The world, and the female gender, do not owe you a girlfriend. Just like the world doesn\'t owe you a plush mansion and a Ferrari. A tiny few on the planet blunder into wealth/success/easy relationships - the rest of us have to work for it. It\'s the law of the jungle, and many beautiful souls fall by the wayside in favor of practical/aggressive rivals - but hey, you can\'t change the world. You can only change what you DO. Until you believe that, any actions you take will probably just reinforce a self-defeatist attitude.

You must make the effort to understand women, and tailor your initial approaches to their tastes. Cause in the beginning, women have the power. They can say no, ignore you, refuse to return calls, stand you up - all those \'horrible\' things you fear. That\'s their power, and they deserve to have it, cause they must be selective - men are a bigger risk to women than women are to men.

So initially, you must present yourself as someone they might want to spend more time with. They are not obligated to like you, talk to you, or anything else - especially if they don\'t know you. When you approach them you are submitting to their evaluation…and if you have any sense you\'ll tailor your approach to women\'s tastes. If you are making no approach at all you are tending toward elimination from the gene pool. Part of being a man is to accept these unpleasant truths, and work with reality.

Brother, you just have to quit focusing on how you would like things to be, and focus on becoming and presenting yourself as what women want to meet and date. It\'s not that hard really, and there\'s plenty of info out there on approaching women, conversation skills, etc. But first have to shift your mindset into something like \"I\'m going to get to work now. Find out what women want in a prospective date, and work with what I have to become that and act like that\". It actually becomes fun, once you realize you won\'t shrivel up and die if a girl rejects you. But you sure can\'t expect women to do to you what you personally are afraid to do - make a confident approach as an appealing human being.

Don\'t waste money on pheromones till you\'ve got the rest of this stuff under your belt.