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  1. #151
    Full Member Spiderweb's Avatar
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    i think i see your have hit on the a314/npa as a good combo at times...but the npa is waaayyyy tooo strong for daily use

    like you are using it unless you exfoliate big need to try the edge ( diluted npa ) and apply a dab with

    the a314...whats happening is you are massively oding...hence the disdain...

    NPA is just too strong to be used

    with a dab or two everydya..the mones last too long from it...

    i tried the edge gel packs with a314 and it

    worked great..i used 1/2 gel and that got the attention going along with respect factor..

    NPA is like a pancea

    and many folks on this forum get this one wrong...npa works great as dabs the first time you use it..but the next

    day, you are in od land..its too strong...

    the edge is what needs to be dabbed, its way diluted but the same


    you shoudl get some soe and wear that alone with the a314 for awhile and leave the none off...see what

    reactions you get then...then gradually introduce a bit of are none oding...classic case

  2. #152
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderweb
    ...the edge is

    what needs to be dabbed, its way diluted but the same stuff...

    you shoudl get some soe and wear that alone with

    the a314 for awhile and leave the none off...see what reactions you get then...then gradually introduce a bit of are none oding...classic case
    I've used SOE gel and I don't like the smell of it on my skin.

    I've been told that the roll-on is different, but I'm not willing to pay to experiment with it any further.

    Anyone care to donate a test bottle?

    Right now I've got Chikara on the way, as well as two other products and a

    free pack of experimental pheromones. I have high hopes for Chikara, as I'm eventually going to switch to using

    just Chikara and/or another combination pheromone-cologne product. Why? Because this is turning into an expensive

    hobby, and since I'm about to begin taking Martial Arts classes again, my pheromone budget will soon be severely

    curtailed. BUT I also plan on taking Yoga classes, at least once a week. So I may yet GET that harem I've always

    wanted... a harem full of slim and serene yet unusually horny, highly flexible MILF's.

    YEAH, bay-bay!

  3. #153
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default First Day using Chikara


    my Chikara gel packs today.
    They smell "okay", I guess.

    I smeared one gel pack across the back of my head and

    down across the back of my neck, 1.5 hours before work today. Also sprayed Armani Black Code on that same area.

    No hits, no drama, no effects on me were noted.

    29 more packs to go.
    Last edited by gabe1970; 09-27-2006 at 11:03 PM. Reason: correction

  4. #154
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Wore two packs of

    Chikara today, sprayed head to toe with Tag, no Armani.

    Questionable results - two cute twenty somethings sat

    closer to me during downtime than they normally do. This happened about 6-7 hours after pheromone application. One

    is normally sweet and friendly towards me and the other one merely tolerates me. They both continued their normal

    behavior, but did it while sitting unnecessarily close to me. I noticed nothing else.

    27 more packs to go.

  5. #155
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Sickness vs. Chikara effects on me?

    I've been feeling pretty glum the past few days and I wrote it off as being a result of a sinus

    infection and the fact that I'm too weak / unmotivated to exercise AND have been eating too much "comfort foods".

    After just reviewing some other posts on Chikara I wonder if it's not having a "subduing" effect on me or if

    I've somehow managed to OD myself.

    Another possibility is that I'm not in a positive enough mood to either

    notice and/or get any positive results from Chikara at the moment. My current mood could also be a combination

    of my sinus infection and chikara use - and that's the conclusion I'm leaning towards because it makes the most

    sense to me.
    Whatever the cause is, I'm going to lay off the -mones until monday because I simply don't want

    to waste any of it.

  6. #156
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Chikara=Instant Gayness


    9th, 2006
    So I've been offline for a few weeks now. I can access my email at work, but I can't us IM and won't

    visit any forums because I don't want to leave an interesting trail for the hospitaL admins to follow.

    But this

    doesn't mean I've stopped using pheromones. I also haven't received the shipment I was expectig from

    until today. So I focused on using the Chikara I received from Lovescent last week, and damn, did I regret

    Chikara apparently amped up my feminine side, and made people think I was gay.

    If that's the effect you

    want, then I wholeheartedly endorse it. Chikara definitely makes me appear more feminine, and that's not an effect

    I'm happy with. My pheromone addicted friend will be receiving my remaining supply of Chikara in the mail, to go

    along with the bottles of IH and IS I sent them.

    I tried using one pack, two packs, and three packs by themself,

    as well as 1-2 drops of NPA and/or A314. Here is a quick summation of my results:

    1 Chikara gel pack: No

    effects noted.

    2 Chikara gel packs: My female friends were more friendly, conversational. I overheard a gay male

    nurse telling some females I was gay in the ER. Later on I took him aside and told him I wasn't gay, and that he

    shouldn't be telling people what he thought, unless he was absolutley positive. I normally would have been much

    more aggressive and assertive. Did Chikara encourage me to ACT like I was gay? Hard for me to believe, but I

    don't really know what "acting gay" means, anyhow.

    3 Chikara gel packs: Everyone treated me like a doormat.

    Straight male friends, female friends, and strangers. Did Chikara encourage me to ACT like I was a doormat? I

    thought a lot about this, and decided i would have to make a point of being assertive, even if/when I felt it was

    innappropriate to do so. But I wasn't ready to give up on Chikara because I wasn't done with my


    1 Chikara + 1 NPA + 2 A314: No positive effects noted. I overheard one of the female nurses in the

    ER telling ANOTHER female nurse that either I was gay or the guy I was walking with was gay. (I distinctly heard

    her say "He's gay." while my buddy and I were walking out of the ER, but I didn't know which one of us they were

    talking about.) Based on my last experience, I wasn't about to ask. I immediately stopped, walked quickly up to

    them, and angrily said "I hope you're not talking about him OR me, because neither of us is gay. (Now I was

    pointing my finger at them.) HE has a girlfriend who he's very much in love with, and I'm going through a divorce,

    so don't go spreading that around, and don't expect either of us to come near ANY of you fucking idiots unless

    we have to."

    Stunned silence.

    My friend didn't hear them (or me), but stood there, watching me curiously.

    After we had left the ER, he asked me what that was all about. After I told him, he thanked me and said I must

    have "F---ing good-ass hearing. You surprised the HELL out of them!" (He's a life-long musician and suffers from

    some hearing loss.) I want to make a point of the fact that while wearing Chikara I had to conciously focus on being

    as assertive as I normally am.

    Yes, for the record, I'm normally a prick.

    2 Chikara + 2 NPA + 2

    A314: No effects noted.
    3 Chikara + 2 NPA + 2 A314: No effects noted.
    The verdict: Much more negative effects on

    me than positive effects. The only positive effects were so subtle and unimportant to me (friendlier female

    friends) that I can't justify wearing or paying for Chikara anymore. To be fair, I don't know how Chikara

    effected my own behavior other than the fact that I was obviously and apparently less assertive than I normally am.

    I would guess that there is a whole subset of other, more specific behaviors that it effected (such as my body

    language, demeanor, and posture) which I was not aware of. Based on my limited experience, I can comfortably say

    that straight males who are not high-testosterone producers or Clint Eastwood clones should be very wary of using

    Chikara Gel Packs.

  7. #157
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default TAF, October 9th

    I've been

    wearing TAF for the past hour or so.
    I sprayed it on immediately prior to starting a Yoga session but lost patience

    with the annoying instructor and turned off the DVD 20 minutes into the 45 minute session... and started writing.

    don't like that instructor to begin with, and I badly wanted to write about my Chikara experience. So my quick

    one-time-use judgement of TAF is to only use it to increase your focus if you are about to start a task that you are

    already highly motivated to complete. And I don't mean a task that you "absolutely must complete", I mean one that

    you would enjoy doing - which for me is writing. Oh, and I just realized that I'm touch-typing. I don't often

    do that. TAF completely nixed my Yoga session with that irritating instructor but helped me to quickly crank out my

    Chikara review. I'm having trouble stopping my writing, though. I need to shower and go to work. I will try TAF

    again before weight-lifting in two days. If it goes well, I'm going to order some Cops and try stimulating myself

    with those two -mones before exercising.

  8. #158
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default 2 A314, 2 IFM, 2 Ammo.


    2 A314, 2 IFM, 2 Ammo.
    I wasn't around very many women yesterday for very long. I started to smell

    slightly funky/musky after a few hours but it isn't unpleasant. A 28 y/o female coworker sat unnecessarily close to

    me again tonight while on break. Nothing else to report.

    11 October
    2 A314, 2 IFM, 2 Ammo. No cover scent,

    I don't know who I'm working with today, but the cute/sweet 28 y/o will be relieving me tonight at the end

    of my shift. She is normally very friendly and a little flirty since I'm "the only eligible guy she knows" (her

    co-workers words) -- so I'll re-spray IFM an hour before she's scheduled and we'll see what happens. I

    wouldn't mind waking up next to her. Unfortunately for me she will be changing shifts soon, so she'll be meeting

    plenty of other guys - but she'll also be available on my days off. At least that's what I keep telling her.

    Very cute, sweet, petite, has a cute minnie-mouse voice and a slight, sexy lisp when she says certain words. It's

    sexy in the same way as a woman who sometimes snorts when she laughs -- "charming and endearing" might be a better

    description. Anyhow... this weekend I'm going to visit family and go shopping in Manhattan and Chinatown.

    When in NY, I will wear not wear any pheromones. I'm buying new sneakers just for this trip, as well as a new

    (larger) backpack. I will do a ton of walking so I will sometimes get hot and sweaty. I'll be around thousands of

    incredible women on this day since I have to ride the subway (sans ipod, since I sold it -- I'll feel naked...),

    and I'm planning on hitting J & R Music World as well as B & H Photo (It's fricking photography heaven, Catlord).

    I definitely want to at least SEE the new Apple store (I'm saving $ for the rumored I-phone, so no purchases this

    time), AND I have a shopping list of things to pick up for my co-workers in Chinatown. That's why I need to buy a

    bigger back pack! I will be a bit down since I usually take my daughter with me (she loooooooves Central Park) but

    I'm buying some DVD's (I want Superman Returns) and possibly some cheap wireless speakers for my TV. Also looking

    to pick up a $15 Short Sword (!) at a shop just off of Canal Street and some herbs from Three Sisters so this will

    be an expensive weekend. Did I mention that the city is full of AMAZING women? I should also mention that I

    probably won't talk to many of them.

    12 October
    28 y/o was very sweet, friendly, flirty/funny as usual. I

    need to be around her without pheromones in order to see what's happening here.

    17 October
    My trip to NYC and

    Chinatown was a blast. I think I'm going to learn a few words of Chinese and try out pheromones there on my next

    trip. As it was, I fell for the female Chinese Martial Artist who sold me her sword for $5 because she thought the

    scabbard/sheath was broken. I told her I could easily fix it, but she sold it to me for $5 along with a 10 minute

    kung-fu lesson. They normally sell for $35. When she drew the sword and struck a pose, my brother started

    laughing at me. "Ha, ha, ha - I think i just watched you fall in love!" I've got her card so I can find the store

    again, and I'll buy two more on my next trip. Maybe i'll get her number, too. My Dao sword (Forked Broadsword)

    is beautiful, strong, and sharp as a razor. It's 20 inches, with a forked tip and can be used two-handed but is

    balanced enough to be used single-handed. The sheath is a combination of plastic and metal, and the handle is

    painted aluminum. The plastic and aluminum, plus the fact that it is pressed/machined steel, is why the sword was

    so cheap. But it looks nice and she says it will hold up against anything but a Damascus or cold-forged blade. Not

    bad for $35, and amazing for $5!

  9. #159
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Yo quiero COPULINS

    20 October

    a.m Friday morning
    I was sick again for the past week and a half. This always happens to me when I move somewhere

    new and start a new job. (New hospital = new germs) So I haven't been the most sociable or pleasant person at

    work. Not that I'm NORMALLY that sociable or pleasant...
    But I've been wearing 2 sprays of ammo and 2 sprays of

    IFM with no noticable effects on the people I normally work with. I do notice generally positive social behavior

    from beautiful women (nurses and PA's) that I don't have much contact with, but it hasn't been overt or

    dramatic. I added 1 spray of -none today and still noticed nothing except for two remarks by coworkers.
    #1: I

    asked a (frickin hot) PA to convince a patient that they needed a particular procedure/treatment/thing I won't

    mention. Her remark was "What, the normal Gabe-charm isn't working today?" I was feeling particularly crappy at

    the moment, and was taken off guard as usual. So I kind of just shrugged and walked away.
    #2: "Well, you're

    really dressed up nice today - got a hot date?" I wasn't "dressed up" and I couldn't wait to go home. I just

    mentioned (to the cute 28 year old) that I didn't feel like walking home in the rain wearing scrubs, and said good

    By now you've probably noticed that I'm not following up on these positive comments and friendly behavior

    by women. I'm always taken by surprise, and to be honest I'm still feeling like crap. If they had hopped on my

    lap or thrown themselves at me, I'm sure I would have reacted in the same way (surprised indifference). I'm sure

    that I've blown my chances with most of these women, but again, I'm not all that interested. I'm also afraid

    to play games with any of these women, since I'm not interested and it would probably be seen as unprofessional.

    I have considered stopping my experimentation altogether, because i've basically proven to myself that pheromones

    work, but now I think that I'm going to start ramping up the sexual nature of my pheromone mixes just to see what

    happens with particular TYPES of women, so that I will know what works on similar women in the future. The problem

    is coming down to the fact that none of the women I work with are MY "type".
    results so far:
    Ammo and IFM is a

    mild mix. No drama. No women eyeballing me. just a warm friendly vibe.
    A314 and NPA is a more striking mix. An

    eye opener or attention getter.
    What if I mix the two mixes together? I'm thinking it will be "Hi Gabe, my friend,

    how can I help you?"
    bah humbug, I want them to want me. Not that I want THEM, I just want to be lusted after.

    And I could go for the occasional no-repurcussions boink-a-random-nurse-at-work thing, but I'm concerned with

    maintaining professionalism.
    I know that some of the gel packs I originally tried were good for this kind of

    thing, but they were also stinky, suitable only for use in a nightclub/bar situation or around strangers

    More NPA = more bitchiness.
    More NPA + More IFM probably = more bitchy friends.
    More A314 = only the

    untouchable goddesses approach me. And I run the other way.
    So what's a short fat guy to do?
    Add something

    Wait for it...
    Where's that $%^#@!@ credit card?
    Oh, and I'm out of NPA. Need a

    Refill. Or Reboot. Whatever.
    So LS is getting about $60 of my hard earned cashola in a couple of weeks.

    probably buy a bottle of IFM too, and possibly a bottle of Ammo.
    Dammit, I'm hooked.
    As of right now I think

    that IFM, Ammo, NPA, A314 and possibly Copulins will be the extent of my future purchases. I really need to break

    this habit.

  10. #160
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Jailbait

    Friday 5:50pm
    I feel

    like shiite and I'm writing while my latest load dies down.
    I wore a lot of pheromones this morning to Ikea and

    Lifeway, "The Christian Store".

    I noticed a few odd looks and evasive behavior at Lifeway, probably because of

    how I was dressed and possibly because of the pheromones. Black dress shirt with white vertical stripes, jeans, and

    black "dress sneakers" or whatever you want to call my shoes. And I was unshaven. I think I had the greasy italian

    Al Pacino/ mobster look going on but they probably thought I was the Anti-Christ's fat cousin. I bought the

    crucifix I came for, along with a cute childrens Bible for my daughter, and went to Ikea, "Where all the haute

    european chicks go." (TM)

    Dropped $200-ish and almost broke the law. Or a commandment. Or something...
    When I

    rolled up on the teenage cashier I slipped up and started flirting without thinking. It's a habit, and it often

    get's me in trouble...
    "Hey, how can I help you?"
    I grinned and said "Any way that you want to."

    Whoops! She

    "swooned" for a lack of a better word, and I clammed up before I could get myself any deeper in trouble.

    I was

    looking at hair flips, lip biting, flushed cheeks, dilated pupils, leg crossing, nervousness, and due to the lack

    of a bra I could clearly see that she was "pointedly interested." Her last customer was a (frickin haute, chiseled)

    female blonde of european origin. Exactly the type of woman I had been hoping to stalk, err, I mean experiment on

    today. The cashier had acted completely normal and professional around her, but started getting turned on within

    thirty seconds after me rolling up next to her.

    Damn I wish she was older, I think I could have had an

    interesting tour of Ikeas bedroom section today.
    So in conclusion this morning my mix attracted a hot and bothered

    little teenage minx.

    Let's call this minx mix "Jailbait".
    1 spray A-nol
    1 spray b-nol
    1 spray MX 113

    spray a-none
    1 drop NPA
    2 drops A314
    3 sprays IFM
    I over exerted myself loading/unloading my car and by eating

    like crap. Spent the rest of the day queezy and trying to sleep. Lucky it was my day off. Just realized I have to

    work with a female I dislike tomorrow, so I'm going to need some heavy duty reading material to get through the


    Off to Borders I go for a politically-correct non-yoga, non-religious book and another experiment in

    pheromone overdosage.

    It's been 10 hours since I applied the catload, so I decided to amp it up and do some

    lingering around hot women to see how they react without too much encouragement on my part. I'll preface this next

    experiment by saying I got lonely and relieved my pent up sexual energy by myself a little while ago. And I

    haven't showered. So I'm a little sweaty/ musky to begin with, I have residual mones left over from this

    morning, I'm going with the Greasy Al Pacino look from this morning, AND I'm running another overdose...


    spray A-none
    1 drop NPA
    2 drops A314
    4 sprays IFM

    6:25 pm. Oh crap I forgot that I need to stop at Home

    Depot. I need some JB Weld or other strong adhesive to fix the scabbard I picked up in Chinatown last weekend.

    Maybe I can get in and out quickly before some damned mexican contractor has a pheromone-induced meltdown on my ass.

    More later. If I survive, that is.

    So this short, fat, crabby, cheap hypoglycemic bastard survived Home

    Depot and hates Stouffer's.
    I mean, what IS the point of microwaving macaroni and cheese when you can cook it on

    a stovetop, faster than in a damned microwave.

    I should have read the box.
    After bailing out of

    Borders I went to the grocery store, bought a pre-cooked, still-warm rotisserie chicken and a box of microwavable

    mac and cheese.

    I'll finish my chicken before the nuclear oven finishes my Mac and Cheese.
    But you

    don't really care, do you?
    You're here to read about pheromones.
    You bastards.

    I drove to the first

    bookstore only to find it closed due to a power outage.
    Those bastards.
    Drove to the second one. Hate it. College

    town, pretentious crowd.
    Bastards, all of them.

    Okay, I'll stop the bastard thing. I'm sure y'all can only

    take so much of my sense of humor.

    I suppose i should start with the fact that I ran into Home Depot

    first, and politely let the cute blonde go through the automatic door before I did. (Nice butt...) She smiled, said

    "Chivalry isn't dead." and we went in. She followed me, or walked behind me, to the glue section that I bolted

    for. I turned to her and smiled as I walked down the aisle, and she looked a bit confused / disappointed. Maybe I

    went down the "wrong" aisle? I could have walked and talked with her a little longer if I'd wanted, but I didn't

    see any point. She was like 3 feet taller than me. Flirted with the cashier and left. I was there a whole 5

    minutes and no crazed mexican contractors attacked me.
    At the bookstore I realized that, genius that I am, I

    hadn't eaten dinner before i left. And the food in the bookstores coffee shop sucks. About this time, everything

    started to suck. As my blood sugar dropped, I got bitchier and bitchier. "This book sucks, this guy can't

    write, this book is SO not worth $10..." etc etc
    I went to the cashier with both arms full of books and left empty

    handed. There were like 20 people in line. Happy, chatty, sociable people.

    I was starving, crabby,

    and in no mood to blow $50 on books much less speak to any perky pretentious people in that damned line.
    So I

    dumped the books and left.
    No it wasn't the pheromones, it was my blood sugar. I'm an irritable little pecker

    to begin with, but when I get very hungry, the chatter going on between my own ears is enough to piss me off.

    But I *DID* get some interesting reactions. You might call them hits...

    I may have smelled bad, but I don't

    think everyone could smell my funkiness. I wandered through the bargain bin section where the homeless dudes hang

    out. Spotted a girl sitting in a chair near some good books, waited a few minutes to see if she was settled in,

    and wandered over. Put myself between the books and her - I was about 3 feet away, my back to her. I could hear

    her sniffing the air.
    I turned around and smiled at the pudgy, homely little chick. She just looked at me. I got

    Nada. Nil. The big Zilch. But she obviously smelled me.
    And so did a few guys. Some short buff guy with a

    too-tight T-shirt walked by me in the magazine section, sniffed the air, looked at me, and smiled. Gay? I don't

    care, because he kept walking. Later on a 8-10 year old boy walked by, sniffing and looking around kind of

    puzzled. (I can hear it now: "What's that funky smell, Mama?")
    I wandered from section to section. Sports,

    religion, Fitness, Self Help, plus relationships and SEX.
    Black sex goddess was sitting in the relationship

    section. Drop dead gorgeous, Intimidating as hell. Leather skirt, high boots, tight sweater, very polished look,

    smelled like leather and fruit. I had an almost uncontrollable urge to lick her boots. I was 5-10 feet away. She

    sniffed the air, looked up at me, and smiled before looking back down at her book.
    A really cute redheaded

    bookstore-employee was wandering from section to section also. I ran into her a couple of times, smiled, said

    excuse me, told her to stop stalking me, she checked out the books I was carrying and smiled, not much else

    happened other than tons of eye-contact and smiling. Had I been in a better mood, I might have been able to step

    things up. But I was rapidly becoming frustrated with my inability to find good books within my budget, and in my

    current mood, I knew that if I said something to her, I wouldn't come across as being very positive. She also had

    a studious, intellectual look. I wasn't feeling very intellectual. So I mostly just grinned at her like an idiot.

    Also just grinned at the well-dressed scrumtious brunette who wandered into the Eastern Religion and Sports

    sections when I was there, even when she said Hello. Yes, I'm an idiot. She was definitely my type. Apparently

    shared my interests, had the look and build that appeals to me, had a cool, funky style, and was at least not

    REPULSED by me. So as I said, I'm a fricking idiot because I didn't say anything. I must have grinned too much

    like an idiot at the skittish, funky hippy chick in the Yoga section. She left quickly as I tried to work my way

    into that section. I didn't mind. She was wearing one of those funky french berets that only french chicks should


    ALmost forgot to mention - I tapped out on the Al Pacino look due to the weather. The temperature was

    dropping, and rather than wearing a jacket i ran back inside and grabbed a sweater. So I exchanged the black Al

    Pacino get-up for a brown cashmere V-neck sweater. Also had on a white T-shirt, Levi's, and my unusal

    sneaker-shoes. This look might have had something to do with the kinds of hits I was getting. Also, the entire

    time that I was in the store, I carried around a goofy looking book called "Autobiography of a Yogi". It's been

    recommended to me by several people, but I just couldn't stand to buy it. Carrying it and stopping to read a page

    or two every few minutes might have made me look deep, spiritual, refined or intellectual, but IMHO the book

    outright sucked. Too damned verbose and flowery to keep my attention - kind of like a beautiful woman who talks too

    much. And dammit I have to work with one tomorrow.


    I need something to read tomorrow, something to

    bury my head in so she'll leave me alone. Guess I'm going back to the bookstore tomorrow morning. After I eat

    something, that is.

  11. #161
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Default Wanted: Liquid Trust

    Saturday 21

    Oct 2006
    I wore 4 sprays of IFM and the (gorgeous twentysomethng) co-worker I dreaded working with was VERY sweet

    and charming. I'm close to saying that IFM definitely works. I need to take it to work and apply it after someone

    displays some bitchiness, and see if her disposition changes afterwards.
    Sunday 22 Oct 2006
    I wore 4 sprays of

    Ammunition today, put it on 30 minutes before I hit the bookstore to grab a DVD I'd ordered. I had 4 reactions in

    10 minutes.
    #1: Fiftyish dude in a tweed coat was WAAAAY too attentive to me flipping through the Tai Chi DVDs, so

    I didn't spend much time doing that. Later on I realized he was in the "adult" section. Freak.

    Twentysomething HAUTE Artsy-brunette bookstore employee walked by three times while I wandered around looking at

    DVD's, loudly sniffed the air the second time, smiled at me the last two times. Yes, I smiled back. Now I have a

    reason to go back and stay awhile on a sunday afternoon.
    #3: Short curly-haired blonde twentysomething girl in the

    Womans/Yoga magazine section was VERY put off with me being there. I came up from behind, waited til she was done

    flipping through the Yoga mags, and I grabbed a Tai Chi mag + a Yoga magazine. She gave me the evil eye and

    practically ran away. then again I guess I'd run away from any guy found in the womans magazine section, too.

    Artsy Androgenous pseudo-anorexic quasi-female wearing a bandana with a bulbuous nose, BIG ASS hands and way too

    much blush was overtly flirtatious while I paid her (?) for the DVD. Had a feminine voice and a female name on

    their nametag, so I was polite - but I questioned their gender.
    I practically did a drive-through DVD purchase,

    trying hard to stick to my budget, I got out of there within 10 minutes. I was wearing a funky, tattered old blue

    cotton crewneck sweater over a brown Army t-shirt, blue jeans, and my funky "Keen" sneaker-shoes. And I didn't

    shave, so I guess I looked like a disheveled little Bohemian Yogi. On my next trip I'm adding 4 sprays of IFM and

    being more actively social.
    I really need to stop stonewalling on Liquid Trust, too.
    I think LT and some COPS

    might be the edge I need.

  12. #162
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    October 9th,


    Chikara apparently amped up my feminine side, and made people think I was gay.

    you , Thank you , Thank you ,Thank you...
    seriously, thank you.
    I've noticed this too and don't wear it

    anymore. I thought it was just me but It's great to see someone else have this happen to them too. I've been

    abused several times by guys when out while wearing chikara , often woman seem to assume I'm gay straight off. (bad

    pun) yeah sure, I like too look after myself and am bit of a metrosexual but no, I prefer woman 95% of the time.

    early 40's white male or or

  13. #163
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    Interesting report Gabe. I too find

    the Chikara to garner too much male attention and the female reaction quite normal. I have used the spray and the

    gel packs. Needless to say,
    I no longer use that product. I have also tried cops. A product called "Dirty". Not

    good for me at all. Didn't fit my image. The lady from the site that sold it to me, offered to take it back, but I

    have kept it for future plans and experiments. But I don't think you want to invest too much dough into copulins.

    Just an educated guess.

  14. #164
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default RE "Dirty"

    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Interesting report Gabe. I too find the Chikara to garner too much male attention and the female

    reaction quite normal. I have used the spray and the gel packs. Needless to say,
    I no longer use that product. I

    have also tried cops. A product called "Dirty". Not good for me at all. Didn't fit my image. The lady from the site

    that sold it to me, offered to take it back, but I have kept it for future plans and experiments. But I don't think

    you want to invest too much dough into copulins. Just an educated guess.
    Good day Tongue, i have had a look

    at "dirty" i was wondering were you using in a mix or alone? I had an idea in my head that a good club/bar mix could

    be say A314 x2 drops + PI x 2 dr + SOE x 20" or a bit of openness, and say 4 dabs of EW, or some "dirty" This could

    be way out but it is something i would try unless someone can see a flaw in my logic which could easily be the case

    that is why i ask so as to possably get some other opinions, may be the cops might not fit my image either as i am

    not a root rat at all, not saying that i wouldnt like to be, as my situation wouldnt allow it, but i would not mind

    observing the reactions of the mix with some cops, i also find A314 to act very sexual in nature when mixed with

    some none and a good dose of nol. interesting hobby though.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    12 October

    y/o was very sweet, friendly, flirty/funny as usual. I need to be around her without pheromones in order to see

    what's happening here.
    Tonight I wore no pheromones and no cologne in order to see what would


    Within 5 minutes of getting to work I was spontaneously given a phone number by a cute Asian girl that I

    flirted with while in the cafeteria and I think I could have gotten the number of a cute redheaded physician that I

    met a few minutes later in the elevator. Seemed disappointed when I got off the elevator.

    I really need a plan

    for taking advantage of this "disappointed look" that I've been getting when I end a conversation with a woman. I

    don't want to ask them out, but it seems like that's what they're expecting.

    I spent some time with, and I

    got a little closer to a cool, sexy P.A. that I've been ambushing with my pheromones in close quarters.

    And for the first time, the cute 28 y/o was not flirty and completely focused on me while I was with


  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    Thank you...

    prefer woman 95% of the time.
    Ummm.... I'm a 100%-er.
    No men for me, thanks.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaf
    Thank you , Thank you ,

    Thank you ,Thank you...
    seriously, thank you.
    I've noticed this too and don't wear it anymore. I thought it was

    just me but It's great to see someone else have this happen to them too. I've been abused several times by guys

    when out while wearing chikara , often woman seem to assume I'm gay straight off. (bad pun) yeah sure, I like too

    look after myself and am bit of a metrosexual but no, I prefer woman 95% of the time.

    never had women assume I was gay, but I have seen some 'abusive' behavior from both men and women from

    it....probably more pissy than abusive. Something about Chikara is very edgy, and I can't pinpoint what it

    is....its vastly different from an anone OD. Sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes not.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    I've never had

    women assume I was gay, but I have seen some 'abusive' behavior from both men and women from it....probably more

    pissy than abusive. Something about Chikara is very edgy, and I can't pinpoint what it is....its vastly different

    from an anone OD. Sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes not.
    I had no positive effects that are

    worth paying for, unlike NPA, etc where the negatives were outweighed by the positives.

    SOE and Chikara belong

    in the same pile, IMHO.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma
    Something about

    Chikara is very edgy, and I can't pinpoint what it is....its vastly different from an anone OD. Sometimes it works

    in your favor, sometimes not.
    Sometimes in an all male environment (like the local pub) the blokier

    guys can either be friendly or make snide gay comments towards me , It's a bit inconsistant and I never really had

    this problem before so assume it's the chikara... (2 sprays)
    early 40's white male or or

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40
    Good day

    Tongue, i have had a look at "dirty" i was wondering were you using in a mix or alone? I had an idea in my head that

    a good club/bar mix could be say A314 x2 drops + PI x 2 dr + SOE x 20" or a bit of openness, and say 4 dabs of EW,

    or some "dirty" This could be way out but it is something i would try unless someone can see a flaw in my logic

    which could easily be the case that is why i ask so as to possably get some other opinions, may be the cops might

    not fit my image either as i am not a root rat at all, not saying that i wouldnt like to be, as my situation wouldnt

    allow it, but i would not mind observing the reactions of the mix with some cops, i also find A314 to act very

    sexual in nature when mixed with some none and a good dose of nol. interesting hobby though.

    Terry, i've used Dirty in both mixes and alone. I think it is a product that can confuse women when you

    are mingleing with them. And I mean confused in a bad way.

    A314 is a winner for me, when mixed with the Edge

    and even AE. It still puts out a sexual vibe but tempers the none so younger women are not as intimidated. Used by

    itself, it doesn't do anything productive for me.

  21. #171
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    Default re dirty DIR

    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Terry, i've used Dirty in both mixes and alone. I think it is a product that can confuse women when

    you are mingleing with them. And I mean confused in a bad way.

    A314 is a winner for me, when mixed with the Edge

    and even AE. It still puts out a sexual vibe but tempers the none so younger women are not as intimidated. Used by

    itself, it doesn't do anything productive for me.
    Thanks tounge, so if the DIR is confusing women in a

    negative manner maby because it may be heavy in none content ? do you think it could be producing too much tension ?

    if that would be the case then EW may be a better choice because then the amount of none can be regulated in

    relation to the cops, its just a thought anyway for a club mix project, Yes A314 does add a really good vibe to my

    mixes im hooked on this one allready, i know to be fair in my appraisal of this product i should try it alone and i

    will as soon as suitable windows become available.

  22. #172
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    Default Its Not Bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Holmes
    Does Instant Shine work?
    Yeaaar holmes ive had this juice 4 nine days and so far i would give

    it say a 3 star rating, i havent noticed effects with every application because of my mix variations, but when it

    kicks in it does so with class and i mean it makes me feel just so smooth and right here right now right with it , i

    had one sp IS on today and two dr A314 and man these go together very well, and i am getting a conviction that IS is

    effecting those around me as well and i am noticing that i dont have to be swimming in the stuff to get a reaction,

    i can wear it and enjoy it but not too concentrated near my nose because it can cause a little stiffness of neck and

    a little head tiredness, i am getting used to it now and a spray on the lower neck can produce a very nice

    comfortable smooth effect. IF i was clubbing then i would have a spray on the lower neck and another 2 on the outer

    shoulder fronts and 4 drops A314 on sides of neck and rear hair, a good dab of NPA on the chin and a shot of LT on

    each shoulder top and a few sprays of vetiver hombre cologne a sweet little shit load yeaar , real nice. i think i

    will call it the stinger.

  23. #173
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge

    I find that IS gets me into a downer mood also after about 3 hours. And I'm not usually prone to depression. For

    what it's worth,WAGG does the same exact thing to me. The only difference with the WAGG is that normal hetro males

    get a little to close to me for comfort. I noticed that somewhat when I tried Copulins for an extende period of time

    yes i was getting that down effect as well but now i dont apply it so close to my nose,i can now take

    a blast on the lower neck front and sometimes this is all it takes to get me cruising when i am at a party i add 2

    extra to the outer shoulder tops as this stuff does work on others, just be carefull not to inhale it in a

    concentrated cloud or else you will have that heavy after effect.

  24. #174
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    Terry, I don't think artificial

    Cops are for the most part going to be effective for men. I really think that for pheromones to be most productive,

    they must synchronize with your nature. Let's face it, the best way to put out the "just got laid" signal is to

    just have been laid. And the social proof that helps attract women is from being seen with other women. I think the

    male wearing cops theory is best left on the trash heap of throw it at the wall and see what sticks.

    The most

    effacious way for people to use pheromones is to have a good grounding in reality. To some people, pheromone usage

    is like living in Smallsville. But instead of becoming meteor freaks they become pheromone freaks. And then they

    tend to see illusions as their reality.

  25. #175
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    So you don't think it's worth

    even trying cops?

    (And I'm just a freak - leave my green rock out of this.)

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    So you don't think

    it's worth even trying cops?

    (And I'm just a freak - leave my green rock out of


    I don't think it is for the majority of men. It wasn't for me. However there are

    always exceptions to the rule. But thay are still exceptions.

    In conclusion, if you have the dough to blow,

    give it a try. But I firmly think that cops will hinder a hell of a lot more men than they would help.

  27. #177
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    Tonight I wore

    no pheromones and no cologne in order to see what would happen....

    And for the first time, the cute 28 y/o

    was not flirty and completely focused on me while I was with her.
    I went without the

    -mones and cologne specifically to see how this girl in articualr would react (without any effort on my part, as

    usual) and was surprised that she completely ignored me, since she's normally very friendly. Last night I wore 4

    sprays IFM and 2 sprays of MX113 and she was very flirty again.

    Tonight I'm going without the -mones but

    wearing cologne. Let's see if she behaves differently.

  28. #178
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    I don't think it

    is for the majority of men. It wasn't for me. However there are always exceptions to the rule. But thay are still


    In conclusion, if you have the dough to blow, give it a try. But I firmly think that cops will

    hinder a hell of a lot more men than they would help.
    I don't have the dough to blow but I am willing

    to risk being ostracized for a few days (I have "thick skin"). If anyone cares to send me a sample for two-three

    applications, PM me - I'd appreciate it.

  29. #179
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Your reasoning seems quite sound

    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Terry, I don't think artificial Cops are for the most part going to be effective for

    men. I really think that for pheromones to be most productive, they must synchronize with your nature. Let's face

    it, the best way to put out the "just got laid" signal is to just have been laid. And the social proof that helps

    attract women is from being seen with other women. I think the male wearing cops theory is best left on the trash

    heap of throw it at the wall and see what sticks.

    The most effacious way for people to use pheromones is to have

    a good grounding in reality. To some people, pheromone usage is like living in Smallsville. But instead of becoming

    meteor freaks they become pheromone freaks. And then they tend to see illusions as their reality.
    Yes tongue

    your reasoning seems quite sound and logical as the smell of slops in the mixture could put a girls reasoning

    mechanism out of sync . I suppose i started to think about the cops after bronzie had posted his observations

    regarding xcite wipes fem he was testing and his results on young women and i started thinking that there is room

    here for some experementation, anyway i appreciate your point of veiw, it is better that i save my money for proven

    hitters and leave the cops to the more affluent amoungst us to dabble with.

  30. #180
    Phero Enthusiast gabe1970's Avatar
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    Question Pheromones contraindicated at work?

    Quote Originally Posted by gabe1970
    I went without the -mones and cologne specifically to see how this girl in articualr

    would react (without any effort on my part, as usual) and was surprised that she completely ignored me, since she's

    normally very friendly. Last night I wore 4 sprays IFM and 2 sprays of MX113 and she was very flirty again.

    Tonight I'm going without the -mones but wearing cologne. Let's see if she behaves differently.


    Two out of three of my regular co-workers were more talkative with me tonight than they usually are.

    The only male I regularly work with may just have been excited about his new Apple Mac, but the 22 y/o female I

    normally work with was also much more friendly/talkative. She apparently takes most of her social cues from him and

    is very quiet/reserved, so it's difficult to gauge whether or not the pheromones have an effect on her at

    A314/NPA makes her even more subdued, BTW.

    The older female I work with is a "mother hen". Nice older

    lady - her behavior does not seem to be impacted at all by anything I use.

    The cute 28 year-old was almost as

    flirty and friendly as she usually is.

    Incidentally (?) I did notice a distinct, shall I say,

    "feminine odor" coming from her tonight, too.

    I wore cologne, but no 'mones.

    I will

    have to dedicate a solid week to not using pheromones, in order to better understand their behavior.
    But not this


    (In a couple of hours) I have a CPR class tomorrow morning before work, and will be in a roomful of

    90-95% women I've likely never met before - for 3 hours, right before lunch. So there is the opportunity to follow

    up an initial meeting with an immediate lunch date. Suddenly I can't make up my mind what mix to use.

    And yes, I'm an insomniac.

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