This has been a good topic to discuss,but has anyone thought about the ethics of people who have a naturally high level of pheromones.I mean these guys and girls that have it all,good looks,personality and a heavy dose of sexual attraction.There are loads of them out there that use it all to get what they want out of life,( there are those that have high morals too but most don\'t.)You\'ve all seen them the heart breakers.users and abusers once they are through with you,they move on to greener and bigger pastures.These are the ones you take your pheromones to compete against,they get the best jobs,best loyal partners.What about their ethics ? They know they are on a winner ,do most of them care,I think not,so why should you all feel guilty about using pheromones?We have been the losers too long,it is time to fight on an even playing field.
ok that was my little rant .
Taffy. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]