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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    before you start, no, i have never had a crack and sack wax. i\'m told it is a common beauty

    treatment for gay men. in fact, that is all i was told, because by this time my hands were clamping my ears and i

    wanted to be spared the details!

    for those of you who have ever had any parts of your body waxed - particularly

    men - you can imagine the pain this must involve. waxing, after all, involves glueing your hairs to a piece of

    fabric, and then ripping the fabric from your skin. skin, as a result, gets tugged and pulled against the direction

    of the hairs and... argh!! can you imagine having it done in your scrotal area???

    well, if back-waxing is

    anything to go by i have a pretty good idea. you see, i\'m one of those \'lucky\' men who has a rather high

    level of testosterone. in theory it means i am a rampantly fertile, highly desireable male, but as we all know

    girls, in practice it means \"eurgh, back hair\".

    so being the vain sod that i am, i have tried all sorts of

    \"treatments\" to rid myself of unwanted back hair. waxing, i can safely say, is the quickest, cheapest and most

    effective form of hair removal for large surface areas.

    by waxing, i mean professional \'hot\' waxing.

    i\'ve tried all the diy, off-the-shelf products under the sun, and they either leave your back resembling a

    volcanic pizza, or worse, a parched, red hot potato. ow! and then there are the resulting arguments with your

    girlfriend/other-girl-filling-in because she didn\'t \'do\' it properly. trust me, it\'s a whole world of

    pain you don\'t want to get into.

    \"er, i need to get my b-b-b-back waxed\".

    it is a daunting experience

    for a man entering into the white and pink world of the beauty clinic for the first time. particularly when the

    receptionist you approach looks very much like the girl you tried to pull the weekend before; or when the lady

    reading house and garden in the waiting area looks like your mum\'s best friend.

    A giggle or a smile - however

    small - is enough to send you bright red with embarassment, and have you remembering that you forgot to put money in

    the car meter. Stay calm. They\'re smiling because they think it\'s quite sweet that a man takes pride in his

    appearance. That\'s what I tell myself anyway!

    \"OK, take your shirt off and lie down\"

    Hmm, quite

    interesting this, depending on the beautician you are seeing. If she is ugly, the chances are you won\'t give a

    damn about the hairs on view. If she is pretty, however, you\'ll be concerned at what she might think, but will

    nevertheless be looking forward to her loving attention. And if you\'re like me, you may even kid yourself that

    you have a chance of pulling her...

    \"Ffffff - that\'s hot!\"

    Hot wax is hot. Not only does it mould and

    stick better than cold wax, but the belief is that it opens up the pores of your skin to facilitate hair removal. It

    looks like honey, but some clinics use a type of strawberry curd wax which is pinkish and more benign-looking.

    Either way, the wax is scooped up from within a temperature-regulated \'wax-tub\' with a wooden spatula, and

    spread over a small area of the back, ready for removal...

    Ideally, the beautician won\'t leave the wax on

    your back for more than ten seconds before removing it, otherwise it will cool down and become tacky. Conversely,

    the beautician doesn\'t want to apply the strip of cloth too early or it won\'t stick either. Five seconds is

    about perfect.

    ~~~~~~ strip applied ~~~~~~~~

    This is the time to clench your buttock cheeks and bite the

    pillow, because your first ever experience of hair removal is going to hurt...

    Rrrraaaaaaaaatch!!! <delayed

    reaction> \"YOW!!\"

    Did that hurt? Of course it did. It hurt the way you\'d expect if 300 hairs had

    suddenly been unrooted from your skin. There may even be a trace of blood - a sure sign when your beautician starts

    blowing on your back and tutting to herself (the poor dears hate the sight of blood).

    There\'s good news

    though: your back is already noticeably less hairy than before. It\'s unlikely though that you\'ll have time to

    take in this good news, so concerned that you are with bracing yourself for the next attack.

    Rip, ratch, rotch

    The attacks come in thick and fast, and from every angle. You can only surrender and take the pain because if

    you leave now your back will only end up looking like some messed-up patchwork. Interestingly, your skin thinks the

    same, and soon enough it too will give up resisting the onslaught and become positively numb. Five \"rips\" in any

    particular area is normally enough punishment before your back thinks \"to hell with it\".

    Sensitivity does,

    of course, depend on the area of the back the beautician is working on. I have a general rule of thumb and to this

    end I have compiled a list for you. In order of sensitivity:

    1. Sides of the neck and traps
    2. Upper central

    back and spine
    3. Outer lats
    4. Middle back
    5. Lower back

    The beautician will normally start in the middle

    of the back, working downwards and then upwards. The neck/trap area is reserved for last, but is perhaps the most

    important area. Unsightly spots have a habit of breaking out here and it is the area most people will view. Your

    beautician will finish off by applying either tea tree oil and/or a special cream that takes away any remaining wax.

    Sessions normally lasts 20-30 minutes, depending on the ability of the beautician. In my experience, the older

    she is, the quicker and more effective she tends to be. However, a registered clinic will have qualified staff and

    there is a set standard procedure in place for all forms of waxing. If things go wrong it\'s likely to be your own

    silly fault for not looking after yourself properly.

    Basic do\'s and don\'ts:


    Wear clean,

    loose-fitting clothes if you can.


    Do NOT have a hot shower or expose your back to sunlight within

    twenty-four hours of a session. Your back is likely to be raw and is easily burned.

    Avoid getting soaps and gels

    on your back during your first hair-free shower - these are the prime reasons for spots.

    Hair regrowth will

    become apparent within 5 days of waxing, and this will normally result in itchiness. Don\'t worry, this normally

    goes away after a couple of days as the hairs grow a little longer. Noticeable hair growth (the only type you give a

    toss about) will occur only after 4-6 weeks of waxing, at which point you should be thinking of making another

    appointment. Failure to do so will only make your hairs longer and the next session even more of a hack-fest.


    Back-wax will cost you anywhere between £15 and £30, though if you pay over £20 I would suggest you are paying too

    much for what is essentially a monthly visit.

    Give it time. Each visit becomes easier, and you\'ll learn to

    turn the trip to the beauty clinic into something to actually look forward to! The first time is always the hardest,

    and it is easy to get put off on your first visit. Don\'t.

    Try and harness your pain. After a few visits

    you\'ll become an expert. The way I see it, the more the waxing hurts, the more hair is getting removed. \"Bring

    it on!\", is my motto, and so should it be yours. In fact, there are many motivating thoughts that go through my

    head during any given session. Popular ones include:

    \"I can go swimming at last\"
    \"I can wear an

    open-neck t-shirt\"
    \"I can take my t-shirt off in the park and get a tan\"
    \"I can take a girl back to mine

    without worrying about my back!\"

    When you think about it in these terms, pain really does become a non issue!

    (Saying that, I\'ll still pass on the crack and sack wax....)

    Advantages Disadvantages

    You will

    look beautiful! It hurts

    Gives you confidence It can itch

    \"Hello girls!\" You have to go

    every 4-6 weeks

  2. #2
    Man of La Pancha
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    Default Re: Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    I\'m sorry, but I could not finish reading this post because I could not get past this


    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    can you imagine having it done in your

    scrotal area???

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    \'nuff said.


  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    One of my clients recently opened a laser hair removal clinic as part of her day spa

    operation. To permenatly remove hair with little or no pain takes 3 visits. After reading that article I can see why

    she started making a profit almost immediately. Ouch! That sounds awful to a wimp like me! It\'s worth the $3,000

    to permenantly remove the hair on a man\'s entire back. The money is a trifle compared to a monthly torture


  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    I\'m sorry, but I could not finish

    reading this post because I could not get past this phrase:


    class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    can you imagine having it done in your scrotal area???


    /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    \'nuff said.


    <hr /></blockquote><font


    Well, the Seiko Cleancut will get the sack of marbles clean, with no nicks, cuts or


    No, I do NOT work for Seiko.

  5. #5
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    Dude. Waxing is great!.

    I don\'t think I\'d ever let them near my scrote, though. A bit of

    careful maintanance with a razor is all that\'s required there. I didn\'t like the look of my \'old chap\'

    when it\'d been de-haired anyway. Looked like I had Alopecia. Strange.

    But waxing is good.

  6. #6
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coopied form the Net-- Back, Sack and Crack Waxing

    Wonder if it would feel anything like the \"Brazilian\" women go through.


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