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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Tips on Introducing yourself to a GIRL

    hey guys .. yup it's me again kB .. yah just wondering how to pick up a stranger ... it's funny because my

    friends(girls) they tell me that guys (the ugly ones) go pick dem up and they would backtalk about it and laugh

    about it .. they'd even talk about hot fit guys and laugh too ... i'm just hoping i won't be one of them to

    others ... so whats the best way to pick up a girl or start a conversation ??

    Scene 1: A girl is just siting

    there bored to death. What do you do!

  2. #2
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    Look em dead in the eye and say:

    "Hi, would you like to go out sometime? I think you should I am almost perfect."

    Modifying and Tweaking is a journey,
    Not a destination..........................

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Sometimes it's as easy as

    looking her in the eye and saying, "Let's get out of here". Depends on what she wants and whether you are what she


  4. #4
    Full Member dping28's Avatar
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    Seriously tho, Check out David

    DeAngelo's material. It helps with building up confidence and approaching women. helps you create the proper mind

    set so you dont come off as needy and desperate.

    Modifying and Tweaking is a journey,
    Not a destination..........................

  5. #5
    Stranger skaepSbaS's Avatar
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    I'm more of a fan of Ross

    Jeffries than David DeAngelo. They are the two most well-known names in the "industry." DeAngelo doesn't get too

    involved with NLP and Speed Seduction, although he makes references to it; he's more conservative in his


    Then again, who am I to judge the masters

  6. #6
    Stranger skaepSbaS's Avatar
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    Oh, and, a little bird told me

    that you can pick up DeAngelo's entire seminar series on (BitTorrent). In case you, uh, broke your


  7. #7
    Banned User
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    thanks a lot bro

    btw man i

    know you have to d/l something inorder to get the d/l's to work i forgot what it was called do you have the site

    ? for the download manger (or your bird hehe)

  8. #8
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by skaepSbaS


    again, who am I to judge the masters

    Exactly. The best thing you can do is listen to advice

    dispensed by myself and some of the other old cahoots around here. Listen and go out and apply it.

    Now I not

    that old, but let's just say that if I was a chick I might be starting a slight maturity sag

    I envy you

    young guys, I really do. If the internet was around when I was a teeniebooper I would have been so much better

    prepared to deal with girls.

    I spent my late teen years and early twenties obsessed with persuing my auto

    racing career. I didn't pay socializing with chicks much heed. They were always around but it was mainly a one

    night stand and poof.

    Once the career was declining and injuries took there toll, I had to deal with the girl

    skill problem square in the face. I did most of my work by trial and error. I stopped putting women on a pedestal

    and quit assigning higher value than me.

    I used my strong points, personality and terrific sense of humor to

    my benefit. I treat women very well, but never let them walk all over me.

    I don't consider any women out

    of my league. I don't think of myself as really good looking(though many say I'm tall, dark and handsome). I try

    too take looks out of the equation as much as possible.
    Learn to do things that give you confidence in

    yourself. Go to places where women are(dance, cooking, self defense classes) talk to women. Stay awy from oneitis.

    It is a killer. And don't be afraid to say NEXT! Bad relationships are worse than listening to Bobby Vinton sing

    "I'm Mr. Lonely" while playing pocket pool. Talk to all women short, tall, fat, thin, hot, fugly.

    And when

    all else fails, look around you at all the freaking people that are married. Good heavens if so many of those people

    can do it then so can you.

  9. #9
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    1. If you know she is

    going to be around for a while wait 5 minutes or so to approach her. (otherwise you come off as pushy, desperate,

    wierd, or over-bearing)
    2. If she isn't going to be around for a while (like if she is passing you or getting

    ready to leave an establishment) don't even think about it and do it. Remember hesitation can cause fear. Just act

    on it. It will go much smoother than if you ponder it then try and recoup.
    3. Look her in the eye's and think in

    your head your just being friendly and you are not going to try and lay her right then and there. Think=Just being

    cool and friendly here....nothing more. This takes the pressure off.
    4. Don't let her see you hitting or

    approaching anyone eles or you may seem like an over bearing desperate person.
    5. Ask if you can talk with her

    again some time for whatever reason or another. Then the ball is in her court. If she acts funny about it just keep

    talking and act as if it didn't faze you and then in a bit see if you can have her number very unpushy like(you

    gotta try it).
    6. If she says no don't act like it fazed you or you are disappointed keep talking for just a bit

    more and then tell her that you would really like to have a conversation with her again and give her your card.

    Don't say anything like hope you call me or maybe I'll talk to you soon just let it go and tell her bye.

    Remember to act as if she is not so much a potential lover or sex partner while your talking to her just act as if

    you're just being cool and funny and don't give hewr any compliments yet.

    all you gotta do.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dping28
    Look em dead in the

    eye and say: "Hi, would you like to go out sometime? I think you should I am almost perfect."

    And then you hear a big slap too the face :P

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass
    thanks a lot


    btw man i know you have to d/l something inorder to get the d/l's to work i forgot what it was called

    do you have the site ? for the download manger (or your bird hehe)

    Had to
    Or you could try this

    Torrentstorm is

    the on i use alot. And it's great too.

    But both should work regardless of the other hopes this


    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude DZorro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyman
    1. If you

    know she is going to be around for a while wait 5 minutes or so to approach her. (otherwise you come off as pushy,

    desperate, wierd, or over-bearing)
    2. If she isn't going to be around for a while (like if she is passing you or

    getting ready to leave an establishment) don't even think about it and do it. Remember hesitation can cause fear.

    Just act on it. It will go much smoother than if you ponder it then try and recoup.
    3. Look her in the eye's and

    think in your head your just being friendly and you are not going to try and lay her right then and there.

    Think=Just being cool and friendly here....nothing more. This takes the pressure off.
    4. Don't let her see you

    hitting or approaching anyone eles or you may seem like an over bearing desperate person.
    5. Ask if you can talk

    with her again some time for whatever reason or another. Then the ball is in her court. If she acts funny about it

    just keep talking and act as if it didn't faze you and then in a bit see if you can have her number very unpushy

    like(you gotta try it).
    6. If she says no don't act like it fazed you or you are disappointed keep talking for

    just a bit more and then tell her that you would really like to have a conversation with her again and give her your

    card. Don't say anything like hope you call me or maybe I'll talk to you soon just let it go and tell her

    7. Remember to act as if she is not so much a potential lover or sex partner while your talking to her just

    act as if you're just being cool and funny and don't give hewr any compliments yet.

    That's all you gotta do.


    Great tips. here ya go some good rep points

    If it ain't broken don't fix it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DZorro
    Great tips. here

    ya go some good rep points


  14. #14
    Newbie jo23er's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass
    hey guys .. yup

    it's me again kB .. yah just wondering how to pick up a stranger ... it's funny because my friends(girls) they

    tell me that guys (the ugly ones) go pick dem up and they would backtalk about it and laugh about it .. they'd even

    talk about hot fit guys and laugh too ... i'm just hoping i won't be one of them to others ... so whats the

    best way to pick up a girl or start a conversation ??

    Scene 1: A girl is just siting there bored to death.

    What do you do!
    And even if they do laugh with you, what's the big deal? You are not going to go any

    far away with this if you dont try your luck several times. If you notice that they dont want to chat or are

    avoiding you, just go to the next one in line.

    Young girls tend to be VERY selective in choosing who to talk

    to,sleep with etc. , maybe because they dont even know what they are looking for in a guy.

  15. #15
    Banned User
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    thanks a lot guys for your help

    .. rep points for everyone very helpful thanks again.. (and thank you happyboi for the tips )

  16. #16
    Journeyman beachboy's Avatar
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    Hmm there is no search function

    on I can't find the link to DeAngelo's stuff.

  17. #17
    Journeyman beachboy's Avatar
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    Never mind, i already found it

    I thought it were e-books or something, but it are movies.

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You will learn many useful

    things if you take an acting class. Social skills are skills. They are a craft. You need to learn them from someone

    who has good skills, then you need to practice them. It doesn't happen by magic.

    When I took a beginning

    acting class I was blown away by the things beautiful young things would do and say in a class setting. You learn to

    be comfortable playing every taboo topic and scene you can wrap your mind around. You can try out variations on you

    approach. Then you learn how much of social life is acting anyway.

    Know how to get to Carnegie Hall ?


  19. #19
    Stranger skaepSbaS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kossBass
    thanks a lot


    btw man i know you have to d/l something inorder to get the d/l's to work i forgot what it was called

    do you have the site ? for the download manger (or your bird hehe)
    It's called BitTorrent.

    Google is your friend.

  20. #20
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    beach boy in which part of the

    movies is the Dangelo stuff?
    Action, adventure?
    Which one?

  21. #21
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    And do you know how to open this

    stuff. I already found it, but how I open it?


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    You will learn

    many useful things if you take an acting class. Social skills are skills. They are a craft. You need to learn them

    from someone who has good skills, then you need to practice them. It doesn't happen by magic.

    When I took a

    beginning acting class I was blown away by the things beautiful young things would do and say in a class setting.

    You learn to be comfortable playing every taboo topic and scene you can wrap your mind around. You can try out

    variations on you approach. Then you learn how much of social life is acting anyway.

    Know how to get to

    Carnegie Hall ? Practice.
    Tell us more. It seems that when I hear other people hitting on girls it is

    if they are on stage and it seems kinda corny but it really seems to work for my buddy. It seems as if he is kinda

    acting it out but the chics bite hard on that rap. I always thought....Geez how can they go for that? But then as I

    get older I realize that that is kinda how you gotta be in modern day courtship.
    Are there any videos that teach

    you this? and what do you mean by the surprising things girls would say and do in the acting enviorment?

    can I have some examples?


  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Never put em on a pedalstool -

    give them respect but do not worship them - their heads get to big or you come across as desperate - if you are

    failing to attract any women without phermones look at youreself and see where you are going wrong (are youre sights

    set to high - ie are you to picky - are you overweight - big turnoff. - you may need to do some gym work. Might

    take 6 months but work on it. - are you a bum - being unemployed and unmotivated is not a good thing - get off the

    PC and go do some work unless you are a online sharetrader like i do for a fair whack of my earnings in that case

    its ok.

    Work on conversation and pick up skills - do you bother to talk to women - do you smile ? all these

    helps im sure its all covered here and all over the board but its basic hints and tips to follow.

  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Focus on the woman. Observe.

    Avoid being too aware of yourself.

    What's she doing? Looking to do? Where's she coming from? What's her body

    language? How does she react to your being in the room?

    Don't be self conscious, just objective.

    What's the evidence? What's your intuition?

    Are you even attracted? Why? Can you guess anything about

    her personality?

    Value the deeper observations (e.g., unconscious body language vs. overt actions and speech)

    more than surface ones, when they conflict.

    If overall conclusion is a go, then just say "Hi," or make an

    observation about something she's doing. Don't let yourself lust if you can avoid it. Just be "plain ol' you."

    (If she seems interested, you can sometimes just say "hi" and then shut up with a slight friendly smile, putting the

    pressure on her. She will think of something to say rather than accept silence.)

    Again observe. If neutral or

    positive reaction, say something about the situation; reflect the situation. (e.g., "Looks like you're writing a


    Ask a question or two, one of which is open ended. Go with the flow.

    Be very present, and try to

    relax. Hear every word she says and think about it. Observe her expressions, body language, etc.

    Think of the

    most appropriate and least threatening way to continue the conversation, if it's going well. Be friendly and offer

    her the continuation, unless you dont want to and/or will see her again soon.

    If she doesn't open up right

    away, just go about your business, don't apologize, say "bye" or act self-conscious. Nothing about you is relevant

    anyway, as you already had and have your part covered. Often they will open up something if you just stay cool, are

    satisfied doing your thing, and appear satisfied with the interaction so far. (thus helping her think it went

    well) Don't fidget, just be "at peace".
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    Phero Enthusiast
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    You want to study Improvisation

    (often called Improv). This is a class exercise where the group suggests a dramatic moment of some form, say, you

    are both walking your dog and happen to have identical breeds and bump into each other and then you have to invent

    the conversation for a minute of two. Improv isn't scripted. There is no memorizing lines. You take the situation

    as it is given to you and invent the dramatic interaction. You'll learn a huge amount about how to socially

    improvise on your feet. If the teacher is good, he or she will give you feedback on what you need to work on, where

    to focus you attention, how to get unstuck from a dead spot in the scene, how to change rythms, what an emotional

    beat is. It's super basic nuts and bolts work on how to be social in an effective way. Imagine that you have to do

    a scene where you try to pick up a beautiful girl in front of a class of twenty people. Think you're self conscious

    now ? Then those twenty people tell you in detail what your strengths and weaknesses are. You can't get better

    instruction than that. Actors are paid on the basis of how well they can communicate emotion. They work hard to

    master it. If you're exceptionally good you make 20 million dollars to do it in front of a camera. The actors that

    are paid millions have gone to their share of classes. How many of your friends would you pay money to watch them

    try and hook up with a girl, that it would be that compelling a performance ?

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    What the Dr. said.

  27. #27
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    Much of the above is easier

    said than done. Dr. brings up some good points about body language and mid conversation reaction. There is much to

    be said about approaching someone and being just as concerned with THEIR responses are as they are yours. That

    being said, lets talk about breaking the ice. Many people here reading this seeking advice have probably said or

    thought at one time that if they could only get a conversation started, this person would enjoy their company and

    they would be more successful. Think of a house party setting where most people usually have something in common

    (i.e. they know someone) which is a good basis for a conversation. How do you know Jim or Sarah? The idea is that

    you are taking a step foward, skipping a step almost, and reaching a psuedo comfort area by association. Now, there

    are a million variables and the above may not apply. In a bar, club, or other setting where you are attempting to

    interact with complete strangers, the "Hi how are you" speach is normal, effective for some, but clearly typical. I

    have given advice to at least 10 people who did not know where to go from there. They will say HI! to someone and

    have nothing else to say after that. Play this out:

    Hi, how are you
    Doing alright...
    Good to

    Whats your name?
    Whats yours?
    Ummm how are you??

    Yeah, you already

    asked that . Essentially you are setting yourself up for a normal friendly interaction and inherently, those

    reading this seeking advice, already have a hard time with this part, and hell, even getting THIS far. Now for a

    moment, let us not forget about our pheromone supplementation. There is something to be said about prolonging an

    interaction to the point where a target can take quite a few whiffs and maximize that potential. We want to develop

    a situation where we can avoid the typical, Hello how are you, situation and develop some sort of conversation with

    content. If you have that ability to kick something off with the traditional method and be successful, more power

    to you, but for those who are lacking skills, get nervous, etc, but at the same time recognize that they truly have

    intelligence or otherwise something they feel would be interesting to a target, we are looking for a way to

    demonstrate that. Think about flipping the script a bit. If you are at a bar and you notice the bartender did

    something out of the ordinary to a woman you are targeting, comment on it to her and try to develop from there. An

    excellent technique is to get a woman's opinion, ESPECIALLY in a bar or club setting. Women love to comment on

    their feelings, opinions, etc. and will do so more when under the influence. Think of ANY situation that is open

    ended and approach someone you are interested in asking their opinion. For example, if you are with a friend,

    approach a woman and say, excuse me, I need a woman's opinion here.... my friend here is debating with me on what

    a good surprise might be for his girlfriend just to show some affection and was considering doing a dozen roses.

    Now, I thought that maybe women might feel that is over done a bit, but at the same time, I recognize there is

    probably a large amount who would just love that! What do you think? Are flowers overdone? What is a good idea?

    What would you like to see if you were in a relationship as a sign of affection? There are million different things

    you can do to get a woman's opinion and I have never had a women NOT give it. This is something a shy person can

    script to break the ice and get going with things and it will usually get a response out of a women enough to break

    way through the approachability factor. Your friend will inherently know what you are doing but you can even have

    them help you out without looking like a couple guys who are out to get a piece. From there, options are open.

    Many many techniques are available for exploration. I tend to focus, when approaching women, on those things that

    will get THEM speaking and allow ME the chance to respond and challenge them accordingly, rather than working into a

    situation where you have to play into the normal questions and then run a blank saying....well, it was good chatting

    with you!??? I could go on for hours .

    BDC Concepts

  28. #28
    Bad Motha Holmes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    You want to study

    Improvisation (often called Improv). This is a class exercise where the group suggests a dramatic moment of some

    form, say, you are both walking your dog and happen to have identical breeds and bump into each other and then you

    have to invent the conversation for a minute of two. Improv isn't scripted. There is no memorizing lines. You take

    the situation as it is given to you and invent the dramatic interaction. You'll learn a huge amount about how to

    socially improvise on your feet. If the teacher is good, he or she will give you feedback on what you need to work

    on, where to focus you attention, how to get unstuck from a dead spot in the scene, how to change rythms, what an

    emotional beat is. It's super basic nuts and bolts work on how to be social in an effective way. Imagine that you

    have to do a scene where you try to pick up a beautiful girl in front of a class of twenty people. Think you're

    self conscious now ? Then those twenty people tell you in detail what your strengths and weaknesses are. You can't

    get better instruction than that. Actors are paid on the basis of how well they can communicate emotion. They work

    hard to master it. If you're exceptionally good you make 20 million dollars to do it in front of a camera. The

    actors that are paid millions have gone to their share of classes. How many of your friends would you pay money to

    watch them try and hook up with a girl, that it would be that compelling a performance ?


    I would add as an aside, though, that big-name actors are (more and more) often paid millions according

    to how well they elicit an emotional response in the paying public first and foremost and how convincingly

    they reproduce emotional states themselves second. More than a few highly-paid actors have inexplicably

    not mastered the latter and are instead sliding by on raw "charisma" (read: sex appeal). Orlando Bloom,


    So, sometimes making 20 million dollars has little to do with being "that good." But, again, point


  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Good point, Holmes, and good

    post, Bobby. Surf's up's stuff is good too, if you want to take a class.

    There should be coed classes on bar

    and coffee shop conversation and behavior skills, as much as the continuation of our species (monkeus indenialus)

    depends on it!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  30. #30
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    If you are lucky enough to get a

    conversation going with her/him, LISTEN to them and take mental notes. Remember the things that they are saying

    because if you do end up getting a date with them it will make you look like you are really interested if you can

    bring up some of the things that he/she mentioned during your first conversation. That's very important.

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