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  1. #1
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    Unhappy I received my beginners package but not pleased!

    Well, I got my beginners package about a week ago, Wore it 3 days straight since I got it, then took a

    day off and used it again, and another day off and used it again. Here's how it went:
    Day 1: Followed instructions

    put 12 drops musk and 12 drops TheEdge in atomizer...put 1 spray on wrist, 1 on chest...
    Day 2: same thing
    Day 3:

    Some SOE and 1-2 dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on chest/neck area TheEdge Only.
    No one has told me i smelled good

    yet, actually ppl in my house told me i smelled really bad..
    Day 4: Break
    Day 5: SOE and 1-2 dabs on wrists and

    1-2 dabs on chest/neck area TheEdge
    Day 6: (today) 1-2 dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on chest/neck area TheEdge

    Well i dont know guys, i guess i need the best of the best tips and advice to use this. Give me reason to start

    being happy with the products! lol.... and by any chance do you think its possible i received the beginners kit for

    a woman?
    Note: I applied everything immediately one after the other

  2. #2
    Newbie Scott's Avatar
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    Well im a Newbie myself and

    haven't tried any yet, but from what i have read here you could try either of these two options.

    1 -

    Everyone says LESS IS MORE, you could cut down on your proportions and see how it goes?

    2 - You could

    purposely OD by putting alot on, this way, if you get definite Negative responses atleast you know they work. That

    way you can start to reduce the amount and try and find a good level?

    As i say i'm a newbie, so i'm really

    just giving you opinions from what i have read here. I'm sure some pro's will be able to give you some good advie

    though, they seem knowledgable.

    Good luck

    The lady in question is the future...... Ex Mrs Scott

    *%^$£%£, she goes by the name Keyra, or Agustina occasionally

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    Day 1:

    Followed instructions put 12 drops musk and 12 drops TheEdge in atomizer...put 1 spray on wrist, 1 on

    But what happened that day? We can't really suggest anything except that you try something

    different if you don't tell us what happened.

    Day 3: Some SOE and 1-2 dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on

    chest/neck area TheEdge Only.
    No one has told me i smelled good yet, actually ppl in my house told me i smelled

    really bad..
    You probably did smell bad to them, but we still don't really know enough. Do you bathe

    regularly? Do you use a cologne or aftershave? Do you work out? Do you work in some field which requires a lot of

    physical effort? Are the people in your house relatives, girls, guys, older than you, younger, etc.?

    Well i dont know guys, i guess i need the best of the best tips and advice to use this. Give me reason to

    start being happy with the products! lol.... and by any chance do you think its possible i received the beginners

    kit for a woman?
    Note: I applied everything immediately one after the other
    About all I can suggest at

    this point is, if what you are doing isn't working, try something different. Experiementation is key to learning

    what works for you and what doesn't.

    It could very well be you generated tons of hits and didn't realize it.

    We have no way of knowing if you don't tell us how your days went, who you interacted with, etc.

    One of the

    most common mistakes new users make is underreporting what goes on around them. A lot of guys give us major hit

    reports and yet believe nothing happened. If we can see the details in your descriptions of activities by people

    around you, we can help you judge whether it's working as is or not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I am just getting started myself.

    Personally, the jury's still out on SOE with me (mixed, probably had too much), but the 50/50 mix of musk and Edge

    seems to give a consistent nice response (including a "mmm, you smell good" by my gf). The way I started was to put

    1 spray on each's got a nice wide area of coverage and picks up a lot of air flow.
    I would try it

    no more than every other day to start off..atleast with me, it does -not- wash off completely in the first shower,

    so you could have build-up. I would try one thing for several days (I used only musk+Edge the first half dozen

    days, just to get a feel for it) before trying something else.
    ...oh, and on day 3, from my experiences, I can

    almost gaurantee you were OD'ing it, since the previous day's probably didn't wash off completely.

    And I

    must agree with lordcrazyd as well.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    Well, I got

    my beginners package about a week ago, Wore it 3 days straight since I got it, then took a day off and used it

    again, and another day off and used it again. Here's how it went:
    Day 1: Followed instructions put 12 drops musk

    and 12 drops TheEdge in atomizer...put 1 spray on wrist, 1 on chest...
    Day 2: same thing
    Day 3: Some SOE and 1-2

    dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on chest/neck area TheEdge Only.
    No one has told me i smelled good yet, actually ppl in

    my house told me i smelled really bad..
    Day 4: Break
    Day 5: SOE and 1-2 dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on chest/neck

    area TheEdge
    Day 6: (today) 1-2 dabs on wrists and 1-2 dabs on chest/neck area TheEdge

    Well i dont know guys, i

    guess i need the best of the best tips and advice to use this. Give me reason to start being happy with the

    products! lol.... and by any chance do you think its possible i received the beginners kit for a woman?
    Note: I

    applied everything immediately one after the other
    you usually have to be around a

    woman for a few minutes for her to get the scent and start developing a craving. try going to a store where you are

    checked out by the same attractive cashier each day you go. make sure line is long enough where you have to wait and

    lay out your scent for a least a few minutes. i like the nol friendly scents on wrists, the rone ,none scents on

    carotid artery area on neck. your wrists are waving in the air as you walk sending out the message im friendly. then

    when your close in the heavier scents are noticeable, like in stalled lines,buses,placing it on clothes could change

    the breakdown and conversion. washing application points on skin with alcohol pads could slow od . and wearing like

    one day on one day off. instructions with any product is just a starting point, finding your sweet spot well thats

    through trial and error.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    OK i'll try to sum up the days

    (i wont repeat doses as they are already up there^)
    Day 1: No compliments, i just said Hi to a few girls like

    normal, I felt more confidence so I was talking more
    Day 2: My mom tells me she doesnt like the smell i got, she

    literally says it smells like crap and it gives her a headache... I go out to my friends house and I dont know if

    it's a coincidence that i have been kinda talkin to these girls for a while or the pheromone got them to be more

    open with me... I think it was just really me though...
    Day 3: Nothing out of the ordinary....
    Day 4: Nothing out

    of the ordinary probably the same as Day 2
    Day 5: Well some girl that i think is really pretty came down for New

    Years and she was quiet but she sat next to me while watching some movie at friends house... it was 3 of us in the

    couch and she was in the middle, i was on the right side, when the person on the left side left, she still stayed in

    the middle... After that we were walking down the stairs and she hugged me from the back and then i just grabbed her

    legs and gave her a piggy back ride lol...
    Day 6: I got laid by some ugly chick, she dared me to go kiss the girl i

    like (in front of all the guys and girls) and the guys knew she liked me so they were tellin me to go kiss her and

    this and that and i was like no man i dont think shes cute at all, maybe just for a one nighter... then i heard she

    called me gay, so i grabbed her, got head and all but didnt have sex, i wouldnt have sex with her, eww, i'm kinda

    shocked i did some stupid thing like that tho... anyway... thats about it,
    Besides the fact that i can put a dab of

    TE and then hear my mom say WHY DID YOU PUT THAT ON IT SMELLS LIKE CRAP every other day lol
    I would just like to

    know how to modify my doses...
    I don't think the results had anythign to do with the pheromones b/c 1) the pretty

    girl had come down from the capital like 3 times before and we've talked thru the net and shes told me that she

    likes me....
    2) the girl that gave me head told me that she had liked me since last summer..
    So i dont know...

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    Day 1: No

    compliments, i just said Hi to a few girls like normal, I felt more confidence so I was talking more

    is a typical, good reaction (you talking more, feeling more confident).

    Day 2: My mom tells me she doesnt

    like the smell i got, she literally says it smells like crap and it gives her a headache...
    A fairly

    typical negative hit, actually. A lot of us have had funny reactions from relatives.

    ...I go out to my

    friends house and I dont know if it's a coincidence that i have been kinda talkin to these girls for a while or the

    pheromone got them to be more open with me... I think it was just really me though...
    Any change in you

    can trigger changes in others, so it's hard to say if one-time behavior is due to pheromones. That is why we

    encourage people to repeat their tests in different scenarios.

    Day 5: Well some girl that i think is

    really pretty came down for New Years and she was quiet but she sat next to me while watching some movie at friends

    house... it was 3 of us in the couch and she was in the middle, i was on the right side, when the person on the left

    side left, she still stayed in the middle... After that we were walking down the stairs and she hugged me from the

    back and then i just grabbed her legs and gave her a piggy back ride lol...
    That is a definate hit.

    Doesn't mean it's the pheromones, but you got some special attention.

    Day 6: I got laid by some ugly

    chick, she dared me to go kiss the girl i like (in front of all the guys and girls) and the guys knew she liked me

    so they were tellin me to go kiss her and this and that and i was like no man i dont think shes cute at all, maybe

    just for a one nighter... then i heard she called me gay, so i grabbed her, got head and all but didnt have sex, i

    wouldnt have sex with her, eww, i'm kinda shocked i did some stupid thing like that tho... anyway... thats about

    I think most people would call that a hit, too.

    So, really, what are your expectations and goals?

    Compared to how your life normally unfolds, what are you looking for in terms of changes?

    Keep in mind that

    people who already know you need time to adjust to your new pheromone signature. You should expect better immediate

    results from strangers.

    I would just like to know how to modify my doses...
    Try a little bit

    less, a little bit more. Try the spray instead of the dab, etc.

    So i dont know...
    Time will

    tell. You have to give it a few weeks with the people you already know. Otherwise, just go spend time around a lot

    of strangers (even if you don't interact with them very much) and see what they do. Remember, girls will express

    interest in a guy with their body language.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    OK i'll try

    to sum up the days (i wont repeat doses as they are already up there^)
    Day 1: No compliments, i just said Hi to a

    few girls like normal, I felt more confidence so I was talking more
    Day 2: My mom tells me she doesnt like the

    smell i got, she literally says it smells like crap and it gives her a headache... I go out to my friends house and

    I dont know if it's a coincidence that i have been kinda talkin to these girls for a while or the pheromone got

    them to be more open with me... I think it was just really me though...
    Day 3: Nothing out of the ordinary....

    4: Nothing out of the ordinary probably the same as Day 2
    Day 5: Well some girl that i think is really pretty came

    down for New Years and she was quiet but she sat next to me while watching some movie at friends house... it was 3

    of us in the couch and she was in the middle, i was on the right side, when the person on the left side left, she

    still stayed in the middle... After that we were walking down the stairs and she hugged me from the back and then i

    just grabbed her legs and gave her a piggy back ride lol...
    Day 6: I got laid by some ugly chick, she dared me to

    go kiss the girl i like (in front of all the guys and girls) and the guys knew she liked me so they were tellin me

    to go kiss her and this and that and i was like no man i dont think shes cute at all, maybe just for a one

    nighter... then i heard she called me gay, so i grabbed her, got head and all but didnt have sex, i wouldnt have sex

    with her, eww, i'm kinda shocked i did some stupid thing like that tho... anyway... thats about it,
    Besides the

    fact that i can put a dab of TE and then hear my mom say WHY DID YOU PUT THAT ON IT SMELLS LIKE CRAP every other day

    I would just like to know how to modify my doses...
    I don't think the results had anythign to do with the

    pheromones b/c 1) the pretty girl had come down from the capital like 3 times before and we've talked thru the net

    and shes told me that she likes me....
    2) the girl that gave me head told me that she had liked me since last

    So i dont know...
    it works you got copulated you need to clear out your system , wipe

    applications points with alcohol pads. next day try a little on shirt collar with cover scent . work your way up.

    most of us think we need to nuke everybody with our mones when a hand grenade will work fine. start low always lay

    your scent out then next day go back around to see how many women dreamed about you while they slept.

  9. #9
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    On day 6, i didnt get laid but

    could of, i didnt like her enuff for that, i was just really bored i guess lol

  10. #10
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    and today when i was at some

    store, some old lady asked me why i had my hair so long because she has a son thats like 20 (she asked my age also,

    i said 18) and that he lets his hair grow and was talking to me about where that style came from and i said well NY

    i guess lol and she tried having some big convo with me ... dont know if it was the mones or my hair now lol
    I had

    just a small amount of SOE gel on wrists and a small amount on neck and chest... thas all

  11. #11
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    it really sounds like you are in

    the beginning stages of working out what's good for you. pretty much, i believe, the same as everyone else. it'll

    take a little bit longer for your brain to distinguish the little subtle differences pre- and post- mone. keep

    experimenting, keep making those mental notes, and you'll find yourself a solid believer in pheromones before


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    ... the girl

    that gave me head told me that she had liked me since last summer..
    So then, since "last summer", how

    many times did she give you head before you started wearing pheromones....?

  13. #13
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    well i didnt try getting with

    her cuz she was with a friend of mine... and i really dont find her attractive, i was just horny i guess lol so its

    not hard to get laid by a girl i find unattractive and she find me gorgeous lol

  14. #14
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    I've been experimenting with TE al

    ot from hte newbie kit, it's really bad, Chikara sample worked me wonders

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    whats the point of putting it

    in the newbies kit if newbies aren't going to like it? I dont know, i hope i change my mind this month... but

    theres another guy on the list of not liking TE ^^^

  16. #16
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    Yeah, I don't know why they chose

    TE, i mean i havent tried other mones but TE just doesn't seem to do much, and its the best of the crop anyways


  17. #17
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    And we're not getting much

    attention because?

  18. #18
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    I have no clue, but try the Chikara

    gel pack(on a day you know is gonna be good and u'll be around with a lot chicks). It's really some good stuff,

    this chick at this new years party was literally on me and would put her head down on me repeatedly and lay down on

    me, and this other chick was talking about how she wanted to take me to bed, haha.

  19. #19
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    Wow, real kool. Do you have

    aol/aim? add me: hpnotiqx7 and write to me once u do

  20. #20
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    no help from anyone?

  21. #21
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Hey guys both of you are

    probably on the younger side which means you are full of -none which is the primary makeup of TE. The newbie kit is

    created for people of all ages (as you get older none lessens). If I were you guys I would be trying a product

    higher in nol and rone to get better results.

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Cool Err ya...

    Ah dunno - U bin gittin

    head from ugly chicks - Nuttin we kin do 4 ya - Git edercated, rehearse da witty rap, hit da gym, don cool

    threads n yo wont need be suked off by ugly chicks any mo!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
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    ummm... People ARE getting hits

    with TE, myself for one. See my thread just a few posts down, just posted a few days ago, "Major TE hit with the

    wife". I'm 33, BTW, so that probably makes a big difference, but I don't think they would put TE in the newbie

    kit if it hadn't had a lot of reports of being effective.

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    How many times have you tried

    TE exactly?

    And PLEASE tell me your not just wearing it on it's own without a cover scent?

    Try 3 or 4 dabs

    covered with a good cologne, and be aware that TE can intimiade girls at the same time as getting them interested.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  25. #25
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    Well i find that 3-4 dabs is

    too much of TE for me.. ppl in the house tell me i stink ... i usually wear like 1 dab on the chest covered with

    scent... And if it was made for ppl of all ages why should you recommend me get another product? The newbie kit

    should work wonders for me...

  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    I doubt you'll get many

    reactions from girs/women with 1 dab, esp. if it's under clothing.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  27. #27
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    Lets say for a school

    environment(HighSchool) how many dabs of TE do you recommend? standalone or with one of the samples?

  28. #28
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    Well i find that

    3-4 dabs is too much of TE for me.. ppl in the house tell me i stink ... i usually wear like 1 dab on the chest

    covered with scent... And if it was made for ppl of all ages why should you recommend me get another product? The

    newbie kit should work wonders for me...
    Stink is good! But yeah, if you apply it on in the

    house you get a musty smell. I've done three sprays, left the house for about 2-3 hours, and when I entered my

    room, I could smell the musk of TE. I don't THINK 3-4 dabs is too much for anyone with a GOOD cover.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  29. #29
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMind
    Lets say for a

    school environment(HighSchool) how many dabs of TE do you recommend? standalone or with one of the samples?

    Probably about 3 dabs, and maybe 1/3 of a pack (I don't have as much experience with gels).

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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