact I think one of them might have been a series called “The Science of Human Sexual Response” or

    something like that. There are many programs that have various bits of knowledge.


  20. #20
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    of pheromones, today while I was talking to one of the girls that I used to work with a few months ago, was telling

    me one of the counselors that I know from my ex job quit without much noticed we both were saying what a nice guy he

    is and how much he will be missed I told her that he is one of the few people I truly enjoyed working with & miss

    him too...

    Then she said oh by the way he didn't bother cleaning up his office so I had to

    go in there and put all his things in boxes for him! I said anything good you found there? (jokely) and she said nah

    not really he's a pack rat and we " laughed" then she said but I found a bottle of cologne something like

    pheromones and it smells nasty! I said are you serious???? I laughed because all this time I didn't

    think any one I know besides me of course wears the mones! ( I was so surprised) finally realize the reason why I

    was attractive to him! he is "nothing" like the type of guy I will have a crush on... He is very atinque his clothes

    very old fashion (polyester vests never tries to match his clothes at all) he wears a wig (redish,orange!

    yikes) but of course he always said that was his real hair? *grin* and omg his glasses are soooo BIG & tinted

    (lilac color hahah) he is so into healthy snacks and teas & such,,, I enjoy learning about healthy stuff so we got

    along so great and I truly enjoyed his company I even flirted with him more then once and even asked the man for

    lunch and he used to get a kicked out of that! he never took my invitation seriously! saying Ohhhhhh Brenda if I was

    20 yrs younger I wouldn't pass on the offer! I never took his rejection to the heart because I really like the

    guy and he has such a great personality that having him as a friend was plenty for me... He is a big flirt though

    and he calls me "Mamacita" ahh! God Love Him and his pheromones hehehe...

    Now I know why I

    was into him,,, my God!! Henry wears pheros *laughs* he is a hit with the ladies I swearrrrrrrrrr!! more

    then one had a thing for him and he was usually surrounded by women (I;m bleming it on the mones hahaha)

    ... That little rascal...(good for him) Jennifer said do you know what pheromones are? I was like nope! she said I

    think is to attract people so I threw it in the trash! (laugh) I said ahh girl don't do that! let him have his


    Anyway, so now I can say that in fact mones do work because Henry may have

    the best personality ever and such a great sense of humor but without the mones I'm afraid to say I wouldn't had

    asked him out... ( Okay this makes sound bad I know but I'm being honest) he's more like the annoying teacher

    from the movie umm "Farris Bueller's Day Off" ( does anyone knows the answer? anyone anyone anyone) LOL

    antique w/his hair piece and his big O tinted glasses!! did I ever wanted him m mmmmm heheheh

    I'm not a fashion police but come on at list try and combine the

    colors heh
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  21. #21
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Funny story. You asked him out,


  22. #22
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Funny story. You

    asked him out, romantically?
    Umm I am afraid soo...
    ( hey! I was

    lonely haha)

    Darn them Mones
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  23. #23
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetBrenda
    Umm I am afraid soo...
    ( hey! I was lonely


    Darn them Mones

    I guess all of

    us deserves to have been "had," don't we?

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    This is a great thread...I

    really enjoyed reading it...One way I always know if I've OD'd is when I'm in my car & people consistently look

    away from me or dont meet my gaze...I really think they're too far away to pickup on the mones, so I'm not sure

    what to think of this phenomenon...and Sweet Brenda that guy was crazy not to have a fling with you...I wouldn't

    have hesitated... I wish more women thought like you & weren't so repressed...

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    well its more fun where im

    concerned ive got at least 30-50 friends involved in mones over the years - quite a few im still in contact with -

    once there were 10 of us 6 guys and 4 girls with various bits i had at the time - we all hit a club to experiment

    with the mones and lets just say it was chaos - RAFLMAO at taht one - that place filled up within a few hours they

    were turning people away it went off.

    Still i occasionally come across guys who obvioulsy have them on just

    give em a smile - they quite often end up with a shocked look at the competiton lol but i guess there are a few

    around. Sweetbrenda well see they do have an impact lol.

  26. #26
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf


    guess all of us deserves to have been "had," don't we?
    *cough* ... uh-hu
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  27. #27
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Can you tell us how you felt when you

    were around him, physically, emotionally?

    And did the feelings ever disappear? Or re-appear?

  28. #28
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metroman
    This is a

    great thread...I really enjoyed reading it...One way I always know if I've OD'd is when I'm in my car & people

    consistently look away from me or dont meet my gaze...I really think they're too far away to pickup on the mones,

    so I'm not sure what to think of this phenomenon...and Sweet Brenda that guy was crazy not to have a fling with

    you...I wouldn't have hesitated... I wish more women thought like you & weren't so

    I was wearing my mones while I was writting that message. I'm wondering if you

    smelled them? jk hehehe thanks for the kind words.

    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

  29. #29
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    Good to hear a female perspective

    on getting hit by mones.

  30. #30
    Phero Pro SweetBrenda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher

    Still i

    occasionally come across guys who obvioulsy have them on just give em a smile - they quite often end up with a

    shocked look at the competiton lol but i guess there are a few around. Sweetbrenda well see they do have

    an impact lol
    Yes you are very correct. He sure did... *laugh*

    I tell you is all about how you carry yourself while you are

    wearing the mones (great attitude and nice sense of humor works like a charm) he sure knows his game...
    A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do."

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