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  1. #1
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Default Am I doing something wrong?


    everyone! I just orderd my first pheromones not too long ago ; A7 unscented aswell as SoE Scented. Based on the

    countless hours of research I have done, these seem to be very good together based on other peoples opinions.


    am a 16 year old caucasian male with a good build, above average looking and smart, but not a "nerd".

    I looked

    into pheromones because I was always shy and not confident with girls.

    I Did (still do) research how to use

    mones, where to apply, dosages and most of all, how to act especially since I am not one hundred percent alpha


    It has been one week that I have been testing them out (obviously not at bars or clubs), but I will at New

    Years, yet I have not seen any real hits/improvements.

    The only visible effect I have seen so far was when I

    was in class with my ex who sits next to me. She rarely talked to me, and 99% of the time i was the one who had

    to initiate conversations, but that class, she just could not stop talking (compared to normal). I am pretty sure

    this is the result of the SoE, and maybe even alittle of the A7?

    The fact that I have only seen one positive

    hit/effect is leading me to the conclusion that I must be doing something wrong.

    I apply 1 drop of A7 to my

    front neck region, 1 drop of A7 for behind both my ears and about 12-15" total of SoE under my arms, and on the top

    of my hands. I then use a spray of my favorite cologne to cover it all up.

    I tried adding 2 drops of A7 to my

    t-shirt collar, but that did not work well although i did not notice signs of OD (people avoiding me, smelling bad

    and people being angry towards me.) Perhaps I should have gone with one drop?

    I have tried to talk to girls that

    I barely knew, but eben after trying to break the ice, they would not continue to talk to me.

    Does the setting

    of being in a school counteract the affects of mones, and that girls are less likely to hit on guys in this setting

    and vice versa?

    Or do mones even affect teenagers? (I have searched in regard to this subject, and have found

    threads on both the yes and no sides.)

    My question is what do you think I am doing wrong? Should i change my

    dosages? Should I try to initiate conversations more? Should I try different products? Chikara for example?


    greatly appreciate your help, and i want you to know that i have referred to the search engine on the forum many

    times before writing this up, as i found no questions to my specific answer (which is pretty long and personal)

    Thanks a million, pheronoobR
    Last edited by pheronoobR; 11-06-2010 at 09:09 PM. Reason: forgot to include

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I'm in your situation

    also! I tried using chikara and NPA in school with people my age and I have gotten no hits at all

  3. #3
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome, it's a

    very long time since I was in school but I believe there are two factors working against you at school. Firstly most

    teenage boys are producing plenty of mones, they don't wash properly and by the end of the day many of them reek.

    I'm not saying this is you, I'm saying you are trying to compete with mone overload at school and the girls may

    simply be immune or desensitised to the effects. And secondly and more importantly, you already know these girls, or

    rather they know you.(even the ones you barely know do know you coz girls talk) Mones work on the subconscious, so

    the effect is a feeling they get about your alpha status. Sadly if you are already known to them then you have

    already been pigeonholed in their minds as a less attractive male. It is extremely difficult to get out of that

    position. Having said that, I think your choice of A7 and SOE is actually good and your dosages seem reasonable to

    me, you just need to try it on total strangers away from school, and away from peer pressure.

  4. #4
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Alright, thanks for the

    heads up goldcoastq. Ill try and make the best of when i get to go clubbing with my cousin in a foreign country that

    has no strict laws for minors.

    Wow i did not know that the girls that did not even know me knew me... that

    sucks. REALLY sucks.

    Thanks again, and it may be quite possible that since most guys are already producing tons

    of mones themselves, the mones im wearing are not as effective at my age. thanks!

  5. #5
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Can anyone else help out? If

    this is the only answer and if it is 100% correct, i'm screwed for now. FML

  6. #6
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheronoobR View Post

    anyone else help out? If this is the only answer and if it is 100% correct, i'm screwed for now.

    Nothing is 100% in relationships, there are no certainties. And there will always be exceptions.

    You should persist with the girls you are interested in, however I believe you would do better away from the school

    environment and in a more social setting.

  7. #7
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Okay, ill try. Thanks again


  8. #8
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    pheronoobR are putting mones on in the morning like

    before going to school, or are you doing the application later in the day say like around lunch time?

  9. #9
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    I put em on in the morning,

    around 7:10 ish. Even if the effects ran out in the afternoon, wouldn't i still be seeing possible hits/changes in

    the morning?

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldcoastq View Post
    I believe

    there are two factors working against you at school. Firstly most teenage boys are producing plenty of mones, they

    don't wash properly and by the end of the day many of them reek. I'm not saying this is you, I'm saying you are

    trying to compete with mone overload at school and the girls may simply be immune or desensitised to the

    PheronoobR, I think Goldcoastq is right about this. The good effects of you applying additional

    'mones is being swamped by the excess of others' natural 'mones & their not washing enough Phew ...


    think that you could apply a cologne/edt which is popular with girls (do a forum search here, or a Google seach, or

    maybe Joop, Jean Paul Gaultier, Aqua di Gio, etc.). I suspect that younger girls like a fresh , clean smell. This

    different smell would mean that you were different from the competition & attract girls primarily because you

    smelt nice & clean (their sense of smell is more sensitive than ours).

    It is quite a good idea to buy edts in

    2ml sample sizes from eBay, etc. They last for several days & you could buy several edts for low cost instead of the

    high cost for a full bottle.

    A good 'mone to apply as well would be SOE - as you produce enough 'none already.

    You could also later on experiment with other 'mones as well - Alter Ego, etc.

  11. #11
    Newbie Xgamerider's Avatar
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    I think the responses you

    have got thus far are good advice. I would also add that first thing in the morning your natural levels of mones are

    a little higher or so it seems to me I usually wait an hour or 2 after waking up. I noticed I was more prone to OD

    if I didn't have that time, I was pretty sure I was going into OD. I could be completely wrong in what I'm saying,

    but I always had a better result when I waited before slapping anything on. I say give it a try and see if it doesn't cost ya anything but time and from the sounds of it I don't think it would do any worse than

    what you have going on right now.

  12. #12
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post


    think that you could apply a cologne/edt which is popular with girls (do a forum search here, or a Google seach, or

    maybe Joop, Jean Paul Gaultier, Aqua di Gio, etc.). I suspect that younger girls like a fresh , clean smell. This

    different smell would mean that you were different from the competition & attract girls primarily because you

    smelt nice & clean (their sense of smell is more sensitive than ours).

    It is quite a good idea to buy edts in

    2ml sample sizes from eBay, etc. They last for several days & you could buy several edts for low cost instead of the

    high cost for a full bottle.
    I forgot to write that i do use a cologne as a cover, but it is not

    Aqua Di Gio. It is very pleasing one.

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    A couple of thoughts. The most

    prevelent pheromone in young men is -NONE. And that one can be overpowering (and in my opinion over-rated).


    might try balancing your natural, and other's competing, outputs with other pheromones. Say -NOL, which can create

    a chatty situation (and women love to talk...), or -RONE, which gives off an older, wiser, (some say fatherly)

    man-vibe, although that one may not be what you want.

    Another one to check out, that I think needs more

    "exposure," is one known as A-1. You pretty much have to buy that one as a stand alone and it isn't cheap, but it

    can work wonders at putting nervous girls at ease.

    One good thiong about school, is that next year you will lose

    about 1/4 of the "old" girls and gain about 1/4 new targets who don't know you (so move fast before they get an

    ear-full of gossip).

    I know one thing that helped me a lot was the fact that in college I transferred from a

    2-year school, where I was able to work out some (personal) kinks, and into a "new" 4 year school to finish. I had a

    chance to experiement and make all sorts of goofs, then move in to an entirely new group with some experience under

    my belt. And yes, first impressions make a big difference and can stick with you for years. Plan carefully.
    Last edited by Rbt; 11-08-2010 at 04:59 PM. Reason: fixing some grammer etc.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  14. #14
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    It seems like Pheromones are

    pretty much all about using on people you don't know, or that don't already see you as a beta-male.

    I'll try

    to use about 16" of SoE tomorrow, and use it as a standalone until i see some concrete results, then try mixing in

    lightly some A7.

    Thanks a lot RBT and everyone else who has helped me and responded. Wish me luck

  15. #15
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    I must agree with Rbt on the

    -none being not so good here, And I think the RONE older wiser aura could actually be beneficial at times since at

    school it seems the girls are often attracted to guys a few years ahead of themselves. Also to stand out, it is only

    necessary to be clean and fresh all the time, that includes clothing. My GF (Asian) compliments me when I smell of

    nothing except the soap I just used in the shower. (Cussons Imperial Leather)

  16. #16
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    And hey, Goldcoastq, is that your

    own persocom in your avatar? They don't seem to have them here in the US yet. Darn it. You Aussies get all the good

    Attached Images Attached Images
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  17. #17
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    And hey,

    Goldcoastq, is that your own persocom in your avatar? They don't seem to have them here in the US yet. Darn it. You

    Aussies get all the good stuff...
    Ha ha.. I've been waiting for someone to comment on that...
    Her name is

    Kipi, and she has a huge following. Just google kipi.

  18. #18
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Alright so today I REALLY

    tried to overdose, without having a horrible OD. I normally only used one drop of A7, and split if for both ears and

    then add in 12 inches Of SoE whereas today i applied 2,1/2 drops of A7 in total on my ears and neck aswell as about

    a foot and a half of SoE on my wrists and hands.

    Thinking I would have my fist OD because I already produce

    tons of -none at my age, I was quite surprised and frustrated because I did not find any difference betwen the

    reactions when using my normal dose and todays "supposed to be" OD. During the entire day, I did not encounter any

    of the OD symptoms that people will often refer to, even though occasionally I thought that I smelled slightly like

    BO. Even my new science partner who is an asian girl seemed to not be negatively affected by the extreme dose (in my

    opinion). In fact, she was quite chatty just like when i use my normal dose.

    Does all of this mean

    that I do not OD easily? Or does it mean that I am obviously doing something wrong/too much -none competition/ the

    products don't work for me?

    Tomorrow I will go without mones, but apply the same cologne to be my control and

    see the differences (if any).

    Do you think NPA or Chikara would work better? If so, which one?
    Last edited by pheronoobR; 11-09-2010 at 02:11 PM. Reason: grammar
    STIFFLER doesent need pheromones, he is a living jambat #1 mix

  19. #19
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Alright so today I REALLY

    tried to overdose, without having a horrible OD. I normally only used one drop of A7, and split if for both ears and

    then add in 12 inches Of SoE whereas today i applied 2,1/2 drops of A7 on my ears and neck aswell as about a foot

    and a half of SoE on my wrists and hands.

    Thinking I would have my fist OD because I already produce tons of

    -none at my age, I was quite surprised and frustrated because I did not find any difference betwen the reactions

    when using my normal dose and todays "supposed to be" OD. During the entire day, I did not encounter any of the OD

    symptoms that people will often refer to, even though occasionally I thought that I smelled slightly like BO. Even

    my new science partner who is an asian girl seemed to not be negatively affected by the extreme dose (in my

    opinion). In fact, she was quite chatty just like when i use my normal dose.

    Does all of this mean

    that I do not OD easily? Or does it mean that I am obviously doing something wrong/too much -none competition/ the

    products don't work for me?

    Tomorrow I will go without mones, but apply the same cologne to be my control and

    see the differences (if any).

    Do you think NPA or Chikara would work better? If so, which one?
    STIFFLER doesent need pheromones, he is a living jambat #1 mix

  20. #20
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Sometimes it's tough to judge based

    on a single day/dose.

    Maybe your partner was already too "used" to you, or maybe she doesn't react to

    pheromones the same way someone else would.

    Yes there is always a possibility pheromones, or at least these

    particular pheromones, aren't working well for you. I've had some decent reactions with some products, and with

    others I get nothing, even though other users may rave about them.

    And again, sometimes you only really get

    reactions from people who have not met you before.

    You may really have to pour it on some day and go for a

    killer OD to see if something happens. Just be sure to have an excuse ready in case you get some really bad

    reactions from people ("sorry guys I had to clean the horse stalls this morning and didn't have time to

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  21. #21
    Stranger pheronoobR's Avatar
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    Thanks RBT, that really


    It's quite possible that A7 just isnt working for me, but I have no basis to rest this upon as I have

    not met any new girls yet outside of school wearing it.

    Im going to aquire NPA and APC to try as standalones and

    finally to begin with the mixes. I will forsure make DD1 as it is described to work very well with young girls

    (under 25) aswell as JB1.

    I am not sure if you know of the mixes DD1 and KR1, but in the event that A7 does not

    work whatsoever for me, could replacing the NPA of DD1 or the PI of KR1 with A7 work aswell as the originals? what

    is your input on this?

    All hail pheromone masters as yourself who knowbetter

    Thanks again
    STIFFLER doesent need pheromones, he is a living jambat #1 mix

  22. #22
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    pheronoob I'm also young

    and tried very hard to od and no results.... Im starting to think our age and environment prevent the use of

    pheromones effectively

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonymsheen View Post
    pheronoob I'm also young and tried very hard to od and no results.... Im starting to

    think our age and environment prevent the use of pheromones effectively
    Believe me if that were the case,

    kids your age would not poop bricks when they see me, part of the issue is these scents are not who you really are.

    You are already probably in most students eyes seen as a beta male.
    Something to think on, ALL interpersonal responses and relationships are based off biological chemical pheromone messages.

  24. #24
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    You might try a good book on

    sexual/dating body language. most women send body language messages in the hope a man they crave will be smart

    enough to 'get' them.
    you might then notice how many hits you ARE getting. worth a try. there is one by allen

    and barbara pease that helped me. and r don steele's books.

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