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  1. #1
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    Default I think I need medical advice.


    guys, I guess this'll be my 1st post. I've always been a lurker until now, sorry.

    So. Last weekend I went out

    to the bar with some buddies , and I decided to put on some unsented SOE. Just a tab on my neck so it wasnt like

    over doing it. But as the night wore on, my head began to hurt, keep in mine this has never happened to me before.

    That when I decided to head home and sleep it off. The next morning my head was still hurting, and to top it off, my

    throut was sore and my nose began to bleed! Im like...whatever, by night time i'll be fine. Nope. This is my 8th

    day and my head is still throbing and my throut is still burning.

    Now here's the kicker, I cant believe im

    typing this but. I think im emitting some pheromones. Since last week guys and girls have been acting REALLY weird

    around me, you know, that thing that pheromones do. At 1st I thought it was my clothes, so I washed all my clothes.

    Then I scrubbed my self down with vingare, and tomoato juice and expolating scrubs, but still! Every where I go

    people are rubbing there nose! Some may think this is a good thing, but this is ruining me. Im too afraid to go to

    my profs offices now casue of the reactions I've been getting.

    So please, can some one explain this to me? (oh

    Im also going to go see my doctor on monday, i can keep this up.)

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by alcany View Post

    guys, I guess this'll be my 1st post. I've always been a lurker until now, sorry.

    So. Last weekend I went out

    to the bar with some buddies , and I decided to put on some unsented SOE. Just a tab on my neck so it wasnt like

    over doing it. But as the night wore on, my head began to hurt, keep in mine this has never happened to me before.

    That when I decided to head home and sleep it off. The next morning my head was still hurting, and to top it off, my

    throut was sore and my nose began to bleed! Im like...whatever, by night time i'll be fine. Nope. This is my 8th

    day and my head is still throbing and my throut is still burning.

    Now here's the kicker, I cant believe im

    typing this but. I think im emitting some pheromones. Since last week guys and girls have been acting REALLY weird

    around me, you know, that thing that pheromones do. At 1st I thought it was my clothes, so I washed all my clothes.

    Then I scrubbed my self down with vingare, and tomoato juice and expolating scrubs, but still! Every where I go

    people are rubbing there nose! Some may think this is a good thing, but this is ruining me. Im too afraid to go to

    my profs offices now casue of the reactions I've been getting.

    So please, can some one explain this to me? (oh

    Im also going to go see my doctor on monday, i can keep this up.)
    so was this your first time ever

    using pheromones? i've gotten headaches before from using pheromones, but they only lasted for a couple hours. 8

    days, that sounds pretty serious. i'm sure you thought this already, but maybe it's just coincidence that you got

    sick with the flu or something around the same time you applied the pheromones?

  3. #3
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    hey 5alphareductase,


    kinda a newbie, before my head ache and sore throught I used it like 6 or 8 times, but all those times the SOE made

    me feel happy. Im still really worried.

  4. #4
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    It seems that you have got a

    bad cold. Did you see doctor?

  5. #5
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    Nope, Im gonna see a doctor this


    I know this sound completely crazy, that im giving off some sort of odor, but its true. The whole last

    week i put no pheromones on, and I washed myself, and changed clothes every day.Here are just some of the things

    that've happened this week.

    -A girl beside me in my genetics class was extremely squirmy and rubbing her neck

    and leg. (I actually thought this was kinda cool)

    -other girls AND guys in my relative area become quirmy

    -Both male and female profs talking extremely fast and rubbing their nose and scratching their crotch.

    -when I

    get on a bus people begin looking around and become all active.

  6. #6
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    sorry, i double posted

  7. #7
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    We all emit pheromones,

    not a lot though and you need to see a doctor immediately.

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Only a medical evaluation should be

    really trusted, but for my 2 cents worth I would say it's more likely you picked something up (like flu) from your

    bar buddies over anything in the pheromone product.

    There may be a slight chance of an allergic reaction to the

    product. Sometimes such reactions don't appear immediately. I can think of a number of products (like hair dyes)

    that say you should test for allergic reactions *every* time you use them.

    Always play it safe when it comes to

    your health. It stays with you forever...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  9. #9
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    If you've used it before without

    any reaction then I'd say it's fairly unlikely that you had a reaction to it this time. Probably just a

    coincidence and you happened to pick up some bug. Having said that, if you've had a headache for 8 days then a trip

    to the doctor is definitely in order anyway...

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    We all emit pheromones

    constantly. And when we are sick we can smell pretty funky, especially when we have some sort of infection. Hope you

    get to the doctor soon because it sounds like you may have some sort of sinu infection. I do not believe this is

    caused by pheromones and I do not believe the minor amount you used would hang around for more than a day or two.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by alcany View Post
    Nope, Im

    gonna see a doctor this monday.

    I know this sound completely crazy, that im giving off some sort of odor, but

    its true. The whole last week i put no pheromones on, and I washed myself, and changed clothes every day.Here are

    just some of the things that've happened this week.

    -A girl beside me in my genetics class was extremely

    squirmy and rubbing her neck and leg. (I actually thought this was kinda cool)

    -other girls AND guys in my

    relative area become quirmy

    -Both male and female profs talking extremely fast and rubbing their nose and

    scratching their crotch.

    -when I get on a bus people begin looking around and become all active.

    me. Honestly, trust me, I went through exactly what you went through, except when I overdosed on PI. For me, this

    lasted 2-3 weeks, and I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Just search up some of my old threads.

    So trust

    me when I say this, IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD! Either you get anxious easily, you drink lots of caffeine, or you're

    just being overly observational.

    I bet you have a cold of some sort, because there is absolutely no way SOE can

    cause such symptoms in yourself.

    As for emitting pheromones, you are just noticing things that already existed

    before. People were rubbing their noses and squirmy before, but you just never noticed it.

    My advice is to take

    a break from the pheromones and find a way to naturally relax. If you're like me, you overanalyze things and

    relaxing and chilling out is sometimes difficult. So just find a way to calm yourself. Meditate, etc.


    you're able to find a calm, relaxing state of mind, THEN and only then, should you go back to using


    I think there should be a warning on pheromones that actually advises people who are prone to anxiety

    or over-observation to be careful when using them.

    I practically got obsessive compulsive and was cleaning my

    skin 10x a day with all sorts of herbal remedies etc. I even bought an ozonator for my clothes, bought tons of

    extra stuff.

    Then I finally realized it's all in my head. I wasn't OD'ing. The pheromones were long gone. I

    was still doing all of this 3 months after I stopped touching them. It took a while, but once I got over that, my

    experience with pheromones has been an absolute blast.

    So just realize that what you're seeing is already what

    existed. You're just overly aware now, because you 'think' it's because of the SOE...which is a pretty weak

    pheromone anyway to be eliciting anything like that.

    Hope you feel better from that cold, and get your head

    clear from these overly-analytical thoughts.

    Best of luck.

  12. #12
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    hey guys, thanks for the advice.

    And smooth312, thanks even more!

    Yeah, Im really hoping its all im my head, and at the same time I hope

    Im not turning into some crazy guy.

    I went to the doctor and he just gave me some anti biotics for the sore

    throut. He even began getting all excited.

    I really hope the pheormones wear off soon, or else its gonna be real

    akward if I go to my prof's office again.

    I dont think Im gonna be wearing mones any time again. I feel so bad

    while on the bus and some people are having coughing attacks.

    Anywho, thanks again you guys. This is a good

    forum to be around.

  13. #13
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Question, how much did you have

    to drink the night you were at the bar?

    Remember drinking virtually eliminates your immune system. So you are

    drinking at a social place and catch something.

    smooth is right you are being overly panicky.

    But I bet you

    are giving off a smell or scent that causes people to react. Your training with pheromones has taught you to be

    observant of peoples reactions, and automaticly associate it with your scent. So here is what's going on:


    are sick you probably look like you feel, which is shitty. Also People naturally give off "stay away" scents, which

    tell people that they are sick and to stay away from them. You are seeing people's responses to your natural body

    language and warning scents. You probably never really payed attention to this before because you had not been

    conditioning yourself to observe people so thuroughly.

    Don't panic, once you are better you will see that you

    were wrong.

    Feel better man.

    BTW, I OD'd last night, and I have a soe throat this morning, but I am quite

    sure it is due to the weather changes and flu season. I am going home after work, pumping myself full of garlic, and


  14. #14
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I do recall times when I notice my

    armpits really reek. It's often just about the time I realize I've managed to pick up some illness, as within a

    day or so I start to feel it. There probably is some sort of connection.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post

    how much did you have to drink the night you were at the bar?

    But I bet you are giving off a smell or scent that

    causes people to react. Your training with pheromones has taught you to be observant of peoples reactions, and

    automaticly associate it with your scent. So here is what's going on:

    You are sick you probably look like you

    feel, which is shitty. Also People naturally give off "stay away" scents, which tell people that they are sick and

    to stay away from them. You are seeing people's responses to your natural body language and warning scents. You

    probably never really payed attention to this before because you had not been conditioning yourself to observe

    people so thuroughly.

    That night I had 2 drinks, so I dont think that would've effected my

    immune system.

    I've been on antibiotics for the past week now and I feel completely fine now. Unforunatly the

    reactions have been the same

    Here's some 'hits' for this week. Again keep in mind this is my 2nd

    week without wearing mones, in fact I wear that stuff like once a month, so im still perplexed why its still


    -in my computer seminar the girl beside me was quite obviously rubbing heself

    -my molecular bio prof

    was once again making weird moan noises while lecturing.

    -a girl beside me in biochem began having a cough


    -and the ususal akwardness.

    Does anyone know how long SOE unsented stays on your body? Cause this is

    just making everything awkward. Im like the bring-er of sexual confusion >_>

    On a good note, my lab partner is

    really easy to talk to now. Its just he likes to work really fast now, and sometimes he makes mistakes.


    V-day to all the coupled guys on here! I think maybe tommorow i'll go around the city and act like cupid; sit

    beside a couple and get them really horny for each other. :P

  16. #16
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    SoE will stay on your skin a

    few hours to a day at best. If you shower it's almost completely gone. It isn't possible that you are still

    getting reactions from it. It seems a lot more likely that you are attributing things to pheromones that were

    already happening and you simply hadn't noticed.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  17. #17
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    I'd like to think that too,

    then I wouldnt sound like a complete nut job. But keep in mind I've been in these classes for 2 months now,

    watching my professors for 2 months now, seeing 'standard' class room behaviours.

    The things Im discribing

    isnt what i've been seeing for the last 2 months, its something out side the 'standard'.

    Even last semester I

    put on SOE to my stats class and got the girl beside me to start being sqwarmy, but the next day, after I washed SOE

    off, ever thing was back to normal.

    These last 2 weeks have not been back to normal. Man, I really hope im not

    losing my mind like Russell Crow in 'A beautiful mind'

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Since I can't be there to

    observe, I cannot tell you if you are losing it or what is happening. But I do know beyond a doubt that what you

    claim is happening cannot be attributed to SoE or any other synthetic pheromone product.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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